Return codes
The following is a list of the return codes for job types with advanced options
Database jobs:
RC = 0 -> Job completed successfully
RC = -1 -> SQL statement was run with an exit code different from 1
RC = -2 -> MSSQL Job error
RC = -3 -> SQL statement did not run because of an error in the statement
File transfer jobs:
RC = 0 -> The file transfer completed successfully
RC = -1 -> The file transfer is not performed. The job fails with the following
error code: AWKFTE007E
Explanation: An error occured during the file transfer operation
Possible reasons: Remote file not found or permission denied
RC = -2 -> The file transfer is not performed. The job fails with the following
error code: AWKFTE020E
Explanation: Only for SSH or Windows protocols. An error was returned
while attempting to convert the code page
Possible reasons: For SSH or Windows protocols, the code page is
automatically detected and converted. In this case, there is an error in the
code page of the file to be transferred, which is not compliant with the
code page of the local system
RC = -3 -> The file transfer is not performed.The job fails with the following
error code: AWKFTE015E
Explanation: An error occurred during the file transfer operation
Possible reasons: Local file is not found
RC = -4 -> The file transfer is performed with the default code page. The job
fails with the following error code: AWKFTE023E
Explanation: The specified codepage conversion has not been performed.
File transfer has been performed with default code pages
Possible reasons: The specified code page is not available
IBM i jobs:
Return code = user return code when retrieved
Return code = 0 -> job completed successfully
Return code > -1 -> job completed unsuccessfully
Java jobs:
RC = 0 -> Job completed successfully
RC = -1 -> The Java application launched by the job failed due to an exception
Web services jobs:
RC = 0 -> Job completed successfully
RC = -1 -> The server hostname contained in the Web Service URL is unknown
RC = -2 -> Web Service invocation error
When the user return code is retrieved, the IBM i Agent Monitor assigns a priority to it.