HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSBCW - Writer messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued by the writer component.

The message component code is BCW.

AWSBCW001W   Warning illegal option(s): !1

AWSBCW002W   Writer cannot find a valid wr read value in the localopts file. The value found is as follows: "wr_read". The default value is used.


The wr_read option in the localopts file is the number of seconds that the writer process waits for an incoming message before checking for a termination request from netman. It is either not specified or the wr_read value is not a valid number or is out of range. The default value (150 seconds) is used.

wr_read is the value specified in the localopts file. A value given here of Unknown means that no value was found in the localopts file.

System action

Writer proceeds using the default value.

Operator response

If the default value is not what you require, set a valid value for the wr_read option in the localopts file.

AWSBCW003E   Writer cannot connect to the remote mailman. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


One possible reason is that the socket descriptor passed to writer by netman is not valid.

error_text is a string indicating the reason for the problem.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW004E   Error non numeric sockfd: !1

AWSBCW008E   The following error has occurred while installing the Sinfonia file: "error_message".


During the initialization of the node writer purges the old Symphony file and renames the new plan it is receiving (Sinfonia) as Symphony. The operation failed because of the reason detailed in the error_message.

error_message describes the error and includes the operating system error message.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Resolve the problem described in the error_message and re-link the node.

The chapter in this guide on 'Symphony file corruption'.

AWSBCW010W   Writer has received and ignored the following unknown Symphony record type from the remote mailman: "record_type".


Writer received an unknown or unexpected Symphony file record record_type from the remote mailman. The Symphony file record is ignored and writer sends a message to inform the remote Mailman that the record has not been accepted.

record_type is the record type writer is receiving.

System action

Writer proceeds.

Operator response

Verify the following:

  1. The HCL Workload Automation agent running on the remote workstation is compatible. If it is not, upgrade whichever is at a back level.
  2. A corruption of the event occurred during the transmission.

Then try to re-establish the link.

AWSBCW011E   An error occurred while converting a Symphony file record from network to host byte order. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text"


The error_text normally contains the record type, the expected record type and the record number.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW012E   Writer was unable to read a record from mailman. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


error_text is a string that describes the reason for the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW013E   Error building Mailbox.msg file: !1

AWSBCW014E   Writer is unable to open the Mailbox.msg message file. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text"


error_text is a string that describes the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW015E   Writer is unable to write to the message file Mailbox.msg. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text"


error_text is a string that describes the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW016E   Writer is unable to send the initialization process LinkInit record to the remote mailman. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


error_text is a string that describes the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW017E   Writer is unable to send a LinkAck record to mailman to acknowledge that a packet has been received correctly. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


error_text is a string that describes the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW018E   Writer is unable to indicate to mailman with a LinkNack record that there was a communication error while receiving an initialization packet. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


error_text is a string that describes the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW019E   Writer, when exiting on error, is unable to send an unlink command record to mailman. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


error_text is a string that describes the error. The information is retrieved from the operating system.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW020E   Writer received an incorrect command during workstation initialization. Writer expected a stop Symphony command after mailman downloaded the Symphony file, but did not receive it. The following message might be given: "error_text".


error_text is a string that might describe the error.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW021E   Writer received a stop Symphony record when mailman was not downloading the Symphony file. The following error text might be given: "error_text".


error_text is a string that might describe the error.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW023E   Error Unknown Rec Type !1

AWSBCW024W   Writer encountered the following internal error: "error_message"


error_message describes the error and includes the operating system error message.

System action

Writer proceeds.

Operator response

If you can resolve the problem described in the error_message, do so, and unlink and re-link the node.

If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW025E   Writer is started by netman with an incorrect number of arguments.


See message.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW026E   Error incorrect caller info: !1

AWSBCW027E   Writer is unable to create its stdlist file.


Writer creates its own stdlist file when the merge stdlists option is set to no in the localopts file.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW033E   Writer could not allocate memory for internal data structures (comarea).


See message.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Check the following:

  1. Verify if the workstation has enough memory available. Information about the memory requirements of HCL Workload Automation is provided in the Release Notes. If not, you may need to increase the memory of the workstation or make changes in memory management and paging to make more memory available to writer. Rerun writer.
  2. If the workstation memory is adequate, try closing all the applications that you do not need, and then rerun writer.
  3. If the problem persists, reboot the workstation, and then rerun writer.
  4. If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.
The Release Notes for details of memory requirements.

AWSBCW036E   Writer has stopped, giving the following operating system error: "error_number". The total cpu time is as follows: "time "


error_number identifies the operating system error number.

time is the total time used by the process before stopping.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW037E   Writer cannot initialize this workstation because mailman is still active.


Writer cannot initialize this workstation (download the Symphony file) because mailman is still active. The parent workstation cannot send the new version of Symphony file.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Force the stop of the mailman process with the conman command stop.

AWSBCW038E   Writer needs the exclusive access to the Symphony and Sinfonia files in order to initialize the workstation. Either batchman or mailman is using one or other of the files.


See message.

System action

Writer proceeds.

Operator response

Shutdown all HCL Workload Automation processes on the workstation. Unlink and relink the workstation after HCL Workload Automation processes have been stopped.

AWSBCW039E   Writer encountered an error opening the Mailbox.msg file. The total cpu time used is as follows: "time"


This problem arose in one of the following circumstances:

  • When processing a message coming from mailman
  • Posting a message to mailman
  • During the initialization of the node (new plan installation).

time is the total time used by the process.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Look in the log at the messages that preceded this one to determine what caused the error.

If you can, try to correct the error and re-link the workstation. Otherwise, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW040E   Writer encountered an error while processing the Symphony file. The total cpu time is as follows: "time"


This problem arose in one of the following circumstances:

  • During the initialization of the node (new plan installation)
  • While opening the Symphony file
  • On not finding this workstation inside the Symphony file.

time is the total time used by the process.

Operator response

Look in the log at the messages that preceded this one to determine what caused the error.

If you can, try to correct the error and re-link the workstation. Otherwise, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW041E   Writer stops because it has not received any incoming messages during the period specified in the localopts file for the option wr unlink. The total cpu time is as follows: "time"


time is the total time used by the process.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Verify that the domain manager (or the parent if the node is a Domain Manager) is working and that there are no network problems preventing the domain manger from contacting the workstation.

When you have resolved whatever caused the timeout, if the workstation is defined to autolink you need take no further action. Otherwise, relink the workstation from the domain manager.

AWSBCW042E   Writer stops because it has encountered an error while sending an Ack message to the remote mailman. The total cpu time is as follows: "time"


time is the total time used by the process.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Usually this message is shown after a network problem.

  1. Verify that the remote workstation is reachable from the workstation that is logging the message (you can use the system command 'ping').
  2. Verify that the netman on the remote workstation is up and running (run StartUp otherwise).
  3. Verify that the netman on the remote workstation is listening to the specified netman port (verify that the netman port specified on the DB definition is the same as the one specified in the localopts file on the workstation that verified the error).

If you have resolved the network problems, re-link the workstation.

AWSBCW043E   Writer stops because it has encountered an error while reading or waiting for a message from the remote mailman. The total cpu time is as follows: "time"


time is the total time used by the process.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Look in the log at the messages that preceded this one to determine what caused the error.

If you can, try to correct the error and re-link the workstation. Otherwise, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW045E   Writer is unable to write an init synchronization message to the Mailbox.msg file.


Mailman uses this message to start its Symphony file synchronization process.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

An internal error has occurred. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW047E   Writer encountered an error while launching the following command: "command_file_name". The following error was received from the operating system: "error_number"


Writer has launched the wmaeutil shell script to stop the HCL Workload Automation connector, but the script has failed. Most commonly occurring errors are those related to access rights to the wmaeutil shell script (wmaeutil.cmd on Windows, wmaeutil.sh on UNIX), resource availability (memory, process handles) or the IBM Management Framework configuration.

file_name is the command that writer is launching.

error_number is the system error number.

System action

Writer proceeds.

Operator response

Using the error message, identify the problem and resolve it.

Then reissue the remote command you were using to stop the connector.

AWSBCW051E   Writer was unable to find this workstation in the Symphony file during its initialization phase, or when it is trying to purge the Symphony file and rename Sinfonia file to Symphony. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text"


error_text describes the error and includes the operating system error message.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

Verify that the name that you specified for the parameter 'thiscpu' in the localopts file is the same as the name you specified during the definition of the workstation in the mozart database. If there is a mismatch, you must do one of the following:

  • Correct the parameter 'thiscpu' in the localopts file and stop and restart writer (one way to do this is to unlink the workstation, wait for Writer to timeout and then relink it).
  • Correct the workstation name in the mozart database and re-issue the job or job stream that needs to use it.

If there is a match, or you cannot find or open the Symphony file, there could have been a corruption of the Symphony file during the transfer to the fault tolerant agent.

Even if the workstation name in the Symphony file is correct, the Symphony file itself may still be corrupted in some way not immediately obvious.

To correct a Symphony file corruption, see the chapter in this guide on 'Symphony file corruption'.

The chapter in this guide on 'Symphony file corruption'.

AWSBCW052E   During the exchange of the event counter table, it was not possible to transfer the table header correctly. The following gives more details of the error: "error_code".


error_code more accurately describes the problem.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

If this was due to a network problem, the connection will be attempted again at an interval defined in the configuration parameters.

If the error persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW053E   While transmitting the event counter table, it was not possible to transfer the table values correctly. The following gives more details of the error: "error_code".


error_code more accurately describes the problem.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

If this was due to a network problem, the connection will be attempted again at an interval defined in the configuration parameters.

If the error persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW054E   During the exchange of the event counter table, writer did not receive the confirmation message it was expecting from mailman. The following gives more details of the error: "error_code"


error_code more accurately describes the problem.

System action

Writer stops.

Operator response

If this was due to a network problem, the connection will be attempted again at an interval defined in the configuration parameters.

If the error persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBCW055E   Error during replay protocol, total cpu !1