Committing CCMS alerts
About this task
The CCMS alerts that you defined as HCL Workload Automation events are not automatically committed after their processing. To commit an alert that was processed by HCL Workload Automation, use the external task Put Information (PI).
To replace the command arguments with the actual values, refer to the output returned by the event rule you defined. For details about the correspondence between the CCMS properties and the Console and composer properties, see Table 1.
a command line, enter the following command:
Where:Command syntax >>- -r3batch-- -t PI-- -c--Agent_name-- -- " -t CA--------------> >-- -alsysid--sap_system_ID-- -msegname--alert_mte_segment------> >-- -aluniqnum--alert_UID-- -alindex--alert_index---------------> >-- -alertdate--alert_date-- -alerttime--alert_time--"---------><
- -t PI
- Identifier of the task to be performed, in this case PI (Put Information).
- -c Agent_name
- Name of the dynamic or extended agent workstation connected to the SAP system where the MTE for which the alert was raised is located.
- -t CA
- Identifier of the task to be performed, in this case CA (Commit Alert).
- -alsysid sap_system_ID
- Identifier of the SAP system where the MTE for which the alert was raised is located. If the name contains blanks, enclose it between single quotes.
- -msegname alert_monitoring_segment
- Name of the alert monitoring segment. You can specify from 1 to 40 characters.
- -aluniqnum alert_UID
- Unique identifier of the alert, made up of 10 characters.
- -alindex alert_index
- Alert index, made up of 10 characters.
- -alertdate alert_date
- Date of the alert, in the format yyyymmdd.
- -alerttime alert_time
- Time of the alert, in the format hhmmss.
The following is an example of how to commit a CCMS alert:
r3batch -t PI -c horse10 -- " -t CA -alsysid T10
-msegname SAP_CCMS_horse10_T10_00 -aluniqnum 0017780869
-alindex 0000000104 -alertdate 20081007 -alerttime 040356"
You are returned with the message The CCMS alert was successfully confirmed.