HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKDSJ - Distributed shadow job validation messages

This section lists error and warning messages that could be generated by the distributed shadow job validation.

The message component code is DSJ.

AWKDSJ001E   The value assigned to the application name is not coherent with the XML definition.


You used a wrong value for the application name. The correct value for a distributed shadow job is distributedShadowJob.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify distributedShadowJob as application name and then retry.

AWKDSJ002E   The XML namespace definition is unknown.


The XML namespace definition must match the application name.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Enter an existing XML namespace definition.

AWKDSJ003E   The range assigned to the matching criteria is not valid.


The value specified in the To attribute precedes the value specified in the From attribute.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify a valid range for the matching criteria.

AWKDSJ004E   The value assigned to JobStream is not valid.


The JobStream value can contain the characters 0-9,a-z,_, it must not exceed 16 characters, and it must start with a letter.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Enter a valid JobStream value and then retry.

AWKDSJ005E   The value assigned to Workstation is not valid.


The Workstation value can contain the characters 0-9,a-z,_, it must not exceed 16 characters, and it must start with a letter.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Enter a valid Workstation value and then retry.

AWKDSJ006E   The value assigned to Job is not valid.


The Job value can contain the characters 0-9,a-z,_, it must not exceed 16 characters, and it must start with a letter.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Enter a valid Job value and then retry.

AWKDSJ007E   The value assigned to From or To attributes is not valid.


The correct syntax for From and To attributes for absolute interval matching criteria is: HHMM [+|-[1-6]]. Make sure you add a space between HHMM and [+|-[1-6]].

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Enter valid values for absolute interval matching criteria.

AWKDSJ008E   The value assigned to From or To attributes is not valid.


The correct syntax for From and To attributes for relative interval matching criteria is: [+|-][hh]hmm. The maximum value for [hh]hmm is 16759.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Enter valid values for relative interval matching criteria.