HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKJDE - Job dispatcher messages

This section lists error and warning Job dispatcher messages that might be issued.

The message component code is JDE.

AWKJDE005E   An error occurred accessing the job repository database while performing the "operation" operation. The internal error is: "error".


It was not possible to run the specified action on the job repository database. Possible reasons are:
  • The service is unavailable.
  • The Dynamic Workload Broker server is down or not responding.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE007W   An error occurred sending a client notification. The URL might not be accepting connections. The internal error is: "error".


The Job Dispatcher is unable to notify the change of status of a job. This might be because of a network problem or because a recipient is not listening.

Operator response

Check whether the network is available.

AWKJDE008E   An error occurred connecting to the job manager session bean. The internal error is: "error".


The Job Dispatcher is unable to communicate with Job Manager because of an internal error.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server and try again.

AWKJDE011E   An error occurred accessing the job repository database. See the exception log for details.


It was not possible to access the job repository database. Possible reasons are:

  1. The database server is down or not responding.
  2. There are no available connections in the connection pool.

Operator response

Check whether DB2 is running. See the exception log for details.

AWKJDE012W   A job repository operation failed. See the exception log for details. Restart the database and try again.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE013W   An error occurred sending a Job Notification. See the exception log for details.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE014E   An error occurred creating failure or move history data alarm service. The following error was received: : "error". The Job Dispatcher cannot be started.


There was a problem starting the Job Dispatcher because of an internal error.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE017E   An error occurred creating web service proxy. The following error was received: : "error". The Job Dispatcher cannot be started.


There was a problem starting the Job Dispatcher because of an internal error.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE018E   An error occurred starting Job Dispatcher Queue Manager thread. The following error was received: "error".


There was a problem while processing requests posted to Job Dispatcher.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server. If the problem persists, see the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE019E   The Resource Advisor URL is not configured. The Job Dispatcher cannot be started.


There was a problem starting the Job Dispatcher because the key RAEndpointAddress is missing from the configuration file.

Operator response

Verify the correctness of the key RAEndpointAddress in the configuration file JobDispatcherConfig.properties.

AWKJDE020W   An error occurred sending a client notification. The URL might not be accepting connections. See the exception log for details.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE021E   Incorrect input argument. Verify the input parameters JSDL and clientNotifyEPR.


A null value for Job definition name was passed to the submitJob method.

Operator response

If you are using the Dynamic Workload Broker Command Line Interface or Web UI, this is an internal error. If you are using an API, verify that your code is passing the correct job definition name.

AWKJDE022E   The input message header contains an inexistent job endpoint reference.


During a request for the job execution log, the Job Dispatcher is unable to determine on which machine the job ran.

Operator response


AWKJDE023W   A resource allocation request failed. Resource Advisor URL might be down or could not accept connections. See exception log for details.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE024E   An error occurred submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE025E   An error occurred sending a cancel resource allocation for job ID "jobID". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE027W   A job is in the wrong state for the specified operation. See exception description for job ID and incorrect state descriptor.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE028E   A job interface is called with security authentication enabled but the job instance was created unauthenticated.


Job Dispatcher is serving a request with IBM WebSphere Application Server security enabled. The operation failed because the job within which the operation is being run was submitted by an unauthenticated user. This might happen if IBM WebSphere Application Server security was previously disabled.

Operator response

Run the failed operation again using the credentials for a user with the appropriate access privileges.

AWKJDE029E   A job interface is called with security authentication enabled but the calling user is not the job instance submitter or a member of the Job Administrator group.


See message text.

Operator response

Ensure that the user has the required authorization by either granting the required role to the user specified in the server connection, or by specifying a different user to connect to the server.

AWKJDE030E   An error occurred while retrieving target job End Point Reference (EPR) after submitting job "jobID" with name "name" to the agent with URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE031E   The Job Dispatcher cannot be registered to the Agent Manager. The jobs cannot be submitted to agents. The following error occurred: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE032W   A job repository operation failed with an unexpected exception.


See message text.

Operator response

Retry the operation. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE034E   An error occurred during job recovery. The following error was received: "error".


An error occurred while restoring the state of jobs that were in a non-final state when Dynamic Workload Broker was stopped. The program continues, but pending jobs might not be run.

Operator response

After Dynamic Workload Broker restarts cancel all pending jobs and submit them again.

AWKJDE035E   An unknown job state was found: "state".


See message text.

Operator response

AWKJDE036E   An error occurred while processing the job actions queue for event "eventName" on . "eventScope". The error message is: "error".


Job Dispatcher received an internal error while processing job actions. The error might prevent jobs from running.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE038E   The Job Dispatcher could not save the last notified job state for the job "jobID" because of problems with the Job Repository. The following error was received: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE039E   An error occurred during job status notification recovery. The following error was received: "error".


An error occurred while restoring the state of jobs that were in a non-final state when Dynamic Workload Broker was stopped. The program continues, but pending jobs might not be run.

Operator response

After Dynamic Workload Broker restarts cancel all pending jobs and submit them again.

AWKJDE042E   The resource allocation request for job "jobID" cannot be processed because of the following internal error: the Notify Service End Point Reference (EPR) cannot be found.


An internal error occurred while processing the resource allocation request. The Notify Service address for the job being processed is missing.

Operator response

Cancel the job and submit it again.

AWKJDE043E   Unable to retry the allocation request for job "jobID". Internal Error: Unsupported operation


See message text.

Operator response


AWKJDE044E   The Job Dispatcher failed the check on job status for job "jobID" because of the following internal error: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE045E   Error requesting resource allocation for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


An internal error occurred while processing the resource allocation request. This might be caused by a communication problem with DB2.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is up and responding and that there are database connections available in the IBM WebSphere Application Server connection pool.

AWKJDE048E   An error occurred canceling job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL" The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE055E   The Work Manager needed to schedule jobs is not configured. The Job Dispatcher cannot be started.


See message text.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE056E   An error occurred accessing the job repository database. The following error was received: : "error". The Job Dispatcher cannot be started.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE057E   An error occurred during Job Dispatcher initialization. The following error was received: "error". The Job Dispatcher cannot be started.


The Job Dispatcher could not be started because of an internal error.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE058E   The affine job is in the wrong state for the specified operation. See the exception description for job ID and incorrect state descriptor.


You have submitted a job specifying an affinity to another job, but the job is in a state that is not compatible with your request.

Operator response

Submit a job specifying affinity to jobs that are in the allowed state.

AWKJDE059E   The affine job for job ID "jobID" is incorrect or cannot be found in the Job Repository.


See message text.

Operator response

Check that you have specified the correct affine job.

AWKJDE060E   The affine job with alias "alias" is incorrect or cannot be found in the Job Repository.


See message text.

Operator response

Check that you have specified the correct affine job.

AWKJDE061W   Error connecting to Resource Advisor. The cancel allocation for job "jobID" cannot be processed. The Job Dispatcher will retry the connection after "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to cancel the allocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE062W   The Resource Advisor is unavailable, therefore the cancel allocation for job "jobID" cannot be processed. The Job Dispatcher will retry the connection in "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to cancel the allocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE063W   The cancel allocation request to the Resource Advisor for job "jobID" failed because the specified allocation was not found. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher cannot cancel the allocation of a job because the Resource Advisor has no allocation data for it.

This might happen at startup in the following circumstances: when the Job Dispatcher tries to cancel the allocation for jobs for which:
  • Resource Advisor has not created an allocation.
  • Resource Advisor has created an allocation by it was not delivered to Job Dispatcher because either IBM WebSphere Application Server or Dynamic Workload Broker stopped in an abrupt manner.

System action

Job Dispatcher continues to process the job.

Operator response


AWKJDE064E   The cancel allocation request to the Resource Advisor for job "jobID" failed because incorrect parameters were specified. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received an error while contacting the Resource Advisor to cancel the allocation of a job.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server to clear all allocations.

AWKJDE065E   The cancel allocation request to the Resource Advisor for job "jobID" failed because of the following Resource Advisor error: "error". Check the Resource Advisor errors for further details.


Job Dispatcher received an error from Resource Advisor while canceling the allocation of a job.

Operator response

Restart IBM WebSphere Application Server to clear all allocations.

AWKJDE068E   Unable to retry the cancel allocation request for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE069E   The allocation request for job "jobID" cannot be processed because of an error connecting to Resource Advisor. The Job Dispatcher will retry the connection in "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the allocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE070W   The allocation request for job "jobID" cannot be processed because the Resource Advisor is unavailable. The Job Dispatcher will retry the operation in "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the allocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE071E   The allocation request for job "jobID" to the Resource Advisor failed because incorrect parameters have been specified. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher got an error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the allocation of a job.

Operator response

Job Dispatcher failed to process the allocation request for the job. Check if the job definition is correct.

AWKJDE072E   The allocation request for job "jobID" failed because of the following Resource Advisor error: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the allocation of a job.

Operator response

Check that the job definition is correct.

AWKJDE075W   The reallocation of an allocation for job"jobID" cannot be processed because of an error connecting to the Resource Advisor. The Job Dispatcher will retry the connection in "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the resource reallocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE076W   The reallocation of an allocation for job"jobID" cannot be processed because the Resource Advisor is unavailable. The Job Dispatcher will retry to contact Resource Advisor in "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the resource reallocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE077E   The request to Resource Advisor for the reallocation of an allocation for job"jobID" failed because an incorrect allocation was requested. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received an error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the resource reallocation of a job.

System action

The job does not run.

Operator response

Check the allocation for the job.

AWKJDE078E   The request to Resource Advisor for the reallocation of an allocation for job"jobID" failed because incorrect parameters were specified. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received an error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the resource reallocation of a job.

System action

The job does not run.

Operator response

Check the parameters for the job.

AWKJDE079E   The request to Resource Advisor for the reallocation of an allocation for job"jobID" failed because of the following Resource Advisor error: "error". Check the Resource Advisor error log for further details.


Job Dispatcher received an error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the resource reallocation of a job.

System action

The job does not run.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE082E   Unable to retry the reallocate allocation request for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE083E   Unable to submit the job because the following variables have not been resolved: "variable_name".


The definition of the job contains one or more variables, but not all variables can be resolved to a value.

Operator response

Correct the variables in the job definition.

AWKJDE084E   Unable to submit the job because the following numeric variable value has an incorrect format "variable_name" for the expected number type "number_type". Specify the correct variable value in the appropriate format.


The job definition contains one or more variables, but the value of a variable is not compatible with the expected type for that variable.

Operator response

Correct the value that was passed to the Job Dispatcher during the job submission.

AWKJDE085E   Unable to submit the job because the following variable has incorrect syntax: "variable_name". Specify the variable values or define their values in the Job Definition.


The job definition contains one or more variables, but the value of a variable has incorrect syntax.

Operator response

Correct the value that was passed to the Job Dispatcher during the job submission.

AWKJDE086E   The Job Dispatcher cannot instantiate the Job Status Change Listener plug-in "plug-in". The following internal error occurred when loading the implementation "error": "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE087E   An error occurred. The Alarm Manager is null.


Unable to get an alarm manager from IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Operator response

AWKJDE100E   Rollback failed with database error: "error".


An error occurred when trying to rollback a transaction.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE101E   The notification address is not valid.


A parser error occurred when the job was submitted to the Job Dispatcher because the notification address is not valid.

Operator response

Verify the correctness of the notification address when submitting the job to the Job Dispatcher.

AWKJDE102E   The job submission from JSDL for job"jobID" failed because of the following error: "error".


An attempt to create a new job has failed because of the reported error.

Operator response

Verify that the JSDL is correct then try to submit the job again. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE103E   Unable to parse an XML file. Check the JSDL, endpoint reference address, and other details for the job "jobID".


An error occurred during the conversion of an XML file.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE104E   Incorrect input argument. Verify the input parameters JSDL and clientNotifyEPR.


See message text.

Operator response

AWKJDE105E   A database error occurred when notifying a status change for job "jobID"The following error was received: "error"..


A job operation failed because of a database error.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is running. See the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE107E   The job query failed because of the database error: "error".


An attempt to get a number of jobs failed because a database error.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is running. See the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE108E   Job "jobID" was not found.


The query failed because no jobs were found in the database with the specified ID.

Operator response

Check the job ID and try again.

AWKJDE109E   A database error occurred when processing job "jobID"The following error was received: "error".


A job operation failed because of a database error.

Operator response

Check if DB2 is running. See the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE110E   A database error occurred when processing the notification states of job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


A job operation failed because of a database error.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is running. See the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE111E   Cannot cancel job"jobID" because the cancel operation is not supported.


The job executor does not support the cancel operation.

Operator response


AWKJDE120E   An internal service error occurred submitting job "jobID" with End Point Reference (EPR)"EPR" . The following error was received: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE121E   An internal invocation error occurred submitting job "jobID" with End Point Reference (EPR)"EPR" . The following error was received: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE122E   An error occurred while updating the job state of job "jobID" . The following error was received: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE123E   The Job execution request for job "jobID" failed because a null value was returned for the task End Point Reference (EPR).


A submit Job operation failed because a null EPR was returned when the job was submitted to the target resource.

Operator response

Try to submit the job again. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE124E   Unsupported error while processing ExecuteJobWork action for JobID: "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


An internal error occurred when Job Dispatcher submitted the job to the endpoint. The error might be caused by unavailability of the database.

System action

If the problem is caused by a database unavailability, Job Dispatcher will submit the job again later.

Operator response

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE125E   Error submitting execution request for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


An internal error occurred when Job Dispatcher submitted the job. The error might be caused by unavailability of the database.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is available from within IBM WebSphere Application Server, then try again.

AWKJDE127E   The configuration parameter "parameter" has the following incorrect number format "wrong_parameter_value". The default value "parameter_value" will be used.


An incorrect number format was specified for the given parameter in the Job Dispatcher configuration file. The Job Dispatcher will continue to work with the default value specified in the message.

Operator response

To use a custom value, correct the value specified in the Job Dispatcher configuration file and restart the server.

AWKJDE128E   An internal error occurred while creating job history data. The following error was received: "error" .


An unexpected error occurred while moving job data from the online tables to the archive tables.

Operator response

Check the trace log for further details.

AWKJDE129E   Cancel request denied. It is not compatible with the current state of job "jobname". The job might have already completed or have been previously cancelled.


The job is in a state that is not compatible with the cancel operation. For example, the job is in the completed state.

Operator response


AWKJDE130E   The job identifier returned from the endpoint is incorrect. The job cannot be processed.


An internal error occurred on the target endpoint and the job identifier returned to the server is not valid.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE131E   The job cannot be run because it has at least one incorrect parameter in the application section.Check the logs on the endpoint for further details.


An application parameter parsing error occurred on the target endpoint. This job cannot be processed.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE132E   The target resource at address "address_url" cannot be reached. The following error occurred: "error"The system will try to submit to another available endpoint.


The server cannot contact the target resource at the specified address. The system will try to find other available resources matching the job requirements and resubmit the job to another suitable resource.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE133E   The job cannot be submitted to "address_url". The following error occurred: "error"


The server received an error while submitting the job to the specified address.

Operator response

Check the error log on the server for more details.

AWKJDE135E   The job cannot be canceled on the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred: "message"


The server received an error while canceling the job at the specified address.

Operator response

Check the error log on the server for more details.

AWKJDE138E   The cancel request could not be sent to the address "address_url". The following error occurred: "error". The system will try to cancel the job later.


See message text.

Operator response

Try to restore the connection to the unreachable endpoint and wait until Job Dispatcher retries the operation.

AWKJDE139E   The job allocation could not be canceled at the moment. The system will try to cancel the job later.


See message text.

Operator response

Wait until Job Dispatcher retries the operation.

AWKJDE140E   The job allocation could not be canceled.The following error occurred: "error"


Job Dispatcher has canceled the job, but an internal error prevented the release of resources allocated for the job.

Operator response

Restart Dynamic Workload Broker to release the resources.

AWKJDE141E   The get execution log could not be requested from the address "address_url". The following error occurred: "error". Try again later.


Job Dispatcher cannot contact the endpoint on which the job has ran to get the execution log. It is possible that there is a network problem or that the agent on the endpoint is not running.

Operator response

Identify the reason why endpoint cannot be contacted then try again.

AWKJDE142E   The get execution log could not be requested from the address "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE143E   The job submission with job definition failed because the submit parameters are null.


You have submitted a job whose job definition includes undefined parameters.

Operator response

Check the of submitted JSDL, then submit the job again.

AWKJDE144E   The job submission with job definition failed because the job definition document is null.


You have submitted a job whose job definition has not been completed.

Operator response

Check the of submitted JSDL, then submit the job again.

AWKJDE145E   The job submission with job definition "job_def_name" failed because it has an incorrect notify End Point Reference (EPR).


A job was submitted to Job Dispatcher but the reference to the entity that is the recipient for notifications is not valid.

Operator response

Correct the EPR, then submit the job again.

AWKJDE146E   The job submission with name definition failed because the submit parameters are null.


You have submitted a job by name, but the submission request includes parameters that have not been defined.

Operator response

Define the parameters within the request, then submit the job again.

AWKJDE147E   The job submission with name failed because the job definition name is null.


See message text.

Operator response

Define the job name, then submit the job again.

AWKJDE148E   The job submission with name "job_def_name" failed because it has an incorrect notify End Point Reference (EPR).


A job was submitted to Job Dispatcher but the reference to the entity that is the recipient for notifications is invalid.

Operator response

Check that the parameters passed to Job Dispatcher are valid, then submit the job again.

AWKJDE149E   The job query failed because the query parameters are null.


The query parameters have not been assigned valid values.

Operator response

Redefine the query and try again.

AWKJDE150E   Unable to cancel job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received an internal error while canceling the specified job. This might be caused by unavailability of DB2.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is available from within IBM WebSphere Application Server, then try again.

AWKJDE151E   The status notification for job "jobID" cannot be completed. The client URL "URL" is malformed.


Job Dispatcher received an unrecoverable error while notifying the changes about the job state.

System action

No further notifications about job status changes will be made to the notification recipient.

Operator response


AWKJDE152E   The status notification for job "jobID" cannot be completed. Unable to contact the notification service at URL "URL". The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received an unrecoverable error while notifying the changes about the job state.

System action

No further notifications about job status changes will be made to the notification recipient.

Operator response


AWKJDE153W   Unable to connect to client URL "URL". The status notification for job "jobID" cannot be completed. The Job Dispatcher will retry the connection in "retry_interval" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher failed to notify the change of the job state.

System action

The notification will be tried again later.

Operator response


AWKJDE154E   The status notification to the client URL "URL" for job "jobID" failed because of the following error: "error".


Job Dispatcher failed to notify the change of the job state.

System action

The notification will be tried again later.

Operator response


AWKJDE155E   The job submission contains an incorrect input argument. Verify the input parameters JSDL and clientNotifyEPR.


Job Dispatcher is serving a job submission operation, but the JSDL containing the job definition is not valid.

Operator response

Check the JSDL passed to the submit operation.

AWKJDE156W   Unable to process status notification to client. The Job Dispatcher will retry to process the notification in "retry_interval" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher failed to notify the change of the job state.

System action

The notification will be tried again later.

Operator response


AWKJDE157W   Unable to process status notification to client. The following error was received: "message".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE162W   Maximum number of status notification retry "max_retry" reached for job "jobID".


Job Dispatcher has retried several times to notify the changes about the job state, but the notification recipients have not been able to process the notification. No further notifications about this job will be made.

Operator response


AWKJDE163E   Unable to cancel allocation for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


The job was completed but it was not possible to release the resources allocated for that job because of an internal error.

System action

The operation will be retried later.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is available.

AWKJDE164E   Unable to reallocate resources for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


An internal error prevented reallocation of resources for the job.

System action

The operation will be retried later.

Operator response

Check that DB2 is available and the monitor the job status until it is submitted to a candidate endpoint. If the job enters the resource allocation failed state, resubmit it.

AWKJDE165E   Unable to cancel allocation on recovery for job "jobID". The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher has canceled the job, but an internal error prevented the release of resources allocated for the job.

Operator response

Restart Dynamic Workload Broker to release the resources.

AWKJDE166E   Unable to process a job because the job identifier is not correct.


Job Dispatcher failed when performing one of the following operations: cancel job, get execution log, get job properties. The job identifier is not correct.

Operator response

Correct the parameters passed to Job Dispatcher and retry the operation.

AWKJDE167E   The job "jobID"cannot be updated with the new status"job_status"The following error occurred: "error" The Job Dispatcher will try to update the database with the new status later.


A database error occurred when updating the status of the job. The database could be down.

System action

The Job Dispatcher will retry the update later.

Operator response

Check the server error log for more details about the failure.

AWKJDE168E   The job "jobID"cannot be updated with the new status"job_status"The following error occurred: "error" A serious outage might have affected the data integrity. Check the server error log for details about the failure.


A database error occurred when updating the status of the job. . This could be caused by an unrecoverable outage.

Operator response

Check the server error log for more details about the failure.

AWKJDE169E   Get execution log request denied. It is not compatible with the current state of the job "jobID".


Get execution log is only supported for jobs that have already started.

Operator response

Wait until the job reaches the executing state before requesting the execution log.

AWKJDE170E   The system received a resource allocation for a job with ID "jobID" , but the job was not found.


The system received a resource allocation for a job ID that was not found in the database.

This situation might happen after the system restarts and there are resource allocations related to jobs that have been archived or have been manually removed from the job repository.

System action

The system will clean up the allocation.

Operator response


AWKJDE171E   The affine job with ID "jobID" does not have a target resource.


You have submitted a job specifying an affinity with another job. This job has a valid state but no associated target resources. This can happen when a job was canceled before it has allocated resources.

Operator response

Submit a job specifying affinity with jobs that are in the allowed state and that have a target resource.

AWKJDE172E   The queue number "queue_number" for property "property_name" if is not in the range "min_value" - "max_value".


The queue number is out of range.

Operator response

Check the Job Dispatcher configuration file and set a value in the permitted range.

AWKJDE173E   The queue number "queue_number" for property "property_name" has an invalid number format.


The queue number format is not valid.

Operator response

Check the Job Dispatcher configuration file and set a value in the correct format.

AWKJDE174E   The action "action" for property "property_name" in not valid.


The action specified for the queue is not valid or unknown.

Operator response

Check the Job Dispatcher configuration file and set a valid value.

AWKJDE175E   The submission of the job definition failed because the submit parameters are null.


An attempt to create or update a new job definition failed because the specified parameters are null.

Operator response

Check the job definition parameters provided and resubmit the job.

AWKJDE176E   The submission of the job definition failed because the job definition document is null.


An attempt to create or update a new job definition failed because the job definition document is null.

Operator response

Check the job definition document. It cannot be empty.

AWKJDE177E   The job definition creation failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to create a new job definition failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE178E   The Job Definition update failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to update a new job definition failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE179E   The job definition deletion failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to delete a new job definition failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE180E   The get job definition operation failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to get a job definition failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE181E   The job definition query failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to get a number of job definitions failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE182E   The affine jobs are in wrong state for the specified operation.


You have submitted a job specifying the affinity with another job using a job alias, but all the jobs matching the specified alias are in a state that is not compatible with your request.

Operator response

Submit a job specifying affinity with jobs that are in an allowed state.

AWKJDE184E   A network error occurred while trying to contact the target resource at address "address_url".The system will try to submit to another available endpoint.


The server cannot contact the target resource at the specified address. The system will try to find other available resources matching the job requirements and resubmit the job to another suitable resource.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE185E   An unexpected error occurred while trying to decode the fault returned by the target resource at address "address_url".The original error occurred: "error". The following error occurred while decoding: "error" The system will try to submit to another available endpoint.


The server failed to decode the failure from the target resource at the specified address. The system will try to find other available resources matching the job requirements and resubmit the job to another suitable resource.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE186E   An error occurred while submitting the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while submitting the job: "error" The system will try to submit to another available endpoint.


The target resource refused the job submission. The system will try to find other available resources matching the job requirements and resubmit the job to another suitable resource.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE187E   An error occurred while submitting the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while submitting the job: "error" The system will not try to submit to any other endpoint.


The target resource refused the job submission with an unrecoverable error. The system will stop processing of this job.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE188E   An error occurred while submitting the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The system will try to submit to another available endpoint.


The target resource refused the job submission. The system will try to find other available resources matching the job requirements and resubmit the job to another suitable resource.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE189E   An error occurred while submitting the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The system will not try to submit to any other endpoint.


The target resource refused the job submission with an unrecoverable error. The system will stop the processing of this job.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE190E   An unexpected error occurred while submitting the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while submitting the job: "error" The system will try to submit to another available endpoint.


The target resource refused the job submission for an unexpected reason. The system will try to find other available resources matching the job requirements and resubmit the job to another suitable resource.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE191E   A recoverable error occurred submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE192E   An unrecoverable error occurred submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE193E   An unrecoverable error occurred submitting job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE194E   A recoverable unexpected error occurred submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE195E   The target resource could not be contacted while submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE196E   The target resource could not be contacted while submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE197E   An unrecoverable error occurred canceling job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE198E   An unrecoverable error occurred canceling job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE199E   A recoverable unexpected error occurred canceling job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE200E   The target resource could not be contacted while canceling job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE201E   A recoverable error occurred canceling job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE202E   The target resource could not be contacted while submitting job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE203E   A network error occurred while trying to contact the target resource at address "address_url".The system will retry to cancel the job later.


The server cannot contact the target resource at the specified address. The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.

Operator response

Check the network connection between the server and the agent.

AWKJDE204E   An unexpected error occurred while trying to decode the fault returned by the target resource at address "address_url".The original error occurred: "error". The following error occurred while decoding: "error" The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.


The server failed to decode the failure from the target resource at the specified address. The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE205E   An error occurred while canceling the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while canceling the job: "error" The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.


The target resource refused the job cancel. The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE206E   An error occurred while canceling the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while trying to cancel: "error" The system will not retry to cancel the job.


The target resource refused the job submission with an unrecoverable error. The system will stop processing of this job.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE207E   An error occurred while canceling the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.


The target resource refused the job cancel.The system will retry to cancel the job at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE208E   An error occurred while canceling the job to the target resource at address "address_url". The system will not retry to cancel the job.


The target resource refused the job cancel with an unrecoverable error. The system will stop the processing of this job cancel.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE209E   An unexpected error occurred while canceling the job on the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while canceling the job: "error" The system will retry to cancel the job.


The target resource refused the job cancel for an unexpected reason. The system will try to cancel the job at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE210E   An unrecoverable error occurred requesting a job execution log page for job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE211E   An unrecoverable error occurred requesting a job execution log page for job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE212E   A recoverable unexpected error occurred requestinf a job execution log page for job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE213E   The target resource could not be contacted while requesting a job execution log page for job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE214E   A recoverable error occurred requesting a job execution log page for job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE215E   The target resource could not be contacted while requesting a job execution log page for job ID "jobID" to the endpoint URL "URL".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE216E   A network error occurred while trying to contact the target resource at address "address_url".Please try again later.


The server cannot contact the target resource at the specified address. Retry the operation at a later time.

Operator response

Check the network connection between the server and the agent and try again the operation.

AWKJDE217E   An unexpected error occurred while trying to decode the fault returned by the target resource at address "address_url".The original error occurred: "error". The following error occurred while decoding: "error" Please try again later.


The server failed to decode the failure from the target resource at the specified address. Retry the operation at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE218E   An error occurred while requesting a job execution log page to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while requesting a job execution log page: "error" Please try again later.


The target resource refused the job execution log page request. Retry the operation at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE219E   An error occurred while requesting a job execution log page to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while trying to request the execution log page: "error" You can try again later, but likely fail.


The target resource refused the job execution log page request with an unrecoverable error. Future requests for this job will likely fail.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE220E   An error occurred while requesting a job execution log page to the target resource at address "address_url". Please try again later.


The target resource refused the job execution log page request. Retry the operation at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE221E   An error occurred while requesting a job execution log page to the target resource at address "address_url". You can try again later, but likely fail.


The target resource refused the job execution log page request with an unrecoverable error. Future requests for this job will likely fail.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE222E   An unexpected error occurred while requesting a job execution log page to the target resource at address "address_url". The following error occurred while requesting the job execution log page: "error" Try again later.


The target resource refused the job execution log page request for an unexpected reason. Retry the operation at a later time.

Operator response

Check the error log on the target endpoint for more details.

AWKJDE223E   The execution log page is not present for the job that has been canceled before it was executed.


The behaviour can happen when the application server is restarted twice with a job in initial state cancel allocation.

Operator response


AWKJDE224E   The submission of the resource requirement failed because the resource requirement document is null.


An attempt to create or update a new resource requirement failed because the resource requirement document is null.

Operator response

Check the resource requirement document. It cannot be empty.

AWKJDE225E   The resource requirement creation failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to create a new resource requirement failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE226E   The resource requirement deletion failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to delete a resource requirement failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE227E   The get resource requirement operation failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to get a resource requirement failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE228E   The resource requirement update failed because of the database error: "DB_ERROR_MSG"


An attempt to update a resource requirement failed because of a database error.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE229E   The quantity of the logical resource "logical_resource" is incorrect


See message text, where logical_resource is the name of the logical resource.

The quantity must be a positive integer value or a variable.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The quantity must be a positive integer value or a variable.

AWKJDE230E   An error occurred notifying the status of the job id "job_id" to the address "address"


This is an internal error. The component that is .

The quantity must be a positive integer value or a variable.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

The quantity must be a positive integer value or a variable.

AWKJDE231E   An unexpected error occurred: "error"


An unexpected error occurred while dispatching the job in the workload broker server.

Operator response

Attempt to rerun the job.

AWKJDE232E   Cannot complete the required command for job type "jobtype". The specified workstation might be unavailable or not compatible.


The specified workstation might be unavailable or might not be at the required product level. HCL Workload Automation, version 8.6 or later is required for running the specified command.

jobtype is the ID of the job type.

Operator response

Verify that the workstation is available.

If the workstation is a pool or a dynamic pool, verify that it contains at least one compatible agent.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE233E   The handler for the event "eventName" and scope "scope" was not found.


This is an internal error that usually occurs when stopping or starting the broker server.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWKJDE234W   The allocation request for job "jobID" cannot be processed because the Resource Advisor is unavailable. The Job Dispatcher will retry the operation in "retry_time" seconds. The following error was received: "error".


Job Dispatcher received a communication error while contacting the Resource Advisor to process the allocation of a job.

System action

Job Dispatcher will try to contact Resource Advisor later.

Operator response


AWKJDE235W   A connection problem occurred submitting job ID "jobID" with name "name" to the endpoint URL "URL". The error message is: "error".


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE236E   An internal error occurred retrieving a job with alias "alias". The following error message is returned: "error_message".


See message text.

Operator response

Check that you have specified the correct affine job.

AWKJDE237E   You have reached the maximum number of attempts to cancel "jobID" job.


The Job Dispatcher tried to cancel the job, but the recipients could not process the cancel requests. No further attempt to cancel this job will be made.

Operator response


AWKJDE238E   Get log header request denied. It is not compatible with the current state of the job "jobID".


Get log header is only supported for jobs that have already started.

Operator response

Wait until the job reaches the executing state before requesting the log header.

AWKJDE239E   The log header is not present for the job that has been canceled before it was executed.


The behaviour can happen when the application server is restarted twice with a job in initial state cancel allocation.

Operator response


AWKJDE240E   Cannot complete the required command. The workstation might be unavailable or not compatible.


The specified workstation might be unavailable or might not be at the required product level.

Operator response

Verify that the workstation is available.

If the workstation is a pool or a dynamic pool, verify that it contains at least one compatible agent.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWKJDE241E   A database error occurred when processing job "jobID"The following error was received: "error".


A job operation failed because of a database error.

Operator response

Check if DB2 is running. See the trace file for more details.

AWKJDE242E   The action cannot be performed because the job was not submitted to the agent.


The operation was not performed..

Operator response

Check the job status and wait for the job to be sent to the agent.

AWKJDE243E   Cannot replace the variables in the job with alias "alias" because the syntax of a variable is not valid. The following error was received: "error".


The variables are not replaced but the job is submitted.

Operator response

Verify that the variables are expressed correctly.

AWKJDE244E   An unsupported value has been specified for one or more variables in the job with alias "alias". Expected value is numeric. The following error was received: "error".


An unsupported value has been assigned to a variable that requires a numeric value. The value cannot be assigned to the variable, but the job is submitted.

Operator response

Verify that the correct value is assigned to the variables in the job.

AWKJDE245E   Cannot replace the variables in the job with alias "alias" because the syntax of a variable is not valid. The following error was received: "error".


The variables are not replaced but the job is submitted.

Operator response

Verify that the variables are expressed correctly.

AWKJDE246E   An unsupported value has been specified for one or more variables in the job with alias "alias". Expected value is numeric. The following error was received: "error".


An unsupported value has been assigned to a variable that requires a numeric value. The value cannot be assigned to the variable, but the job is submitted.

Operator response

Verify that the correct value is assigned to the variables in the job.

AWKJDE247E   Cannot replace the variables in the job with alias "alias" because of a failure accessing the database. The following error was received: "error".


There was a problem accessing the database.

System action

The system will retry the operation.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE248E   The master at the address "address" cannot be contacted to get the variables for the job. The following error was received: "error".


There was a problem contacting the master.

System action

The system will retry the operation.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE249E   The master at the address cannot be contacted to get the variables for the job. The following error was received: "error".


There was a problem contacting the master.

System action

The system will retry the operation.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE250E   Unable to resolve the stduri variable "var_name". The following error was received: "error".


var_name is the name of the variable that cannot be resolved.

error is the error received requesting the job EPR.

There was a problem getting the job EPR.

System action

The system will return the name variable.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE251E   Unable to resolve the stdlist variable "var_name". The following error was received: "error".


var_name is the name of the variable that cannot be resolved.

error is the error received requesting the job log.

There was a problem getting the job log.

System action

The system will return the name variable.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE252E   Unable to resolve the property variable "var_name". The following error was received: "error".


var_name is the name of the property variable that cannot be resolved.

error is the error received requesting the job properties.

There was a problem getting the job properties.

System action

The system will return the name variable.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE253E   Unable to retrieve the job with alias "job_alias". The following error was received: "error".


job_alias is the name of the job that cannot be retrieved.

error is the error received querying the job.

There was a problem getting the job.

System action

The system will not return the job.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE254E   The job with alias "job_alias" used to resolve variables was not found.


job_alias is the name of the job that was not found.

The job to resolve the variables was not found.

System action

The system will not return the job.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE255E   The database rollback failed. The following error was received: "error"


error is the error received from rollback action.

Unable to rollback the database transaction.

System action

The system will not rollback the transaction.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE256E   Unable to retrieve the context of the job "job_id". The following error was received: "error".


job_id is the identifier of the job from which the context must be retrieved.

error is the error received querying the job.

Unable to retrieve the context of the job.

System action

The system will not return the job context.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE500E   The job cannot be submitted to "address_url". The following error occurred: "error"


The server received an error while submitting the job to the specified address.

System action

The job is routed to other agents.

Operator response

No operator response is required. The job is routed to other agents.

AWKJDE501E   The job cannot be submitted to "address_url". The following error occurred: "error"


The server received an exception from the agent showing an unrecoverable problem.

System action

The job will never start.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE502E   The job cannot be submitted to "address_url". The following error occurred: "error"


The server received an exception from the agent showing a recoverable problem.

System action

The job is routed to other agents.

Operator response

No operator response is required. The job is routed to other agents.

AWKJDE503E   The command cannot be executed by "address_url"


The server received an exception from the agent showing an unrecoverable problem.

System action

The command cannot be executed.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE504E   The log header could not be requested from the address "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE505E   The command cannot be executed on the agent at the address "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE506E   The command cannot be executed on the agent at the address "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE508E   An unexpected response was sent by the gateway on "gateway_address " while contacting the agent at the following address: "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE509E   An invalid response was sent by the gateway on "gateway_address " while contacting the agent at the following address: "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE518E   The action with id "action_id" on the gateway "gw_id" on "gateway_address " was not performed because the remote agent with this address "address_url" is down. The following error occurred: "message"


The remote JobManager process is down while the remote agent process is running.

Operator response

Check the error log on the remote agent and restart the agent.

AWKJDE519E   The agent did not contact the server to manage this request.


The remote gateway did not contact the broker server to get this action.

Operator response

Check the error log on the remote agent.

AWKJDE520E   An unexpected response was sent by the gateway on "gateway_address " while contacting the agent at the following address: "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE521E   An invalid response was sent by the gateway on "gateway_address " while contacting the agent at the following address: "address_url"The following error occurred: "message"


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE522W   There number of allowed gateways is reached. This gateway will attempt a new connection.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKJDE523E   The Job Dispatcher is not active.


See message text.

Operator response

See message text.