HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKSED - Job repository data access object messages

This section lists error and warning job repository data access object messages that might be issued.

The message component code is SED.

AWKSED101E   Unable to find Job with id_type ""jobID"" in the database.


See message text.

The job might have been archived.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

Check the Job ID.

Check whether the job has been stored consulting the properties SuccessfulJobsMaxAge and UnsuccessfulJobsMaxAge in the configuration file JobDispatcherConfig.properties.

AWKSED102E   Unable to find a Job definition with name ""jobName"" in the database.


See message text.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED103E   Unable to create a resource related to the job with ID ""jobID"" because the resource list is empty.


The specified list of resources related to a job is empty. They cannot be inserted in the database.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED104E   Unable to update the job definition with name ""jobName"" and namespace ""namespace"" because it was not found in the database.


See message text.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED105E   An error occurred when parsing JSDL while writing to the database. The following error was returned: ""operation_output"".


The conversion from JSDL (xml) to string failed. The conversion is performed before storing the JSDL in the database.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED106E   An error occurred when parsing JSDL while reading from the database. The following error was returned: operation_output.


The conversion from string to JSDL (xml) has failed. The conversion happens after reading the JSDL from the database.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED107E   Unable to create the job definition because a job definition with name ""jobName"" already exists.


See message text.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED108E   An error occurred when parsing the EPR string while writing to the database. The following error was returned: error.


The conversion from EPR (xml) to string failed. The conversion is performed before storing the EPR in the database.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED109E   An error occurred when parsing the EPR string while reading from the database. The following error was returned: error.


The conversion from string to EPR (xml) has failed. The conversion is performed after reading the EPR from the database.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED110E   Unable to create the requirement because a requirement with name ""reqName"" already exists.


See message text.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED111E   Unable to find a requirement with name ""reqName"" and namespace namespace"" in the database.


See message text.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED112E   Unable to update the requirement with name ""reqName"" and namespace ""namespace"" because it was not found in the database.


See message text.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.

AWKSED113E   An error occurred when parsing the requirement while reading from the database. The following error was returned: operation_output.


The conversion from string to requirement (xml) has failed. The conversion happens after reading the requirement from the database.

System action

The operation cannot be performed. The program continues.

Operator response

See message text.