HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKDBE - Database Job Executor messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be generated by the routines that handle the Database Job Executor.

The message component code is DBE.

AWKDBE001E   The server address is missing.


The server address is required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a server address.

AWKDBE002E   The server port is either missing or not valid. Specify a value in the 1..65535 interval.


A valid server port is required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a valid server port.

AWKDBE003E   The database name is missing.


The database name is required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a database name.

AWKDBE004E   The credentials are missing.


The credentials are required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify the credentials.

AWKDBE005E   The user name or the password is missing.


The user name and the password are required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify both user name and password

AWKDBE006E   Missing statements.


No statement was specified. At least one statement is required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify one or more statements.

AWKDBE007E   Runtime Error "exception_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE008E   Unable to create the output file "output_file".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE009E   Unable to create the connection "exception_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE010E   MSSQL Job Execution Error "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE011E   SQL Job Execution Error "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE012E   Rollback error "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE013E   Connection close error "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE014E   Output file close error "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE015E   The DBMS value is either empty or not valid.


The value specified for DBMS is either empty or not valid.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a valid DBMS or do not use the DBMS tag.

AWKDBE016E   Empty statement.


The statement is empty.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Provide a value for the statement and retry the operation.

AWKDBE017E   The JDBC Driver jar classpath is missing.


The JDBC Driver path in the configuration file is required.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify the JDBC Driver path.

AWKDBE018E   Cannot access required JDBC Driver folder


The job was not able to access a JDBC Driver folder, you might not have enough permissions.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify that you have enough permissions.

AWKDBE019E   The job type is not valid; it must be job or sql


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a correct job type.

AWKDBE020E   The driver class name is missing.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a driver class name.

AWKDBE021E   The connection URL is missing.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a connection URL.

AWKDBE023E   An error occurred while attempting to connect to the database. See the attached database message for more information: "exception_message".


The database address, name, or port might be incorrect.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKDBE025E   The job type is not valid; it must be sql.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify the correct job type.

AWKDBE026E   The number of arguments is invalid; they must be 4 (Procedure Variable Type, Variable Name, SQL Variable Type, Variable Position Index).


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify the correct arguments.

AWKDBE027E   IN or INOUT variable was not specified.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify the variable value.

AWKDBE028E   The SQL type "sql_type" is not supported.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The specific stored procedure is not supported.

AWKDBE029E   The type "procedure_type" is not valid as stored procedure parameter type.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The type of stored procedure is invalid.

AWKDBE030E   The string "sql_string" doesn't match a supported SQL type.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The string doesn't match a supported SQL type.

AWKDBE031E   The string "procedure_string" doesn't match a valid stored procedure parameter.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The string doesn't match a supported SQL type.

AWKDBE032E   The stored procedure name provided doesn't match any stored procedure definition in the database.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the stored procedure name.

AWKDBE033E   The stored procedure name provided matches more then one stored procedure definition in the database, to disambiguate specify also the schema.


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Disambiguate specifing also the schema.

AWKDBE035E   An error occured while impersonating the domain user. Return code "return_code".


An error occured while impersonating the domain user

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check if the user name and password are correct and that the user has the correct privileges

AWKDBE036E   An error occured while acquiring credentials for the domain user. Return code "return_code".


An error occured while acquiring credentials for the domain user

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check if the user name and password are correct and that the user has the correct privileges

AWKDBE037E   An error occured while freeing credentials for the domain user. Return code "return_code".


An error occured while freeing credentials for the domain user

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The operation is not performed.

AWKDBE038E   An error occured while undoing impersonation for the domain user. Return code "return_code".


An error occured while undoing impersonation for the domain user

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The operation is not performed.

AWKDBE039E   Stored procedures are not supported for Big SQL.


Stored procedures are not supported for Big SQL.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The operation is not performed.

AWKDBE040E   Stored procedures are not supported for Hive.


Stored procedures are not supported for Hive.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The operation is not performed.

AWKDBE041E   You did not specify the directory name for the output file. The output file must contain the fully qualified path.


The output file does not contain the directory name.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Provide the the directory name for the output file here and retry the operation.

AWKDBE042E   You did not specify the file name for the output file. The output file must contain the fully qualified path.


The output file does not contain the file name.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Provide the the file name and retry the operation.

AWKDBE043E   The directory "file_path" you specified to save the output file does not exist.


file_path identifies the name of the directory that cannot be found.

The directory where you want to save the file must exist when the job runs.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Provide an existing directory in the SQL job definition or create the missing directory and retry the operation.