HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSDEU - Utilities library list messages

This section lists utilities library list error and warning messages that might be issued.

The message component code is DEU.

AWSDEU001E   **ERROR** Adding domain !1 would cause a loop in the domain hierarchy.

AWSDEU004E   Attempt to add item to list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU005E   Attempt to delete from a list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU006E   Attempt to delete from empty list.

AWSDEU007E   Attempt to find last position in list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU008E   Attempt to find length of list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU009E   Attempt to find position at or before zeroth list element.

AWSDEU010E   Attempt to find position in list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU011E   Attempt to free list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU012E   Attempt to insert a null pointer into list.

AWSDEU013E   Attempt to insert after a null pointer.

AWSDEU014E   Attempt to insert before a null pointer.

AWSDEU015E   Attempt to insert before list header.

AWSDEU016E   Attempt to insert into list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU017E   Attempt to insert list header into list.

AWSDEU018E   Attempt to move element down empty list.

AWSDEU019E   Attempt to move element in list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU020E   Attempt to move element up empty list.

AWSDEU021E   Attempt to move header node of list.

AWSDEU022E   Attempt to print list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU023E   Attempt to traverse list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU024E   Attempt to unvisit list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU025E   List is empty.

AWSDEU026E   List to search for visited nodes is empty.

AWSDEU027E   Master domain name is a null pointer.

AWSDEU028E   Master domain name is a null string.

AWSDEU029E   Move element down: failed.

AWSDEU030E   Move element up: failed.

AWSDEU031E   Null pointer supplied for delete.

AWSDEU032E   Null pointer supplied for move.

AWSDEU033E   Not enough elements in list.

AWSDEU034E   Null domain pointer supplied.

AWSDEU035E   Null input list node pointer supplied.

AWSDEU036E   Null list node pointer supplied.

AWSDEU037E   Null parent pointer supplied.

AWSDEU038E   Null string pointer supplied.

AWSDEU039E   Pointer to node is not in list.

AWSDEU040W   Testing for empty list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU041E   Unable to allocate list node. malloc() failed.

AWSDEU042E   Unable to create HM list node. malloc() failed.

AWSDEU043E   Unable to create list node. malloc() failed.

AWSDEU044E   Unable to initialize list.

AWSDEU045W   WARNING: domain !1 has no parent.

AWSDEU046E   Domain is a null pointer, not a string.

AWSDEU047E   Domain not found in list.

AWSDEU048E   Input list is empty.

AWSDEU049E   List pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU050E   Parent is a null pointer, not a string.

AWSDEU051E   String to search pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU052E   Null pointer supplied instead of string.

AWSDEU053E   Attempt to find domain index in list pointed to by null pointer.

AWSDEU054E   The domain loop would be: !1.

AWSDEU056E   The name of a domain manager in the Symphony file is not valid. The file might be corrupt.


For firewall support, HCL Workload Automation creates a list of domain managers that need to bypass the firewall. It obtains this information from the Symphony file.

The name of one of these domain managers in the Symphony file is null, or cannot be read.

System action

The program stops.

Operator response

Check the state of the local Symphony file using the conman sc @!@ command. Check in the output of this command that all domain managers are correctly defined.

If you can find no error in the Symphony file, this is an internal error. Search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

If the Symphony file cannot be read, or the command gives an error, or the domain manager definition is missing or incorrect, the Symphony file is probably corrupt. See the chapter on Symphony file corruption in the Troubleshooting Guide.