HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Business scenario: rerunning the original process chain job from the failed process

As a scheduling administrator, you are responsible for managing batch jobs in both SAP and non-SAP systems. The workflow is one or more job streams in HCL Workload Automation. A job stream contains jobs that collect and prepare data for month-end closing over all sales channels. The month-end closing report requires data to be collected from several sales and distribution systems. Data is collected using local and remote process chains in the SAP Business Intelligence system. The process chains include a set of Infopackages, ABAP reports, and operating system jobs to sort the report data by a logical hierarchy.

To administer from a single point of control, you link the SAP process chains to HCL Workload Automation through HCL Workload Automation.

During batch processing, an HCL Workload Automation job comprising a process chain, failed. Optionally, you can see which processes failed either from the Dynamic Workload Console (for details, see Displaying details about a process chain job) or in the job log. You ask the SAP administrator to fix the cause of the error, then, on an extended agent, you rerun the HCL Workload Automation job by setting the step as RESTARTvalue. In this way, the original process chain is restarted from the failed processes and continues until the ending step.

Alternatively, you can select the process chain job from the Monitor Jobs view on the Dynamic Workload Console and then select More Actions > Restart Process Chain and then select the Restart from the failed processes option.