HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite jobs

HCL Workload Automation job definition properties and JSDL examples for running Oracle E-Business Suite jobs.

Table 1 describes the required and optional attributes for Oracle E-Business Suite jobs, together with a description of each attribute.
Table 1. Required and optional attributes for the job definition of Oracle E-Business Suite jobs.
Attribute Description Required
Hostname The Oracle E-Business Suite server address. ✓ Required if not specified in the Oracle E-Business Suite job plug-in properties file.
Port The port number of the Oracle E-Business Suite server.
SID The Oracle E-Business Suite server identifier. ✓ Required if not specified in the Oracle E-Business Suite job plug-in properties file.
Username The name of the user authorized to access the Oracle E-Business Suite server. ✓ Required if not specified in the Oracle E-Business Suite job plug-in properties file.
Password The password associated with the user authorized to access the Oracle E-Business Suite server. ✓ Required if not specified in the Oracle E-Business Suite job plug-in properties file.
Driver Classpath The path of the JAR file that contains the drivers required to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite. ✓ Required if not specified in the Oracle E-Business Suite job plug-in properties file.
Application User The name of a valid Oracle E-Business Suite application user.
Application Identifier The name of the Oracle E-Business Suite application module used to sign on to Oracle E-Business Suite application.
Responsibility Identifier A valid responsibility for the Oracle E-Business Suite application module.
Concurrent Program The Oracle E-Business Suite job name.
Application Name The name of the Oracle E-Business Suite application that registered the job.
Organization Name The name of the Oracle E-Business Suite operating unit (ORG_ID).
Parameters The Oracle E-Business Suite application parameters, if any.  
Printer Name The name of the printer. If the specified printer doesn't exist, the job execution doesn't fail.  
Print Copies The number of copies that you want to print.  
Users to notify The list of users that must be notified by the Oracle E-Business Suite application. Input format is:

<template application name, template code, language, territory, format>