HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKICA - Calendar messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued by the Calendar.

The message component code is ICA.

AWKICA001E   Only one of the following values"var0" and "var1" is allowed for frequency "var2".


The ICalendar rule contains two frequency values; ICalendar syntax allow only one possible value foe the frequency token.

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.

AWKICA002E   Rule "var0" is incompatible with frequency "var1".


The ICalendar contains a rule (e.g. BYDAY) that is not compatible with the specified frequency (e.g. WEEKLY).

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.

AWKICA003E   Cannot add the day of week to the recurrence rule. The name for the day of week ("var0") is incorrect.


The ICalendar contains an invalid weekday value; weekday value can be one of SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA.

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.

AWKICA004E   Cannot add the element to the recurrence list. The element cannot be less than the minimal value for the list ("var0"). The element value is "var1".


The ICalendar contains an interval whose minimum value is less than the minimum allowed value for an interval.

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.

AWKICA005E   Cannot add element to the recurrence list. The element cannot be greater than the maximum value for the list ("var0"). The element value is "var1".


The ICalendar contains an interval whose maximum value is greater than the maximum allowed value for an interval.

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.

AWKICA006E   Cannot add element to the recurrence list because the element value is zero.


The ICalendar contains a list element whose value is zero, whereas zero is not a valid value for this calendar.

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.

AWKICA007E   Cannot set the interval because the value "var0" is less than 0.


The ICalendar contains an interval whose minimum value is less than zero.

System action

The ICalendar rule is not created.

Operator response

Check that the specified ICalendar rule is well formed and adhere to the ICalendar specifications.