HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Customizing HCL Workload Automation to run IBM InfoSphere DataStage jobs

You can customize HCL Workload Automation for running IBM InfoSphere DataStage jobs by using the DataStageJobExecutor.properties file.

The DataStageJobExecutor.properties file is a text file that contains the user credentials and the path where you installed the IBM InfoSphere DataStage Server.

The file is located in the directory:
Where agent_install_dir is the path where you installed the HCL Workload Automation dynamic agent or the IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS agent.

The properties file is automatically generated either when you perform a "Test Connection" from the Dynamic Workload Console in the job definition panels, or when you submit the job to run the first time. Once the file has been created, you can customize it. This is especially useful when you need to schedule several jobs of the same type. You can specify the values in the properties file and avoid having to provide information such as credentials and other information, for each job. You can override the values in the properties files by defining different values at job definition time.

You can define the property contained in the .properties file, except the installDir property, at job definition time also. In this case HCL Workload Automation uses the values you specify at job definition time for running the job. You must define all or none of these properties either using the command line, the Dynamic Workload Console, or the .properties file, otherwise you receive an error message. If you do not define any of these properties either in the .properties file or at job definition time, HCL Workload Automation assumes that you did not set any security on the IBM InfoSphere DataStage server and tries the connection to the IBM InfoSphere DataStage server anyway. Table 1 describes the properties contained in DataStageJobExecutor.properties.
Table 1. Properties to run IBM InfoSphere DataStage jobs
Property Description/value Required
installDir The IBM InfoSphere DataStage Server directory where you find the DataStage command, dsjob. The default is:
UNIX and Linux operating systems:
Windows operating systems:
Domain The domain to log on to, expressed as domain:port_number  
Server The server to log on to.  
UserName The user to use when logging on.  
Password The password of the authorized user. It is encrypted when you retrieve any information by using a list or when you submit the job.  


This example shows a .properties file.