HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSBCT - Utility program messages

This section lists utility program error and warning messages that might be issued.

The message component code is BCT.

AWSBCT002E   A jcl file is required.

AWSBCT003E   The jcl file path must be no more than !1 characters

AWSBCT004E   The -u option is available only for root users.

AWSBCT005W   The jcl is submitted as root, you must use -u <user>.

AWSBCT006E   No password entry for the user. Error: !1

AWSBCT007E   The user name must not be more than 8 bytes.

AWSBCT008E   This user needs read and execute access for <jclfile> !1. Error: !2

AWSBCT009E   No group entry for this user. Error: !1

AWSBCT010W   Created !1 as a job stream from the group name.

AWSBCT011W   Only 8 byte schedule names supported, using: !1

AWSBCT012W   Only 8 byte job names supported, using: !1

AWSBCT013W   Used !1 as job name, from filename.

AWSBCT014E   An error occurred accessing the current work directory: !1

AWSBCT015E   An error has occurred writing to !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT016E   An error has occurred opening !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT017E   An error has occurred reading stdin, Error: !2

AWSBCT018E   Could not acquire a temporary file.

AWSBCT019E   An error has occurred closing !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT021E   Could not assign a schedule name, use -s option.

AWSBCT022E   Could not assign a job name, use -j option.

AWSBCT023E   Must assign date/time in the format YYMMDDHHmm.

AWSBCT024E   Date/time must have 10 digits in the format YYMMDDHHmm.

AWSBCT025E   Priority must be a numeric value from 0 to 101, hi (= 100), or go (= 101).

AWSBCT026E   <!1> must be specified with a leading alphabetic character.

AWSBCT031E   You must start Netman manually on this system.

AWSBCT033E   An error occurred starting the local system, Type: !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT034E   An error occurred starting the NS/DS system: !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT035E   You specified an incorrect product.

AWSBCT036E   An error occurred starting the TCP system: !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT037W   System names are limited to 8 characters.

AWSBCT038E   An error occurred accessing PROCINFO, Error1: !1, Error2: !2

AWSBCT039E   Unknown service type !1 on !2

AWSBCT040E   Service !1 already active on !2

AWSBCT042E   Service !1 disabled on !2

AWSBCT043E   Service !1, generated an unknown ack or error !3, on !2

AWSBCT044E   Incorrect client on !2, service !1 denied.

AWSBCT045E   An error occurred accessing the mozart database.

AWSBCT046E   An error occurred initializing security.

AWSBCT047E   The user is not authorized to display the selected workstation.

AWSBCT048E   Router on !1 failed to connect to the service.

AWSBCT071W   Netman is already down.

AWSBCT072E   Stopping local Netman, Error: !1

AWSBCT073W   No Netman.

AWSBCT074W   Netman is already down.

AWSBCT081E   Environment variable !1 was not found, not a HCL Workload Automation job.

AWSBCT091E   chmod error on !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT092E   chown error on !1, Error: !2

AWSBCT094E   No commands entered, the job has not been submitted.

AWSBCT105E   Unrecognized option !1.

AWSBCT107E   Databases not converted. Exiting.

AWSBCT108E   The globalopts file does not exist.

AWSBCT109E   The globalopts file needs read and write permission. Check the permissions.

AWSBCT111W   !1 is identical to !2.

AWSBCT112E   Databases not updated. Exiting.

AWSBCT113E   Unable to get inode info for !1. stat() failed.

AWSBCT116E   !1 is a special file.

AWSBCT119E   Failed to get current working directory. Exiting.

AWSBCT120E   Unable to create backup directory. Path name exceeds limit. Exiting.

AWSBCT121E   Cannot create backup directory !1.

AWSBCT122E   Backup directory !1 is not writeable. Check permissions and umask.

AWSBCT123E   Unable to open !1 for reading.

AWSBCT124E   Unable to open !1 for writing.

AWSBCT125E   An error has occurred reading file !1.

AWSBCT126E   An error has occurred writing file !1.

AWSBCT127E   Database !1 not backed up.

AWSBCT128E   Failed to convert !1.

AWSBCT129E   Failed to copy !1 to !2 directory.

AWSBCT200E   You must enter the user manually.

AWSBCT201E   Incorrect option.

AWSBCT202E   The path is limited to !1 characters.

AWSBCT203E   The filename is the only argument available.

AWSBCT212E   TokenService Error: %d in %s near %d

AWSBCT301E   You do not have permission to access !1: You must be root or the creator.

AWSBCT302E   An error has occurred with file !1: !2

AWSBCT303E   Delete of !1 failed: !2

AWSBCT305E   The delete utility is unable to continue because of the following unexpected Windows error accessing the user details: "error_description".


The delete utility is unable to retrieve the name of the current user. There might be a problem of permissions if you are not logged on as Administrator.

error_description is the error returned by the Windows API NetUserGetInfo.

System action

The delete utility cannot proceed.

Operator response

If you are not already logged on as Administrator, log on as Administrator and re-issue the command.

If you are logged on as Administrator, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCT306E   Delete of !1 failed: !2. TWS processes must be stopped in order to delete file.

AWSBCT307E   Delete of !1 failed: Is a directory.

AWSBCT309E   Delete of !1 not performed: Invalid path.

AWSBCT401E   An error has occurred while opening the job table: type=!1, !2

AWSBCT402E   No entry was found for this job number.

AWSBCT403E   Missing environment variable !1.

AWSBCT404E   Error: The value !2 for !1 is invalid.

AWSBCT405E   Keyword !1 not found.

AWSBCT406E   Keyword !1 is not unique.

AWSBCT407E   Keyword !1 is too long.

AWSBCT601E   Error on !1: !2

AWSBCT602E   File !1 is nonexistent or unreadable.

AWSBCT651E   You must be on the master domain manager to run this program.

AWSBCT652E   You must have build access to the !1 database to run this program.

AWSBCT708E   Incorrect username.

AWSBCT709E   Unknown argument %c

AWSBCT710W   The -u and -d options cannot both be supplied.

AWSBCT711E   No files specified.

AWSBCT712E   Unable to get current directory file (error %d)

AWSBCT713E   Unable to get full path for file %s (error %d)

AWSBCT714E   Unable to set current directory to %s (error %d)

AWSBCT715E   Unable to get owner for file %s (error %d)

AWSBCT716E   Unable to get owner from security descriptor %s (error %d)

AWSBCT719E   Unexpected error finding files (error %d)

AWSBCT720E   Unexpected error closing find handle (error %d)

AWSBCT721E   Error finding files with pattern = %s Error %d

AWSBCT722E   Unable to get process token (error %d)

AWSBCT723E   Unable to initialize security descriptor (error %d)

AWSBCT724E   Unable to set security descriptor owner (error %d)

AWSBCT725E   Unable to set restore privilege (error %d)

AWSBCT727E   Unable to change owner for file %s (error %d)

AWSBCT728E   Unable to open file %s (error %d)

AWSBCT729E   Unable to reset restore privilege (error %d)

AWSBCT751E   Exception Message: !1

AWSBCT756E   Cannot initialize.

AWSBCT764E   !1 server: Unknown error

AWSBCT765E   Unable to bind to exception message.

AWSBCT790E   !1 not installed on your system. Cannot execute.

AWSBCT791E   Framework has not been installed on this system. Cannot execute !1.

AWSBCT865E   Error opening SC Manager. error = %d.

AWSBCT866E   -s option requires a service name.

AWSBCT867E   -u option requires a user name.

AWSBCT868E   -D option requires a dependency spec.

AWSBCT869E   -d option requires a display name.

AWSBCT870E   -l option requires the executable location.

AWSBCT871E   -p option requires the password.

AWSBCT872E   Unknown argument %c.

AWSBCT873W   Only one of -i or -r must be specified.

AWSBCT874E   Service name must be specified.

AWSBCT875E   Service location must be specified.

AWSBCT876E   Username AND password both must be specified.

AWSBCT877E   Remove option requires only the service name.

AWSBCT878W   Extraneous arguments ignored.

AWSBCT879W   Username not given. Installing as System account service.

AWSBCT880W   Display name not given. Will use service name itself.

AWSBCT881E   No dependency given.

AWSBCT882E   Error creating service (%d).

AWSBCT884E   Error opening service %d.

AWSBCT885E   Service !1 is not stopped. Cannot remove.

AWSBCT886E   Unable to delete service (%d).

AWSBCT888E   Cpuinfo cannot show information about workstation "workstation" because is not included in the current Symphony file.


See message.

workstation identifies the workstation which is the subject of the cpuinfo utility, but which is not in the Symphony file.

System action

Cpuinfo stops without producing any output.

Operator response

Check that you have typed the workstation name correctly. If you find an error, correct it and retry the utility.

If you have typed the name correctly, and were expecting the workstation to be in the plan, check the job or job stream in the plan that you thought was using the workstation.