HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWKTSA - IBM Workload Scheduler Bridge messages

This section lists error and warning IBM Workload Scheduler Bridge messages that might be issued.

The message component code is TSA.

AWKTSA004E   Unable to stop the Dynamic Workload Bridge.


An error occurred stopping the Dynamic Workload Bridge Enterprise Application.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

An internal error occurred.

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA006E   Unable to configure the Dynamic Workload Bridge configuration.


There was a problem accessing the configuration file. Possible reasons are:

  • The Dynamic Workload Broker configuration directory is not defined.
  • The configuration file is not present in the Dynamic Workload Broker configuration directory.

System action

Dynamic Workload Bridge enterprise application is not started.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA008E   Unable to start Netman.


There was a problem starting Netman. Possible reasons are:

  • Unable to create the server socket connection.
  • Unable to create the workmanager.

System action

The Dynamic Workload Bridge enterprise application is not started.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA011W   The WRITER service is already started.


The Dynamic Workload Bridge WRITER service is already running.

System action

The program continues.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA013W   The MAILMAN service is already started.


The Dynamic Workload Bridge MAILMAN service is already running.

System action

The program continues.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA016W   The SCRIBNER service is already started.


The Dynamic Workload Bridge SCRIBNER service is already running.

System action

The program continues.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA018E   Unable to start the TWSAgent WRITER service.


See message text.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA020E   Unable to stop the TWSAgent WRITER service.


See message text.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA022E   Unable to start Mailman. There could be a problem with the uplink connection to Domain Manager.


See message text.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA023W   Unable to start Mailman. The TWSAgent CPU is not initialized.


The Dynamic Workload Bridge CPU is not yet initialized. It has not yet received a Symphony file.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Initialize the Dynamic Workload Bridge before starting it.

AWKTSA025E   Unable to stop Mailman.


An internal error occurred while stopping Mailman.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA027E   Unable to start Jobman. The uplink connection might not be available.


A problem occurred sending the JOBMAN_UP message.

System action

TWSAgent will retry to send it as soon as the uplink connection is available.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA029E   Unable to stop Jobman.


An internal error occurred while stopping Jobman.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA031E   Scribner failed to retrieve the job output for job""JobID"" (alias""Job_alias"").


A problem occurred contacting the Dynamic Workload Broker Web service. Possible reasons are:

  • The service is unavailable.
  • Incorrect parameters have been used submitting the job.
  • The job submission Web service returned an operation fault.
  • A generic Web service fault occurred.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA033E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge CPU could not link to its parent.


A problem occurred while establishing the uplink connection.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA035E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge CPU was not correctly initialized.


A problem occurred initializing the Dynamic Workload Bridge CPU. Possible reasons are:

  • A problem occurred sending a MyJobRec message.
  • A problem occurred sending the MyInit message.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA043E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge could not forward the new job status ""Job_status"" for the job ""Job_name"" and job ID""JobID"" to Dynamic Workload Broker.


A problem occurred while forwarding the job status change notification to Dynamic Workload Broker. Possible reasons are:

  1. The uplink is not available.
  2. Mailman encountered a problem sending the related message.

System action

The Dynamic Workload Bridge will resend the job status change notification as soon as possible.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA047W   Unable to find the job with alias""Job_alias"" .


It was not possible to retrieve the job ID for the specified job alias. Possible reasons are:

  1. A job with the specified alias has not been found into the Dynamic Workload Broker database.
  2. The service is unavailable. Dynamic Workload Broker server might be down.
  3. The job submission web service returned an operation fault.
  4. A generic Web service fault occurred.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA048E   An internal error occurred. Scribner could not retrieve job output for the job with job ID ""JobID"" and job alias""Job_alias"").


A problem occurred retrieving the Dynamic Workload Broker Web service.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA049E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge could not submit the job ""JobID"" and job alias""Job_alias"" to the Dynamic Workload Broker server.


A problem occurred while contacting the Dynamic Workload Broker server.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA050E   A problem with the JCL content, prevent Dynamic Workload Bridge from submitting the job ""Job_Name"" (alias""Job_alias"". The following error was returned:""error"".


A problem occurred while parsing the job JCL string.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error reported by the message and correct it.

AWKTSA051E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge Notification Service cannot contact Dynamic Workload Bridge.


See message text..

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA052E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge Notification Service received a notification with an unknown format: ""format"".


A problem occurred while receiving a notification from the Dynamic Workload Broker server.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA053E   An authentication problem occurred contacting the Dynamic Workload Broker server. The UserId ""userId"" does not exist or the password is wrong.


A security problem occurred.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Insert the correct user and password into the Dynamic Workload Bridge properties file and restart the Dynamic Workload Broker server.

AWKTSA054E   The Dynamic Workload Bridge was not started because it has been disabled.

AWKTSA055E   An error occurred sending the job output for job ""JobID"" (alias""Job_alias""). The error message is ""Error_Message""


A problem occurred sending the job output

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA056E   An internal error occurred while getting the job output for job ""JobID"" (alias""Job_alias""). The error message is ""Error_Message""


A problem occurred getting the internal EJB interface to retrieve the job output

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA057E   An internal error occurred while getting the job output for job ""JobID"" (alias""Job_alias""). The error message is ""Error_Message""


A problem occurred getting the getting the UTF-8 character encoding

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA058E   The agent returned a wrong interval while getting the job output for job ""JobID"" (alias""Job_alias"").


There was an error in the response of the job output sent by the agent.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA059E   The following error was returned retrieving the job output of the job with alias ""Job_alias"": ""Error_Message""


There was an error retrieving the job output.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA060E   The following error was returned was returned sending the job output of the job with alias ""Job_alias"": ""Error_Message""


There was a connection exception sending the job output to TWS.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA061E   An event for the workstation ""workstation"" was received but this workstation is no longer in the plan. The event is discarded.


See message text.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

AWKTSA062E   An error occurred saving the Launch Job message into the DB.


A error occurred adding the new job to launch into the job table.

System action

No acknowledge will be sent back to the parent. The workstation will be set to unlinked from the parent and the message will be sent again by the parent as soon as the workstation will be linked again.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA063E   An error occurred removing the Launch Job message from the DB.


A error occurred removing from the job table the just received job to launch.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

See the trace file for more details.

AWKTSA064E   An error occurred opening the port ""port_number"". The error is ""Error_Message"".


A error occurred opening the broker workstation port.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check if a different process opened that port. If this is the case, reconfigure the broker port or the process that opened the port.

An automatic recovery procedure is periodically attempting to open this port..

AWKTSA065E   An error occurred creating the work manager of the broker workstation.The error is ""Error_Message"".


A error occurred opening the broker workstation port.

System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

An automatic recovery procedure is periodically attempting create the work manager.

AWKTSA067E   Failed contacting workstation: ""workstation"" in order to perform centralized agent update with error: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA068E   JobMan cannot start. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA069E   JobMan cannot start. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA070E   The Job Status Notifier thread cannot start. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA071E   The Job Status Notifier thread cannot start. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA072E   The Job Status Notifier thread cannot start. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA073E   The Job Status Notifier thread cannot start. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA074E   An error occurred processing a job status change. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA075E   An error occurred creating the thread that processes the job status change events. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA076E   An error occurred creating the thread that processes the job status change events. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA077E   An error occurred processing a job status change. The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA078E   An error occurred creating the work manager ""workmanager"". The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.

AWKTSA079E   An error occurred creating the work manager ""workmanager"". The error message is: ""error""


System action

The program continues, but the operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check the error message and take the appropriate action.