HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSBIA - Composer messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued by the composer component.

The message component code is BIA.

AWSBIA002E   The identifier "identifier" is required at this point,but has not been supplied.


See message.

identifier is the identifier expected at this point in the command.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definitions. See the Reference Manual for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the syntax of the object definitions.

AWSBIA003E   A parameter or identifier has been supplied where it is not required.


See message.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definitions. See the Reference Manual for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the syntax of the object definitions.

AWSBIA004E   The delimiter "delimiter" is required at this point, but has not been supplied.


See message.

delimiter is the delimiter expected at this point in the command.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definitions. See the Reference Manual for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the syntax of the object definitions.

AWSBIA005E   Expected a !1 here.

AWSBIA006E   Error on database access.

AWSBIA007E   Security error.

AWSBIA008E   The supplied job stream !1#!2 could not be found.

AWSBIA009E   Error opening database.

AWSBIA010E   Autodoc not allowed for this job.

AWSBIA014E   Someone else has changed schedule !1#!2. No update done.

AWSBIA017E   An internal error has occurred. Out of memory trying to allocate "internal_storage_item".


The program has encountered an internal error trying to allocate memory for the indicated internal_storage_item.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

This is an internal error. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA018E   Job "job_identifier" is already present in the job stream.


You cannot add the job identified by the indicated job_identifier to the job stream, because it is already present, and multiple jobs cannot coexist.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the job definition. Reissue the command, identifying a different job that does not exist in the job stream, or using an alias to give the job a separate identity.

AWSBIA019E   For job stream !1#!2: errors !3, warnings !4.

AWSBIA020E   Mastsked not updated.

AWSBIA021E   Job "job_name" does not exist in job stream "workstation"#"job_stream_name".


The issued command identifies a job that is not in the job stream.job_name is the job that does not exist.

workstation#job_stream_name identifies the job stream which is the subject of the command.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the job definition. Reissue the command, identifying an existing job.

AWSBIA022E   A file system error "error_message"occurred building the temporary file "temporary_file_name".


See message.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the file system error message. This might indicate a problem that you can resolve, such as: file system full, insufficient file descriptors, or incorrect file permissions. If you can resolve the problem, do so. If not, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA023E   Job !1#!2 not found in job master.

AWSBIA024E   Job master changed while trying to update job !1#!2. Update aborted.

AWSBIA030E   An error has occurred opening the redirected output file "file_name" identified by the MAESTROLP variable.


The ;offline keyword has been used to redirect the output. The MAESTROLP variable is set to redirect the output to a file, but the file cannot be opened.

file_name is the file that is nominated as the redirected output file that cannot be opened.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Perform the following checks:

  1. Check that the file path is correct, and that if the path includes spaces it has been included between double quotes.
  2. Check that the directory has write permission for the user performing the command.
  3. Check that there is sufficient disk space in the file set for a file to be opened.
  4. Check that the operating system has sufficient file descriptors available to open the file.

Correct any errors and retry the command.

AWSBIA031E   An error has occurred writing the redirected output file "file_name" identified by the MAESTROLP variable.


The ;offline keyword has been used to redirect the output. The MAESTROLP variable is set to redirect the output to a file, but an error occurred while writing to the file.

file_name is the file that is nominated as the redirected output file that cannot be opened.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Perform the following checks:

  1. Check that the file has not been deleted by another user
  2. Check that there is sufficient disk space in the file set for a file to be written.

Correct any errors and retry the command.

AWSBIA032E   Error reading schedule.

AWSBIA034E   No job streams found in !1#!2

AWSBIA037E   The only keyword allowed at this point is ;offline.


The syntax of the object definition language determines that the only permissible keyword at this point is ;offline, but something else is present instead of offline.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the object definition syntax. See the Reference Manual for full details of the syntax. Correct the error and reissue the command.

AWSBIA038E   No qualifying CPU's were found in !1.

AWSBIA043E   Validation for object "object_ID": errors: "error_count"; warnings "warning_count".


The validation of the indicated object has found errors, warnings, or both.

object_ID identifies the object that is the subject of the command.

error_count is the number of errors found.

warning_count is the number of warnings found.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

This message will have been preceded by error messages, warning messages, or both. Follow the instructions for each message to correct them, and resubmit the command.

AWSBIA044W   Cpudata not updated.

AWSBIA045E   Error accessing cpudata.

AWSBIA046E   Error opening cpudata.

AWSBIA047E   An error occurred while accessing the definition file "file_name".


See message.file_name identifies the file containing the object definitions that cannot be accessed.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the command. Perform the following checks:

  1. Check that the file exists, that the path is correct, and that if the path includes spaces it has been included between double quotes.
  2. Check that the file has read permission for the user performing the command.
  3. Check that there is sufficient disk space in the file set for a file to be opened.
  4. Check that the operating system has sufficient file descriptors available to open the file.

Correct any errors and retry the command.

AWSBIA057E   No resources were found.

AWSBIA060E   Error modifying resources.

AWSBIA065E   No prompts were found.

AWSBIA068E   No prompts found in the database.

AWSBIA076E   No calendars found in the database.

AWSBIA081E   No parms were found.

AWSBIA084E   No parms found in the database.

AWSBIA085E   Circular dependency for !1#!2 and !3#!4.

AWSBIA086E   !1 is not a definition file.

AWSBIA087E   There is a syntax error in the command.


See message.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the issued command. Use the command composer -u to view the usage of the command, or look in the Reference Manual. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA088E   An internal error "error" has occurred while trying to resolve dependencies.


See message.

error is a code that refers to a list in the program code of potential errors.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

This is an internal error. If you cannot resolve the problem, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA089E   The keyword "keyword" was expected at this point.


You have issued a validate command, but following the name of the file to be validated the only permitted (optional) keyword is keyword.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the object definition syntax. See the Reference Manual for full details of the syntax. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the object definition syntax.

AWSBIA092E   Resource !1#!2 doesn't exist.

AWSBIA093E   Prompt !1 doesn't exist.

AWSBIA094E   One of these keywords: !1 was expected at this point.#

AWSBIA095E   Schedule already exists.

AWSBIA096E   Cpu definition already exists.

AWSBIA097E   A file system error "error_message"occurred writing the temporary file "temporary_file_name".


See message.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the file system error message. This might indicate a problem that you can resolve, such as: file system full, insufficient file descriptors, or incorrect file permissions. If you can resolve the problem, do so. If not, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA098E   A file system error "error_message"occurred closing the temporary file "temporary_file_name".


See message.

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the file system error message. This might indicate a problem that you can resolve, such as: file system full, insufficient file descriptors, or incorrect file permissions. If you can resolve the problem, do so. If not, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA100E   CPU !1 does not exist in cpudata: !2

AWSBIA101E   Only SCHEDULE or CPU can be specified here.

AWSBIA105E   A file system error "file_system_error" has occurred opening the script or jcl file "file_name".


See message.

file_system_error is the error given by the operating system.

file_name identifies the file

System action

Composer cannot perform the update required.

Operator response

Check the operating system documentation to determine the nature of the file system error. If you can correct the error, do so and retry the operation. If you cannot correct the error search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA106W   The job stream definition has one or more warnings.


The job stream definition has been validated and accepted, but one or more warnings were issued.

System action

You are asked whether composer is to perform the update.

Operator response

Check the preceding warning message or messages. If the situations indicated by the warning or warnings are acceptable, answer y to the question Do you want to update?.

If not, answer n to the question Do you want to update?, correct the job stream definition and reissue the command.

AWSBIA107W   The workstation definition has one or more warnings.


The workstation definition has been validated, but one or more warnings were issued.

System action

You are asked whether composer is to perform the update.

Operator response

Check the preceding warning message or messages. If the situations indicated by the warning or warnings are acceptable, answer y to the question Do you want to update?.

If not, answer n to the question Do you want to update?, correct the workstation definition and reissue the command.

AWSBIA109E   Calendar !1 is not in the calendars database.

AWSBIA110E   You are not authorized to access schedule !1#!2.

AWSBIA111E   You are not authorized to access calendar !1.

AWSBIA112E   You are not authorized to access parm !1 on this cpu.

AWSBIA113E   You are not authorized to access resource !1#!2.

AWSBIA114E   You are not authorized to access cpu !1.

AWSBIA115E   You are not authorized to access prompt !1.

AWSBIA116W   Recovery job !3#!4 not found for job !1#!2.

AWSBIA117W   Job is hosted by cpu !4, resource !1#!2 is hosted by cpu !3.

AWSBIA118W   Schedule is hosted by cpu !4, resource !1#!2 is hosted by cpu !3.

AWSBIA119E   Error, schedule not updated.

AWSBIA120W   The host keyword has been supplied for the definition of a workstation of type fta, but is not required. It has been ignored.

AWSBIA121W   Order of interleaved dependencies will be lost when sched is written.

AWSBIA122W   Autodoc for !1 will be removed when schedule is written to mastsked.

AWSBIA123W   Autodoc for !1#!2 will be removed when schedule is written to mastsked.

AWSBIA124W   Dependency !1 does not exist in schedule !2#!3.

AWSBIA125W   The host cpu !1 is not a domain manager or the master.

AWSBIA126W   The domain name !1 is already used and managed by another workstation.

AWSBIA127W   The domain manager workstation !1 is not defined as an FTA.

AWSBIA128W   The domain manager workstation !1 must be in the same domain.

AWSBIA129W   The parent domain !1 not found.

AWSBIA130W   The parent domain !1 is not defined as a DOMAIN definition.

AWSBIA131E   !1 is reserved for the master domain name.

AWSBIA138E   You cannot specify both the domain and the host keywords for a standard agent or broker workstation. Use only one or the other.

AWSBIA139E   For a standard agent or broker workstation you must specify a domain.

AWSBIA140E   For an extended agent you must specify the host and the access method.

AWSBIA141W   The master domain has a parent: !1. It must have no parent domain.

AWSBIA142E   Domain !1 not found.

AWSBIA143W   !1 is not defined as a domain.

AWSBIA144E   Error: Incompatible database files, use dbexpand to update databases.

AWSBIA145W   Access method !1 does not exist on your system!

AWSBIA146W    A loop was found in the domain definition.

AWSBIA147E   The "first_time_zone_definition" differs from "second_time_zone_definition" for "job_or_job_stream". A time zone need be specified just once, or all instances of it must be equal.


A time zone need only be specified once in a job or job stream definition. If you choose to specify it more than once, all instances of the time zone definition must be equal.

Note: a job can have a different time zone definition than that of its job stream.

first_time_definition is one of the time definitions.

second_time_definition is another time definition that has a different time zone specification.

job_or_job_stream identifies the job or job stream that cannot be scheduled.

System action

The job or job stream cannot be scheduled.

Operator response

Correct the job or job stream definition so that either the time zone specification occurs only once, or so that each time definition has exactly the same time zone specification. Note that a job can have a different time zone definition than that of its job stream.

Use composer to reschedule the job or job stream.

AWSBIA148W   The until time is earlier than the at time for !1. Check the time definitions and ensure that this is what you intended.

AWSBIA149E   Time zones are not enabled on workstation !1.

AWSBIA150W   Domain manager !1 is a manager of another domain

AWSBIA151W   The deadline is earlier than the at time for !1.

AWSBIA152W   The deadline is earlier than the until time for !1.

AWSBIA153W   You must specify a domain when the host is $MANAGER.

AWSBIA198E   The domain definition already exists.

AWSBIA199E   The workstation class definition already exists.

AWSBIA201E   You are not authorized to access job !1#!2.

AWSBIA203E   No qualifying jobs were found in !1.

AWSBIA204W   For !1, errors !2, warnings !3.

AWSBIA211E   Job !1#!2 already exists.

AWSBIA213W   The job definition has warnings.

AWSBIA214E   Error, job not updated.

AWSBIA215E   Job Master not updated.

AWSBIA221E   Invalid composer command: !1

AWSBIA222E   Modify command is not valid in gui mode.

AWSBIA223E   New command is not valid in gui mode.

AWSBIA224E   Edit command is not valid in gui mode.

AWSBIA225W   Workstation "workstation" is defined as a workstation class.

AWSBIA226W   Workstation "workstation" is not the master domain manager. The parameters are expanded from the master domain manager.

AWSBIA227E   The extended agent, standard agent or broker workstation "workstation" cannot host itself.

AWSBIA228E   !1 already exists and its type does not match what is being created.

AWSBIA229E   The master domain manager "workstation" is managing the domain "domain" as specified in the global options.

AWSBIA230E   The domain "domain" cannot be included in a cpuclass definition.

AWSBIA231E   The !1 entry type is unknown and cannot be included in a cpuclass definition

AWSBIA250E   No qualifying users were found in !1.

AWSBIA256E   Userdata not updated.

AWSBIA257E   Error accessing Userdata.

AWSBIA258E   Error opening Userdata.

AWSBIA264E   User definition already exists.

AWSBIA265E   User !1 does not exist in userdata: !2.

AWSBIA267W   The user definition has warnings.

AWSBIA268E   You are not authorized to access user !1.

AWSBIA269E   Error: !1

AWSBIA270E   Command line arguments too long.

AWSBIA271E   Unexpected keyword before or at caret position.

AWSBIA272W   The specified tcpaddr value "TCP/IP_port" is not in the range 1 to 65535. The following value of !2 is used instead, calculated as the modulus of the input value divided by 65536.


The supplied TCP/IP port number is out of range. A default value has been calculated using the modulus of your input value divided by 65536 (the modulus is defined as the remainder left after the input value has been divided by 65536 the maximum integral number of times). For example, if you input a port value of 300001 (which is greater than 65535), the program divides it by 65536 an integral number of times (4), giving a remainder of 37857. This remainder is called the modulus, and is used as the port value.

System action

The program continues, using the indicated default value.

Operator response

Check the indicated port number used. If it is not already in use, you need take no action, other than to register the value used for future reference.

If it is already in use, retry the operation, supplying a valid port number.

AWSBIA273E   The offset value !1 is not in the range -32767 to 32767.

AWSBIA274E   Problems found while opening or acquiring the ShortID file

AWSBIA276W   The short ID is not generated for job names shorter than !1 bytes.

AWSBIA277E   Problems retrieving the ShortID Value from file

AWSBIA278E   Error using cpuclass !1 on a job stream whose workstations are !2

AWSBIA279W   The Job !1 is for workstation !2 with Ignore State

AWSBIA280E   There is an error in the connection parameters for composer. The port specified by the -port connection parameter is not numeric.


See message.

System action

The composer command line client cannot connect to its server. The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the composer connection parameters. Correct the value defined for the -port parameter so that it is the valid numeric port number of the composer command line server, and retry the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the connection parameters for the composer command line client.

AWSBIA281E   The composer command line client cannot connect to its server. The value specified for the -protocol connection parameter is not valid. It must be http or https.


See message.

System action

The composer command line client cannot connect to its server. The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the composer connection parameters. Correct the value defined for the -protocol parameter so that it is the valid protocol to use for communication with the composer command line server, and retry the command. Valid values are http (insecure) or https (secure).

The Reference Manual for full details of the connection parameters for the composer command line client.

AWSBIA282E   The composer command line client cannot connect to its server. The value specified for the -timeout connection parameter is not valid. It must be the number of seconds that the command line client is to wait for a connection before timing out.


See message.

System action

The composer command line client cannot connect to its server. The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the composer connection parameters. Correct the value defined for the -timeout parameter so that it is the number of seconds that the command line client is to wait for a connection with the command line server before timing out, and retry the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the connection parameters for the composer command line client.

AWSBIA283E   An internal error has occurred. Composer cannot open the temporary file "temporary_file".


See message.temporary_file is the name and path of the temporary file that cannot be opened.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Perform the following checks:

  • Check that there is sufficient space on the file system where your temporary files are created
  • Check that the user of the command line client has write permission in the temporary files directory
  • Check that you have not reached the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed by the operating system

Correct any problems you find and retry the command.

If no problems are identified, this is an internal error, and search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA284E   An internal error has occurred. Composer cannot open the temporary file "temporary_file" for writing.


See message.temporary_file is the name and path of the temporary file that cannot be opened for writing.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Perform the following checks:

  • Check that there is sufficient space on the file system where your temporary files are created
  • Check that the user of the command line client has write permission in the temporary files directory
  • Check that you have not reached the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed by the operating system

Correct any problems you find and retry the command.

If no problems are identified, this is an internal error, and search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA285E   An internal error has occurred. Composer cannot open the temporary file "temporary_file" for reading.


See message.temporary_file is the name and path of the temporary file that cannot be opened for reading.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Perform the following checks:

  • Check that there is sufficient space on the file system where your temporary files are created
  • Check that the user of the command line client has read permission in the temporary files directory
  • Check that you have not reached the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed by the operating system

Correct any problems you find and retry the command.

If no problems are identified, this is an internal error, and search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA286E   Total errors: "error_count".


The total errors that occurred during a composer update or delete command.

System action


Operator response

Check the individual messages to determine the nature of the errors. Correct them and resubmit the command.

AWSBIA287W   Total warnings: "warning_count".


The total warnings that occurred during a composer update or delete command.

System action


Operator response

Check the individual messages to determine the nature of the warnings. Take any appropriate action.

AWSBIA293E   An internal error has occurred. Composer was not able to initialize the HTTP or HTTPS connection.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check that the connection parameters are valid. If you find an error, correct it and resubmit the command.

If the connection parameters are valid, resubmit the command, because the problem might have been only temporary.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

The Reference Manual for full details of the connection parameters for the composer command line client.

AWSBIA294E   An internal error has occurred. The composer command line server could not authenticate the client.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check that the connection parameters are valid. If you find an error, correct it and resubmit the command.

If the connection parameters are valid, resubmit the command, because the problem might have been only temporary.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA297E   The job stream, or the workstation on which it runs, cannot be renamed because another job stream already exists with the supplied name. Two job streams can only have the same name if one has been created, not renamed, as a version of the other (with different valid-from dates).


A job stream is identified by the job stream name and the workstation or workstation class it is to run on. But different versions of the job stream can exist with different valid-from dates, but only provided they are created as such. An existing job stream cannot be renamed to become a version of another existing job stream.

job_stream identifies the job stream which already exists.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

If you want the job stream to become a version of another job stream, you must create it as such. If you selected an existing job stream name by mistake, select a different job stream name that does not exist and retry the rename operation.

AWSBIA298E   If you want to rename a job, the associated workstation and job stream cannot be renamed in the same action.


See message.

System action

The rename command cannot be performed.

Operator response

If you want to rename a job and the workstation or job stream to which it belongs (or both), you must make the changes in separate actions. For example, if you want to rename both a job stream and a job which belongs to it, first issue a rename command for one, and then a second rename command for the other.

The Reference Manual for full details of the scheduling language syntax.

AWSBIA301W   The scheduling language syntax check for object "object_ID" has produced the following number of warnings "warning_count".


See message.

System action

Composer has successfully completed all of the commands, but some warnings were issued.

Operator response

Check the warning messages issued by composer. Take any appropriate action.

AWSBIA303W   Total warnings in !1: !2.

AWSBIA304W   An inconsistency in the workstation definition has been ignored. The secure port identified in the secureaddr keyword has been ignored because the securitylevel keyword has not been supplied.


See message.

System action

The action relating to the workstation definition is completed successfully. The workstation does not use secure (SSL) communications.

Operator response

Check the scheduling language syntax. If you intended to define secure communication for this workstation modify the workstation parameters again to set the securitylevel keyword to the value you require (you need to re-supply the SSL port with the secureaddr keyword).

The Reference Manual for full details of the scheduling language syntax.

AWSBIA309E   The validto date must be greater than the validfrom date in run cycle "run_cycle" defined in job stream "job_stream".


See message.

run_cycle identifies the run cycle with the incompatible dates.

job_stream identifies the job stream to which the run cycle belongs.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Reissue the command, ensuring that the validto date is greater than the validfrom date.

AWSBIA310E   The validto date must be greater than the validfrom date in a run cycle defined in job stream "job_stream".


See message.

job_stream identifies the job stream to which the run cycle belongs.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Reissue the command, ensuring that the validto date is greater than the validfrom date.

AWSBIA315E   There is a syntax error. The syntax of either the follows or the matching keywords is not correct.


See message.

System action

The creation or modification of the job stream definition is not successful.

Operator response

Check the scheduling language syntax. Correct the syntax of the matching or follows keywords and resubmit the command.

The Reference Manual for full details of the scheduling language syntax.

AWSBIA316E   An internal error has occurred. The file "file" could not be read.


See message.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Check that the file exists, and has not been renamed, moved, or deleted. Check that the user has permission to read it. If you find a problem, correct it and retry the command. Otherwise search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA317E   An internal error has occurred. The file "file" could not be opened due to a memory allocation error.


See message.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIA320E   An error occurred while trying to save the user options file "file".


See message.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify that there is sufficient space in the indicated file system, and that the user of HCL Workload Automation has permission to write files in the indicated directory.

AWSBIA322W   The local prompt text in job stream "job_stream" exceeds the maximum length allowed of "max_prompt" bytes. It has been truncated.


See message.

job_stream identifies the job stream for which the prompt cannot be created or modified.

max_prompt indicates the maximum number of bytes that you can use for the prompt.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the input command. Shorten the prompt length until it is less than the indicated maximum.

AWSBIA323W   The total units for the resource "resource" in job stream "job_stream" is "resource_units" units, which exceeds the maximum number of resource units: "max_resource_units".


See message.

resource identifies the resource that has exceed the maximum number of resource units.

job_stream identifies the job stream for which the resource cannot be created or modified.

resource units indicates the total number of resource units in the job stream.

max_resource_units indicates the maximum number of resource units you can specify.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the input command. Reduce the number of resource units so that it is less than the indicated maximum.

AWSBIA324E   The total units for the resource "resource" in job "job" is "resource_units" units, which exceeds the maximum number of resource units: "max_resource_units".


See message.

resource identifies the resource that has exceed the maximum number of resource units.

job identifies the job for which the resource cannot be created or modified.

resource units indicates the total number of resource units in the job.

max_resource_units indicates the maximum number of resource units you can specify.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the input command. Reduce the number of resource units so that it is less than the indicated maximum.

AWSBIA325W   The local prompt text in job "job" exceeds the maximum length allowed of "max_prompt" bytes. It has been truncated.


See message.

job identifies the job for which the prompt cannot be created or modified.

max_prompt indicates the maximum number of bytes that you can use for the prompt.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the input command. Shorten the prompt length until it is less than the indicated maximum.

AWSBIA326W   The server field has been supplied for extended agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the server field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the server field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA327W   The fullstatus field has been supplied as on for extended agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been set to off.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, treating the fullstatus field as if it had been defined as off.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the fullstatus field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA328W   The behindfirewall field has been supplied for extended agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the behindfirewall field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the behindfirewall field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA329W   The securitylevel field and the secureaddr fields have been supplied for extended agent "agent", for which they are not required. They have been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the securitylevel field and the secureaddr fields.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the securitylevel field and the secureaddr fields when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA330W   The autolink field has been supplied as on for extended agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been set to off.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, treating the autolink field as if it had been defined as off.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the autolink field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA331W   The fullstatus field has been supplied as on for standard agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been set to off.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, treating the fullstatus field as if it had been defined as off.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the fullstatus field when defining a standard agent.

AWSBIA332W   The fullstatus field has been supplied as off for domain manager "domain_manager", which is not correct. It has been set to on.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, treating the fullstatus field as if it had been defined as on.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the fullstatus field as on when defining a domain manager.

AWSBIA333W   The server field has been supplied for domain manager "domain_manager", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the server field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the server field when defining a domain manager.

AWSBIA334W   The resolvedep field has been supplied for workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the resolvedep field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the resolvedep field when defining a workstation.

AWSBIA335W   The secureaddr field has been supplied for workstation "workstation", but the securitylevel field has not. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the secureaddr field.

Operator response

If you had not intended to define secure communications for this workstation, no action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the secureaddr field when defining a workstation.

However, if you had intended to define secure communications, modify the workstation definition, setting the appropriate values for the securitylevel and secureaddr fields.

AWSBIA336W   The method field has been supplied for workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the method field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the method field when defining a workstation.

AWSBIA337W   The manager field has been supplied for domain "domain", for which it is not required as it is now obsolete. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the manager field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the manager field when defining a domain.

AWSBIA338W   The domain field has been supplied for extended agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the domain field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the domain field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA339W   The securitylevel field has been supplied for extended agent "agent", but the secureaddr field (SSL port) has not. The default value of 31113 is used for secureaddr.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, using the value of 31113 for the secureaddr field.

Operator response

Verify that port 31113 on the master domain manager is the correct port for secure communications. If it is not, modify the extended agent description to correct the value.

If the port number is correct, no action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the secureaddr field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA340W   The host field has been supplied for standard agent "agent", for which it is not required. It has been replaced by the domain to which the workstation belongs.


A standard agent must have its host field set to the value of the domain in which it resides.

System action

Processing continues, treating the host field as if it had been defined as the domain of the agent.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the host as the workstation's domain when defining a standard agent.

AWSBIA341W   The host field has been supplied for workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the host field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the host field when defining an extended agent.

AWSBIA342E   The filter keyword "incorrect_keyword" cannot be used for the supplied object.


See message.

incorrect_keyword is the filter keyword that is not correct for the supplied object.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the scheduling language syntax. Resubmit the command supplying a valid keyword.

The Reference Manual for full details of the scheduling language syntax.

AWSBIA343E   The supplied filter criteria cannot be used twice.


See message.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the filter criteria only once.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA344E   The supplied filter criteria is not valid for the supplied object of the command. The filter for the object of this command requires keyword "valid_keyword".


See message.

For example, you have issued the command list js=@; filter workstation=abc123 but workstation is not a valid filter keyword for a job stream.

valid_keyword is the correct filter keyword to use with the object of this command.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the correct keyword in the filter criteria.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA345E   The supplied filter criteria is not valid for the supplied object of the command. The filter for the object of this command requires one of the following keywords "valid_keywords_list".


See message.

For example, you have issued the command list js=@; filter workstation=abc123 but workstation is not a valid filter keyword for a job stream.

valid_keywords_list is the list of correct filter keywords to use with the object of this command.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying one of the correct keywords in the filter criteria.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA346E   No filter criteria has been supplied after the filter keyword. Use the following criteria: "filter_criteria".


See message.

filter_criteria is the type of filter criteria available for this command on this object.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the filter criteria or omitting the filter keyword.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA347E   No filter criteria has been supplied after the filter keyword. Use the following criteria: "valid_filter_criteria_list".


See message.

valid_filter_criteria_list is a list of the types of filter criteria available for this command on this object.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the filter criteria from the list or omitting the filter keyword.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA348E   The supplied keyword is not valid for the supplied object. The command on this object requires keyword "valid_keyword".


See message.

valid_keyword is the correct keyword to use with the object of this command.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the correct keyword.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA349E   The supplied keyword is not valid for the supplied object. The command on this object requires one of the following keywords "valid_keywords_list".


See message.

valid_keyword_list is the list of correct keywords to use with the object of this command.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying one or more keywords from the indicated list.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA350W   The keywords schedtime and at can be specified only once. The last value is used.


See message.

One or both of the keywords schedtime and at has been specified more than once for a job or job stream.

System action

The command is processed, using the last value issued.

Operator response

Check that the last value issued was the one you wanted to use. If it was, you need take no action. If it was not you need to redo the operation, setting the schedtime and at keywords to the required values.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA351E   The rename command does not support the cpu keyword because it is ambiguous. To rename cpu objects use the specific keywords for workstation ws, workstation class wscl, or domain dom.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

To rename a workstation use the ws or workstation keyword.

To rename a workstation class use the wscl or workstationclass keyword.

To rename a domain use the dom or domain keyword.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA352W   The IPv6 address you entered is an IPv4-mapped address and might not be supported on some platforms.


Some operating systems do not support IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, either because the IPv6 and IPv4 stacks are separate, or because of security concerns.

System action

The command is processed only if the operating system accepts this type of address.

Operator response

If the operating system does not accept IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, replace it with a regular IPv4 or IPv6 address.

AWSBIA353W   The IPv6 address you entered is an IPv4-compatible address and might not be supported on some platforms.


Some operating systems do not support IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses, either because the IPv6 and IPv4 stacks are separate, or because of security concerns.

System action

The command is processed only if the operating system accepts this type of address.

Operator response

If the operating system does not accept IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses, be ready to replace the address with a regular IPv4 or IPv6 address.

AWSBIA354W   The IPv6 address you entered is a Link Local address. Its scope is limited to the same data link and the interface is not portable.


Link Local addresses work only between two nodes on the same data link and cannot be forwarded by routers. Different data links cannot establish any sort of communication. Also, the local name of the outgoing interface might not match the interface name of the remote host.

System action

The command might not be processed.

Operator response

Replace with a regular IPv6 address.

AWSBIA355E   There is a syntax error in the XML file. The closing Eventrule tag has been found without a corresponding opening tag.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Correct the syntax of the XML file and retry the operation.

The Reference Manual for full details of the command syntax.

AWSBIA356E   There is a syntax error in the XML file. The closing comment tag has been found without a corresponding opening tag.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Correct the syntax of the XML file and retry the operation.

AWSBIA357E   There is a syntax error in the XML file. An opening tag for a comment tag has been found before the closing tag of the previously opened comment.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Correct the syntax of the XML file and retry the operation.

AWSBIA358E   There is a syntax error in the XML file. The encoding used is not that of the locale.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Correct the syntax of the XML file and retry the operation.

AWSBIA359E   There is a syntax error in the XML file. The XML version is missing from the header, so the file cannot be parsed.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Correct the syntax of the XML file and retry the operation.

AWSBIA360E   There is a syntax error. You can not change the vartable of a variable. You can change only the variable name.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Correct the syntax and retry the command.

AWSBIA361W    The domain keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the domain field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future nsure to not specify the domain field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA362W    The server keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the server field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the server field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA363W    The fullstatus keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the fullstatus field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the fullstatus field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA364W    The behindfirewall keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the behindfirewall field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the behindfirewall field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA365W    The autolink keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the autolink field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the autolink field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA366W    The access keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the access field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the access field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA367W    The securitylevel keyword has been supplied for agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the securitylevel field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to not specify the securitylevel field when defining an agent, or pool, or dynamic pool, or remote engine workstation.

AWSBIA368W    The protocol keyword has been supplied for workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the protocol field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the protocol field when defining an agent workstation.

AWSBIA369W    The protocol value is http for agent workstation "workstation", for which the secureaddr keyword has been supplied. The protocol keyword has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the protocol field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the https value for protocol field when defining an agent workstation with secureaddr keyword.

AWSBIA370W    The protocol value is https for agent workstation "workstation", for which the secureaddr keyword has not been supplied. The protocol keyword has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the protocol field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the http value for protocol field when defining an agent workstation without secureaddr keyword.

AWSBIA371E    The required node keyword is missing for workstation "workstation".


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definition. See the User's Guide and Reference for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details of the syntax of the object definition.

AWSBIA372E    The required members keyword is missing for pool workstation "workstation".


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definition. See the User's Guide and Reference for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details of the syntax of the object definition.

AWSBIA373E    The required requirements keyword is missing for dynamic pool workstation "workstation".


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definition. See the User's Guide and Reference for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details of the syntax of the object definition.

AWSBIA374E    The os keyword specified for workstation "workstation" is not set to a valid operating system type. ZOS type is valid only for agents, pools, dynamic pools and remote engine workstations.


See message.

System action

The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the object definition. See the User's Guide and Reference for full details. Correct the error and reissue the command.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details of the syntax of the object definition.

AWSBIA375W    One or more invalid keywords have been supplied for workstation "workstation". These invalid keywords have been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues. The invalid keywords are ignored.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the correct syntax.

AWSBIA376W    The requirements keyword has been supplied for workstation "workstation", for which it is not required. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the requirements field.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the requirements field when defining a dynamic pool workstation.

AWSBIA377W    The securitylevel value for workstation "workstation" is not NONE. It has been ignored.


See message.

System action

Processing continues, ignoring the securitylevel value.

Operator response

No action is required, but to avoid receiving this warning in future ensure to specify the NONE value for the securitylevel field when defining a broker workstation.

AWSBIA378E   The supplied set criteria cannot be used twice.


See message.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the set criteria only once.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details about the command syntax.

AWSBIA379E   The "incorrect_keyword" attribute specified for the set criteria cannot be used for the supplied object.


See message.

The incorrect_keyword attribute specified for the set criteria is not applicable for the supplied object.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the scheduling language syntax. Resubmit the command supplying a valid attribute.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details about the scheduling language syntax.

AWSBIA380E   No set criteria was supplied after the set keyword. Use the following syntax to specify the attribute for the set criteria: "set_criteria".


See message.

The set_criteria is the only attribute that you can specify for this object in the command.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the set criteria.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details about the comman syntax.

AWSBIA381E   No set criteria was supplied after the set keyword. Use the following criteria: "valid_set_criteria_list".


See message.

valid_set_criteria_list is a list of the attributes that you can use for this object type in the command.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the set criteria from the list of available attributes.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details about the command syntax.

AWSBIA382E   The attribute specified for the set criteria is not applicable for the supplied object. The set keyword for the object requires the following attribute "valid_keyword".


See message.

For example, if you run the command update ws=@; set calendar=abc123, the calendar attribute is not valid for a workstation object type.

The valid_keyword is the correct attribute that you can use for the set keyword for this type of object.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying the correct attribute in the set criteria.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details about the command syntax.

AWSBIA383E   The attributes specified for the set criteria are not applicable for the supplied object. The set criteria for the object requires one of the following attributes "valid_keywords_list".


See message.

For example, you run the command update ws=@; set calendar=abc123 but calendar is not a valid set keyword for a workstation.

The valid_keywords_list is the list of correct attributes that you can use for the set keyword for this type of object.

System action

The command is not processed.

Operator response

Check the command syntax. Resubmit the command supplying one of the correct attributes in the list for the set criteria.

The User's Guide and Reference for full details about the command syntax.

AWSBIA386E   The submitted command cannot be performed. The error is: "error_msg"


See message..

System action

The composer command line client cannot connect to its server. The submitted command cannot be performed.

Operator response

Verify the connection parameters.