Automation of Iterative Workflows
The new Job Management plug-in enables iterative processing of a sequence of jobs within a job stream while a condition is met.
For complex workflows, the iteration of sequence of jobs within the overall orchestration can be a challenging task. By selecting the option to rerun a job with all its successors jobs in the same job stream, the Job Management plug-in enables iterative processing of a sequence of jobs while a condition is met. It is like a DO WHILE statement in programming languages.
It is just a matter of adding a Job Management job at the end of the sequence of jobs that you want to iterate. The Job Management job requests to rerun the first job in the sequence along with its successor jobs. The iteration is controlled by the output conditions of the first job in the sequence: it stops when the condition is no longer satisfied.
For information about the Job Management plug-in, see Job Management jobs.
For a complete scenario, see the video Automation of Iterative Workflows on the Workload Automation YouTube channel.