HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKPIC - SAP Process Integrator messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued by the SAP Process Integrator component.

The message component code is PIC.

AWKPIC001E   You did not specify any value for the host name. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC002E   You did not specify any value for the port. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC003E   You specified a wrong value for the port. Specify a value in the 1..65535 interval.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value in the range and try again.

AWKPIC004E   You did not specify any value for the service name. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC005E   You did not specify any value for the party. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC006E   You did not specify any value for the channel. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC007E   You did not specify any value for the user. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC008E   You did not specify any value for the password. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC009E   You did not specify any value for the protocol. This is required parameter. Specify a value.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify a value and try again.

AWKPIC010E   You specified a wrong value for the protocol. Specify http or https.


See message text.

System action

The job is not saved.

Operator response

You must specify http or https and try again.

AWKPIC011E   An internal error occurred while writing to output file. The error message is: "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The job output will not be available.

Operator response


AWKPIC012E   An internal error occurred while parsing the response from the channel. The error message is: "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The job output will not be available.

Operator response


AWKPIC013E   An attempt to stop one or more channels has failed.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response


AWKPIC014E   An attempt to start one or more channels has failed.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response


AWKPIC015E   An error occurred while connecting to {0} . HTTP error code {1}.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response


AWKPIC016E   An error occurred while connecting to {0} on port {1}.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response


AWKPIC017E   An error occurred while connecting to {0} . User name or password incorrect.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response


AWKPIC018E   An error occurred while connecting to {0} . Is the ChannelAdmin servlet running?.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response


AWKPIC019E   An error occurred while connecting to {0} . Does channel {1} exist?.


See message text.

System action

The job failed.

Operator response
