Add JCL Job
Describes how to add a JCL job using the API.
The parameters to add a JCL job are:
- The job itself
- The job key, which consists of the library name and the JCL job name.
The command returns the ID of the created job.
The following example code creates a JCL job and adds it to a specific
job library:
JCL jcl = new JCL();
JCLKey jobk1 = new JCLKey("TWSSD.CWSD64.JOBLIB","MYJCL");
jcl.getTextLines().add("//"+name+" JOB (876903,D07),'AAAAAAA',MSGLEVEL=(1,1), 00010000");
jcl.getTextLines().add("// MSGCLASS=A,CLASS=A,NOTIFY=CARDELL 00020000");
jcl.getTextLines().add("//STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 00030001");
jcl.getTextLines().add("//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 00060000");
id = model.addTWSObject(jcl,null);