HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSBHV - Stageman messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued by the stageman component.

The message component code is BHV.

AWSBHV001E   An unspecified error was encountered building the following message file "message_file"


Stageman was either unable to build the message file Mailbox.msg or to write an initialization or synchronization record in it.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

Check the file system of <TWS_home>/Mailbox.msg to ensure that there is sufficient space, and that the user has write permission. When you have corrected the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

AWSBHV002E   Unexpected error creating new SYMPHONY

AWSBHV003E   Unable to open CROSSREF help file

AWSBHV004E   An internal error has occurred. Stageman has found an incorrect record in the Symphony file. Stageman expected record number "record_number" to be of type "record_type", but it was not.


record_number is the record that stageman read from the Symphony file.

record_type is the record type that it was expecting.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. It might be that the Symphony file is corrupt. See the chapter on Symphony file corruption in this guide. If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

See the chapter on 'Symphony file corruption' in this guide.

AWSBHV009E   Fatal error copying SYMPHONY to SINFONIA.

AWSBHV011E   Error occurred while switching managers in domain !1 from !2 to !3.

AWSBHV019E   There is not enough memory to run stageman.


See message text.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

Check the following:

  1. Verify if the workstation has enough memory available. Information about the memory requirements of HCL Workload Automation is provided in the Release Notes. If not, you might need to increase the memory of the workstation or make changes in memory management and paging to make more memory available to stageman. Rerun JnextPlan.
  2. If the workstation memory is adequate, try closing all the applications that you do not need, and then rerun JnextPlan.
  3. If the problem persists, reboot the workstation, and then rerun JnextPlan.
  4. If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.
The Release Notes for details of memory requirements.

AWSBHV020E   Stageman has exceeded the internal limit of 10 duplicate carry forward job stream instances.


See message text.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. It could be the result of a Symphony file corruption. See the chapter on 'Symphony file corruption' in the Troubleshooting guide.

If you have solved the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

The chapter on 'Symphony file corruption' in the Troubleshooting guide.

AWSBHV021E   An internal error has occurred. Stageman has encountered an error while reading a record from the Symphony file.


The most likely cause is that the number of the record it is trying to read exceeds the maximum value allowed or exceeds the actual number of records in the Symphony file. Other possible causes are:

  • the fstat() or lseek() system calls failed.
  • the read() system call failed due to a physical I/O error or to a bad Symphony file descriptor.
  • the read operation was interrupted by a signal.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. It might be that the Symphony file is corrupt. See the chapter on Symphony file corruption in this guide. If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

See the chapter on 'Symphony file corruption' in this guide.

AWSBHV022E   An internal error has occurred. Stageman has encountered a record of an unknown type while creating the Symphony file.


Stageman is trying to create the new Symphony file with job streams carried forward from the previous plan period's production, plus job streams from the new plan period's production. To do this it has to write the file, resource, and job records for each of these job streams to the new Symphony file. While writing them, stageman encountered a record of unknown type.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV023E   The number of carryforward job streams exceeds the maximum allowed by the Symphony file.


A Symphony file in non-expanded mode supports a maximum of 676 carryforward job streams. A Symphony file in expanded mode supports, in theory, 5.4 trillion carryforward job streams, but this number is in practice reduced by the size limitation of the file.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

Reduce the number of carryforward job streams. If you are in non-expanded Symphony mode, consider moving to expanded mode if possible (only if there are no MPE systems in your network).

If a job stream is being carried forward longer than necessary, you can limit the number of days it is carried forward by specifying the UNTIL time + n days dependency on the job stream itself.

AWSBHV024E   An internal error has occurred. Stageman has encountered a record from the old Symphony file that is neither a job stream nor a job record. Index: "sym_rec_array_index", type "record_type"


While carrying forward the old Symphony file records for unfinished job streams and jobs, stageman encountered a record that was neither a job stream nor a job record.

sym_rec_array_index is an index in an array containing information about each Symphony file record.

record_type is the record type of the Symphony file record in error.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV026E   The old Symphony file cannot be renamed to the following file name: "file_name"


Stageman is trying to archive the old Symphony file by renaming it or copying it as <TWS_home>/schedlog/M<date_time_stamp>. The rename and the copy have failed.

file_name is the actual name that stageman wants to give the file.

Possible reasons for this are as follows:

  • The file system is full.
  • Stageman does not have write permission in the archive directory.
  • Another file already exists with the same name.
  • The archive directory is on a mountable file system that is not mounted.
  • The file name stageman wants to use is not permitted by the operating system.

System action

Stageman proceeds, without archiving the old Symphony file. The new Symphony file is valid.

Operator response

The failure to create the archive does not impact the correct functioning of HCL Workload Automation. However, attempt to resolve the problem so that the following plan period's old Symphony file can be correctly archived. Check the possible causes above to determine what has gone wrong, and correct the error.

Check the file system of <TWS_home>/schedlog/M<archive_date> to ensure that there is sufficient space, and that the user has write permission. Delete old archived Symphony files that are no longer needed.

When you have corrected the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

AWSBHV027E   The old Symphony file cannot be saved as the following file name: "file_name"


Stageman encountered an error attempting to close the old Symphony file. The file cannot be saved.

file_name is the new name (<TWS_home>/schedlog/M<date_time_stamp>) of the file that stageman was trying to save.

Possible reasons for this are as follows:

  • The file system is full.
  • Stageman does not have write permission in the archive directory.
  • Another file already exists with the same name.
  • The archive directory is on a mountable file system that is not mounted.
  • The file name stageman wants to use is not permitted by the operating system.

System action

Stageman proceeds.

Operator response

The failure to create the archive does not impact the correct functioning of HCL Workload Automation. However, attempt to resolve the problem so that the following plan period's old Symphony file can be correctly archived. Check the possible causes above to determine what has gone wrong, and correct the error.

Check the file system of <TWS_home>/schedlog/M<archive_date> to ensure that there is sufficient space, and that the user has write permission. Delete old archived Symphony files that are no longer needed.

When you have corrected the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

AWSBHV028E   The new Symphony file cannot be renamed to the following file name: "file_name".


Stageman is unable to rename the Symnew file to <TWS_home>/Symphony.

file_name is the actual name that stageman wants to give the file.

Possible reasons for this are as follows:

  • The file system is full.
  • Stageman does not have write permission in the directory.
  • Another file already exists with the same name.

System action

Stageman stops, without saving the new Symphony file.

Operator response

Check the file system of <TWS_home>/Symphony to ensure that there is sufficient space, that the user has write permission, and that there is not already a Symphony file present. You might want to delete old archived Symphony files that are no longer needed from the <TWS_home>/schedlog/ directory.

When you have corrected the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV029E   The new Symphony file cannot be saved.


Stageman is unable to save the Symphony file in <TWS_home>/Symphony.

Possible reasons for this are as follows:

  • The file system is full.
  • Stageman does not have write permission in the directory.
  • Another file already exists with the same name.

System action

Stageman stops, without saving the new Symphony file.

Operator response

Check the file system of <TWS_home>/Symphony to ensure that there is sufficient space, that the user has write permission, and that there is not already a Symphony file present. You might want to delete old archived Symphony files that are no longer needed from the <TWS_home>/schedlog/ directory.

When you have corrected the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV031W   User is not creator of !1, must logon as !1

AWSBHV032E   Multiple runs of Stageman, recompile new Symphony first

AWSBHV034W   The following job has dependencies not carried forward: "workstation_name"#"job_name".


The indicated job has dependencies in the production plan (Symphony file), but the jobs on which it is dependent are not in the Symphony file. This is because those jobs were not in a carryforward job stream. Stageman adds a prompt for every job not found.

workstation_name#job_name identifies the job with the missing dependencies.

System action

Stageman proceeds.

Operator response

Respond to the prompts to release the job. You might need to add those jobs in a carryforward job stream.

The Reference Manual for more details.

AWSBHV035W   The following job stream has dependencies not carried forward: "job_stream_name".


The indicated job stream has dependencies in the production plan (Symphony file), but the jobs on which it is dependent are not in the Symphony file. This is because those jobs were not in a carryforward job stream. Stageman adds a prompt for every job not found.

job_stream_name identifies the job stream with the missing dependencies.

System action

Stageman proceeds.

Operator response

Respond to the prompts to release the job stream. You might need to add those jobs in a carryforward job stream.

The Reference Manual for more details.

AWSBHV037W   The following job stream or job is in the adding state, and has not been carried forward: "workstation"#"job_stream_or_job".


See message.

workstation#job_stream_or_job is the name of the job stream or job which is in the adding state.

System action

Stageman proceeds, but the job or job stream is not added to the plan.

Operator response

Add the carryforward option to the job stream's definition.

AWSBHV038E   Stageman has been unable to get exclusive access to the Symphony file. You need to shutdown the HCL Workload Automation processes.


See message.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

  1. Unlink the workstation and shutdown the HCL Workload Automation processes.
  2. Stop the connectors if present
  3. Rerun stageman.

AWSBHV039W   No carry job states are specified in the global options. The default behavior of allowing all states has been used.


The carry job states setting in the global options determines the jobs, by state, that are to be included in job streams that are carried forward. If you make no specific setting, all jobs are included.

System action

Stageman proceeds.

Operator response

If the job state selection is not what you require, change the carry job states setting in the global options using optman, stop all HCL Workload Automation processes and restart stageman.

See the 'Optional Customization Topics (Global Options)' section in the Planning and Guide.

AWSBHV040W   Only jobs in the following states are carried forward: "job_states", as defined in the global options (carry job states).


See message.

job_states is the list of states of job streams that are carried forward.

System action

Stageman proceeds.

Operator response

If the job state selection is not what you require, change the carry job states setting in the global options using optman, stop all HCL Workload Automation processes and restart stageman.

If you want jobs in all states to be carried forward, set the carry job states setting in the global options to null, using optman.

See the 'Optional Customization Topics (Global Options)' section in the Planning and Guide.

AWSBHV041E   Error accessing mozart: !1

AWSBHV042E   Error accessing Straus: !1

AWSBHV043E   Stageman cannot create the new Symphony file because the settings in the global options or the localopts file indicate that this workstation is not the master domain manager.


See message.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

Verify that this workstation is the master domain manager by checking that the master variable in the global options identifies this workstation.

  • If it does not, run stageman from the master domain manager.
  • If this is the master domain manager, the probable cause is that the workstation specified by the thiscpu variable in the localopts option file and the workstation specified by the master variable in the global options, are not the same. Change the localopts file so that they are the same, save the file, stop all HCL Workload Automation processes, and rerun stageman.

AWSBHV044E   Stageman is unable to open the mailbox file Mailbox.msg. The following operating system error message was given: "error_number".


See message.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV045E   An error occurred while opening the following file: "file_name". The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


See message.

file_name is either Symnew or Symphony file. error_text is the text of the error message indicating why the file could not be opened.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV046E   An error occurred while writing the Symphony file. The following gives more details of the error: "error_text".


Stageman is unable to write to the Symphony file. One possible reason is that Sinfonia does not have read permission.

error_text is a message indicating why.

If the Sinfonia file is unreadable, error_text could include the symaccs error AWSBCU007E. The full text of the combined message in these circumstances would be: Error writing the Symphony file: An error has occurred in the common area used to access the Symphony file.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

Check the file system of <TWS_home>/Sinfonia to ensure that there is sufficient space and that the user has read permission. You might want to delete old archived Symphony files that are no longer needed from the <TWS_home>/schedlog/ directory.

When you have corrected the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV047W   The following job stream: "workstation"#"job_stream"was carried forward, even though its workstation is not present in the Symphony file.


See message.

workstation#job_stream is the name of the job stream whose workstation is not present.

System action

Stageman proceeds and carries forward the job stream.

Operator response

Check if the job stream contains any jobs for an operative workstation. If not, cancel the job stream, so that at the plan generation, stageman does not carry it forward.

AWSBHV048W   An invalid dependency has been detected for the following job stream: "workstation"#"job_stream".The priority has been set to 0.


See message.

workstation#job_stream is the name of the job stream whose dependency was not correct.

System action

Stageman proceeds and set the priority to 0.

Operator response

Check if the job stream can start without respecting its dependency. If yes, increase its priority.

AWSBHV049W   An invalid dependency has been detected for the following job: "workstation"#"job_stream"."job".The priority has been set to 0.


See message.

workstation#job_stream.job is the name of the job whose dependency was not correct.

System action

Stageman proceeds and set the priority to 0.

Operator response

Check if the job can start without respecting its dependency. If yes, increase its priority.

AWSBHV065E   In the options for stageman there is an option that has a required argument, but that argument has not been supplied. The option in question is as follows: "option".


For example, stageman was run without either yes, no, or all specified as the argument to the -carryforward option.

System action

Stageman does not start.

Operator response

Rerun stageman, adding the missing argument.

To see the stageman syntax, issue the command stageman -U, or look in the Reference Manual.

The Reference Manual for full details of the stageman syntax.

AWSBHV066E   The following argument: "argument" is not valid for the "option" option; perhaps it has been typed incorrectly.


See message.

System action

Stageman does not start.

Operator response

Rerun stageman, supplying the required argument with the correct syntax.

To view the stageman syntax, issue the command stageman -U, or look in the Reference Manual.

The Reference Manual for full details of the stageman syntax.

AWSBHV067E   The following option is not a valid option for this command: "option"; maybe it has been typed incorrectly.


See message.

System action

Stageman does not start.

Operator response

Rerun stageman, supplying the required options with the correct syntax.

To view the stageman syntax, issue the command stageman -U, or look in the Reference Manual.

The Reference Manual for full details of the stageman syntax.

AWSBHV068W   Stageman has been invoked with the "option" option, but other options or arguments have also been supplied. To use this option supply it without other options or arguments.


See message.

System action

Stageman does not start.

Operator response

Rerun stageman, supplying the -parse option on its own. If you did not intend to use the -parse option, omit it.

To view the stageman syntax, issue the command stageman -U, or look in the Reference Manual.

The Reference Manual for full details of the stageman syntax.

AWSBHV069W   The following logfile name begins with -: "log_file_name"


The log_file_name must not begin with -, but with an alphanumeric character.

log_file_name is the name of the logfile.

System action

Stageman proceeds without writing to the log file.

Operator response

This is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV070E   Stageman has been submitted with both the -log and -nolog options, which are mutually exclusive.


See message.

System action

Stageman does not start.

Operator response

Rerun stageman, supplying either the -log or the -nolog option, but not both.

To view the stageman syntax, issue the command stageman -U, or look in the Reference Manual.

The Reference Manual for full details of the stageman syntax.

AWSBHV073W   Globalopts file parsed only. No carryforward done.

AWSBHV074E   The previous Symphony file is expanded but the Symnew file is in non-expanded mode. They cannot be merged to form the new Symphony file.


Stageman tried to merge an expanded old Symphony file and a non-expanded Symnew file to create the new Symphony file. One possibility is the following:

  1. The databases were expanded, and a Symphony file was generated.
  2. Then a non-expanded database was restored from the backup in the mozart directory.
  3. Compiler was then run to generate a non-expanded Symnew file.
  4. Finally stageman was run, generating this error.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

If it was your intention to switch to non-expanded mode, then you must remove the expanded Symphony file before rerunning stageman.

Otherwise, correct the database problem by running dbexpand or by restoring the last known good database files in expanded mode. Rerun stageman once the expanded mode files are present.

AWSBHV076E   Unable to open the audit log.


Stageman is unable to open the audit log file because the open() system call failed for some reason.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

Verify access permissions to make sure stageman has permission to write to the audit directory: <TWS_home>/audit).

Verify that there is sufficient space in this fileset to open a file.

When you have resolved the problem, rerun JnextPlan.

AWSBHV080E   Stageman is trying to access a record in the old Symphony file which has a record number higher than the final record in the file.


See message text.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

This is an internal error. It might be that the Symphony file is corrupt. See the chapter on Symphony file corruption in this guide. If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

See the chapter on 'Symphony file corruption' in this guide.

AWSBHV081W   The pending predecessor "workstation_name"#"job_stream_name" has not been found in the new Production Plan as expected. The pending predecessor is marked as an orphan predecessor, which must be released or replaced before the job or job stream in which it was defined can be run.


See message text.

System action

Stageman marks the pending predecessor as an orphan and continues.

Operator response

Check the orphan predecessor dependencies in the Production Plan and release them to allow the dependent job or job stream to start, or replace them with dependencies on existing jobs or job streams.

AWSBHV082E   The previous Symphony file and the Symnew file have the same run number. They cannot be merged to form the new Symphony file.


Stageman tried to merge a Symphony file and a Symnew file with the same run number to create the new Symphony file. Probably stageman has been run twice on the same Symnew file without resetting the plan or deleting the Symphony file.

System action

Stageman stops.

Operator response

If it was your intention to recover the Symphony file, you must reset the plan and run JnextPlan or you have to replace the Symphony file with the previous one that is archived in the schedlog directory before rerunning stageman.

Otherwise, rerun JnextPlan. If the error is still present search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBHV083W   The job stream: "workstation"#"job_stream" has a conditional dependency on a predecessor that is not more in the plan.The priority has been set to 0.


See message.

workstation#job_stream is the name of the job stream whose dependency was not correct.

System action

Stageman proceeds and set the priority to 0.

Operator response

Check if the job stream can start without respecting its dependency. If yes, increase its priority.

AWSBHV084W   The job: "workstation"#"job_stream"."job" has a conditional dependency on a predecessor that is not more in the plan.The priority has been set to 0.


See message.

workstation#job_stream.job is the name of the job whose dependency was not correct.

System action

Stageman proceeds and set the priority to 0.

Operator response

Check if the job can start without respecting its dependency. If yes, increase its priority.