Extra opportunities for modifying job definitions already in the plan
Modify a job instance in the plan before it runs or modify an instance of a job in the plan that has already run and rerun the modified job.
You can modify a job definition in the database whenever and as many times as you want. However, there are times when you need to make changes to the job definition, but it has already been submitted into the plan and runs as is. This results in extra work and lost time in updating the definition in the database and then getting it into the plan to run.
This feature adds the flexibility you need so that you can now make changes to the definition even after it has already been submitted into the plan, maintaining the original definition in the database. With this additional flexibility, you can edit the job definition on-the-fly before it runs or rerun a job with a different definition. This can be done from either the Job Stream Graphical View, the job monitoring view, or from the conman command line.
Maybe you want to substitute the command or script executed by the job with a different one? Maybe you just need to tweak an argument? Maybe you need to rerun a job updating the logon name, priority, or connection server? Whatever the change, this enhancement allows you to quickly react and avoid possible disasters, and increase your productivity by addressing additional scenarios in your workload that were not contemplated at the time you modeled or planned your workload.
For details about how to modify the job definition in the plan using the conman command line, see the commands altjob and rerun.
For details about how to modify the job definition in the plan from the Dynamic Workload Console see Modifying job instances in the plan to control job processing.
See an introduction to this feature in the video,New opportunities to react and recover, available on the Workload Automation YouTube channel.