The criteria hierarchy is stored in the criteria profile
and is made up of criteria. A group of criteria is contained in a
Before you begin
The criteria hierarchy is made up of a combination of nodes
and criteria. A node contains a group of criteria where the relationship
between the criteria is determined by an AND or an OR relation. You
can nest nodes in other nodes. By default, a top level AND node is
created in the criteria hierarchy. You can create other AND or OR
nodes nested in this parent node. You can also add one or more criterion
to the nodes. Add an AND node when all of the criteria defined in
the node must be fulfilled. Add an OR node when at least one of the
criteria defined in the node must be fulfilled.
About this task
In this example, define a criterion that logs all events
whose name begins with CRITICAL_EVENT and with
event argument equal to 789.
- Click
to create a new criterion in
the default AND node.
- In Description, type Criterion
- In EVENTID, click
to specify the value for the EVENTID
- Leave the default value Select to
indicate to use the selection criterion specified when processing
- In Options, select Pattern and
in Single Value or Lower Limit, type CRITICAL_EVENT*. This sets the condition for the event name.
- In EVENTPARM, click
to specify the value for the EVENTPARM
- Leave the default value Select to
indicate to use the selection criterion specified when processing
- In Options, select Equal
to and in Single Value or Lower Limit,
type 789. This sets the condition
for the event argument.
- Click Save to save the criterion
The criteria profile now contains a criterion that specifies
which raised events must be logged. You can continue to create another
criteria in the same parent node or you can nest either an AND or
an OR node in the parent node to determine the logical relation between
the criteria that the nested node will contain. Add an AND node within
which you can create one or more criteria where all the criteria specified
in the node must be fulfilled, or add an OR node within which you
can create one or more criteria where at least one of the criteria
specified must be fulfilled.
What to do next
To apply this criteria profile so that it begins processing
events according to the criteria defined, you must activate the criteria