HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Defining HCL Workload Automation jobs to run Oracle E-Business Suite jobs by using the Dynamic Workload Console

You can define jobs using the Dynamic Workload Console when you are working in either a distributed environment or in a z/OS environment.

About this task

To define a job that runs an Oracle E-Business Suite job by using the Dynamic Workload Console, complete the following procedure. See Defining a job for information about defining jobs with other available interfaces.

A description of the job properties and valid values are detailed in the context-sensitive help in the Dynamic Workload Console by clicking the question mark (?) icon in the top-right corner of the properties pane.


  1. In the console navigation tree, expand Administration > Workload Design and click Manage Workload Definitions.
  2. Specify an engine name, either distributed or z/OS. The Workload Designer is displayed.
  3. In the Working List panel, select New > Job Definition > ERP > Oracle E-Business. In a z/OS environment, select New > ERP > Oracle E-Business. The properties of the job are displayed in the right-hand panel for editing.
  4. In the properties panel, specify the attributes for the job definition that you are creating. You can find detailed information about all the attributes in the help available with the panel. In particular:
    In the General panel:
    Distributed Environment:
    Enter the name of the HCL Workload Automation job that runs the Oracle E-Business Suite application.
    Enter the name of the workstation where the HCL Workload Automation job is to run.
    z/OS Environment:
    Enter the name of the partitioned data set where you want to create the JCL.
    Enter the name of the JCL that you want to create in the partitioned data set.
    Enter the name of the workstation where the HCL Workload Automation job is to run.
    In the Oracle E-Business Suite panel:
    In the Server section:
    Enter the credentials that are related to the Oracle E-Business Suite server. If you do not want to specify them here, you can define them in the OracleEBusinessJobExecutor.properties file. In this case HCL Workload Automation reads them from the .properties file when you submit the job. Use the Test Connection button to verify the connection to the Oracle E-Business Suite server using the credentials specified.

    You must specify the credentials either using the Dynamic Workload Console or the .properties file, otherwise you receive an error message. See Customizing HCL Workload Automation to run Oracle E-Business Suite jobs.

    For a description of the parameters in the Server section, see Job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite jobs or refer to the help available with the panel.

    In the Application section
    Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite application user and the application job attributes. Pick lists are available for easy selection. HCL Workload Automation retrieves this information directly from the Oracle E-Business Suite Server. Click Test Application to verify that the information you entered for the Application User, the Application Identifier and the Responsibility Identifier are correct.

    For a description of the parameters in the Application section, see Job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite jobs or refer to the help available with the panel.

  5. Click Save to save the job definition in the database.