Job log output
The HCL Workload Automation for IBM Cognos report job log and content.
The output of an HCL Workload Automation job for IBM Cognos report shows:Environment:
- In the first part the JSDL definition you submitted.
- In the second part how the job completed.
How the job completed. See Sample job log in a z/OS environment.
For information about accessing the job log, see Analyzing the job log

Sample job log output
This example shows the output of a job that run on a dynamic agent that completed
%sj NC125152#JOBS.REPOR1722160684;std=================
= JOB : NC125152#JOBS[(0000 02/27/12),(JOBS)].REPOR1722160684
= TASK : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl=""
<jsdl:application name="cognos">
= AGENT : NC125152
= Job Number: 1060841359
= Mon Feb 27 17:22:30 CET 2012
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path
"/content/package[@name='tws4apps']/report[@name='Address Report']" started
AWKCGE051I The IBM Cognos report with path "/content/package[@name='tws4apps']
/report[@name='Address Report']" completed successfully.
AWKCGE053I The IBM Cognos report results were sent by email to
AWKCGE052I The IBM Cognos report results were saved in the file
"C:\Cognos reports\ReportForEuropeBusiness.html".
= Exit Status : 0
= Elapsed Time (Minutes) : 1
= Mon Feb 27 17:22:44 CET 2012
example shows the output of a job that runs on a dynamic agent that
completed with errors:
%sj NC125152#JOBS.REPOR1726171742;std=================
= JOB : NC125152#JOBS[(0000 02/27/12),(JOBS)].REPOR1726171742
= TASK : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl=""
<jsdl:application name="cognos">
= AGENT : NC125152
= Job Number: 1060841360
= Mon Feb 27 17:26:30 CET 2012
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path "/content/package[@name='cognosTime']
/interactiveReport[@name='date and time report']" started running.
AWKCGE056E The IBM Cognos report completed with errors.
= Status Message: AWKCGE056E The IBM Cognos report completed with errors.
= Exit Status : -1
= Elapsed Time (Minutes) : 1
= Mon Feb 27 17:26:37 CET 2012

Sample job log in a z/OS environment
This example shows the output of a job that run on a dynamic agent that completed successfully:
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path
/package[@name='GO Data Warehouse\
(query)']/folder[@name='Report Studio Report Samples']
/report[@name='Total Revenue by Country']"
started running.
AWKCGE051I The IBM Cognos report with path
/package[@name='GO Data Warehouse\
(query)']/folder[@name='Report Studio Report Samples']
/report[@name='Total Revenue by Country']"
completed successfully.
AWKCGE052I The IBM Cognos report results were saved in the file "c:\addrep1.csv".
AWKCGE053I The IBM Cognos report results were sent by email to
This example shows the output
of a job that run on a dynamic agent that completed with errors:
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path
/folder[@name='Reports with parameters and prompts']
/interactiveReport[@name='Report 7 with special chars']" started running.
AWKCGE056E The IBM Cognos report completed with errors.