HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Other project folders

Describes the event management plug-in other project folders.

Beside the standard source and class file folders, the following folders are used by the Prepare for TWS Deployment file to package the plug-in for deployment on the event processor.

Use this folder to store additional configuration files (such as property files) that the HCL Workload Automation administrator must edit for this operation. The Prepare for TWS Deployment action copies these files into the dist folder outside the plug-in jar. To access these files from the Java™ code, load them as resources from the class loader.
Use this folder to store the plug-in documentation such as Javadocs or documentation about the defined events and actions.
Contains additional jar libraries required by the plug-in Java class. The Prepare for TWS Deployment action copies these jars into the dist folder for use at run time. Jar files in this directory must be added manually to the Java Build Path Libraries.
This is the target directory of the Prepare for TWS Deployment process. After you have run the Prepare for TWS Deployment action from the project menu, this folder will contain all the files that must be copied onto HCL Workload Automation.