HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Job log output

The HCL Workload Automation for IBM Cognos report job log and content.


The output of an HCL Workload Automation job for IBM Cognos report shows:
  • In the first part the JSDL definition you submitted.
  • In the second part how the job completed.

See Sample job log output.

How the job completed. See Sample job log in a z/OS environment.

For information about accessing the job log, see Analyzing the job log

Sample job log output

This example shows the output of a job that run on a dynamic agent that completed successfully:
%sj NC125152#JOBS.REPOR1722160684;std=================
= JOB       : NC125152#JOBS[(0000 02/27/12),(JOBS)].REPOR1722160684
= TASK      : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl="http://www.abc.com/xmlns/prod/scheduling/1.0/jsdl"
  <jsdl:application name="cognos">


= AGENT     : NC125152
= Job Number: 1060841359
= Mon Feb 27 17:22:30 CET 2012
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path
 "/content/package[@name='tws4apps']/report[@name='Address Report']" started 
AWKCGE051I The IBM Cognos report with path "/content/package[@name='tws4apps']
/report[@name='Address Report']" completed successfully.
AWKCGE053I The IBM Cognos report results were sent by email to 
AWKCGE052I The IBM Cognos report results were saved in the file
 "C:\Cognos reports\ReportForEuropeBusiness.html".
= Exit Status           : 0
= Elapsed Time (Minutes) : 1
= Mon Feb 27 17:22:44 CET 2012
This example shows the output of a job that runs on a dynamic agent that completed with errors:
%sj NC125152#JOBS.REPOR1726171742;std=================
= JOB       : NC125152#JOBS[(0000 02/27/12),(JOBS)].REPOR1726171742
= TASK      : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl="http://www.abc.com/xmlns/prod/scheduling/1.0/jsdl"
  <jsdl:application name="cognos">

= AGENT     : NC125152
= Job Number: 1060841360
= Mon Feb 27 17:26:30 CET 2012
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path "/content/package[@name='cognosTime']
/interactiveReport[@name='date and time report']" started running.
AWKCGE056E The IBM Cognos report completed with errors.
= Status Message:  AWKCGE056E The IBM Cognos report completed with errors.
= Exit Status           : -1
= Elapsed Time (Minutes) : 1
= Mon Feb 27 17:26:37 CET 2012

Sample job log in a z/OS environment

This example shows the output of a job that run on a dynamic agent that completed successfully:
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path
/package[@name='GO Data Warehouse\
(query)']/folder[@name='Report Studio Report Samples']
/report[@name='Total Revenue by Country']"
started running.
AWKCGE051I The IBM Cognos report with path
/package[@name='GO Data Warehouse\
(query)']/folder[@name='Report Studio Report Samples']
/report[@name='Total Revenue by Country']" 
completed successfully.
AWKCGE052I The IBM Cognos report results were saved in the file "c:\addrep1.csv".
AWKCGE053I The IBM Cognos report results were sent by email to 
This example shows the output of a job that run on a dynamic agent that completed with errors:
AWKCGE050I The IBM Cognos report with path
/folder[@name='Reports with parameters and prompts']
/interactiveReport[@name='Report 7 with special chars']" started running.
AWKCGE056E The IBM Cognos report completed with errors.