HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSBIP - Connector messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be issued by the connector component.

The message component code is BIP.

AWSBIP001E   A general failure occurred in file: !1 at line: !2.

AWSBIP002E   The object of type !1 is represented by a non-valid ID or handle in method !2

AWSBIP003E   Either the object does not exist or its properties cannot be displayed with this Dynamic Workload Console version.

AWSBIP004E   An incorrect filter was encountered for the object type "object_type" in method "method_name"


This message is issued by the HCL Workload Automation Connector upon encountering one of the following conditions:

  • There is a product level mismatch between the Job Scheduling Console and the Connector.
  • An incorrect field was sent by the Job Scheduling Console on a particular user action.

System action

The connector might stop, depending on the circumstances.

Operator response

Verify that compatible Job Scheduling Console, HCL Workload Automation Connector, and HCL Workload Automation versions are installed. If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSBIP005E   An incorrect timer language expression was found for object type !1 in method !2

AWSBIP006E   Could not generate the timer language expression for object type !1 in method !2

AWSBIP007E   Expected a different timer language expression format type for object type !1 in method !2

AWSBIP008E   An incorrect resource type !1 was encountered in method !2

AWSBIP009E   A nonexistent object !1 was referenced by the object ID or handle for object type !2 in method !3

AWSBIP010E   Unable to send data to object type !1 in method !2

AWSBIP011E   Workstation !1 not found. Using UNKNOWN task type.

AWSBIP012E   Workstation !1 not found, cannot find task type for job !2. Returning UNKNOWN as the task type.

AWSBIP013E   Job !1#!2 not found. Returning empty string for task type.

AWSBIP014E   Error generating audit record

AWSBIP015E   Unable to switch Symphony file.

AWSBIP016E   Operation not allowed while Symphony file is switched.