HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSDFH - Condition expression parsing messages

This section lists condition expression parsing error and warning messages that might be issued.

The message component code is DFH.

AWSDFH001E   The following success condition comparison expression is missing one of a pair of parentheses: "expression"


You have issued a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

expression is the comparison expression with the unmatched parenthesis.

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the expression using the Reference Manual, and match the pairs of opening and closing parentheses.

An example of a correctly-formed definition is as follows:rccondsucc (RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

Resubmit the job definition.

The Reference Manual for details of the success condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSDFH002E   The success condition comparison expression either contains an unsupported operator or an operator used incorrectly: "operator".Note that = < > != <> >= <= are comparison operators and they can be used for comparison expressions. AND OR NOT are logical operators and they can be used for boolean expressions, however, NOT is a unary operator.


You have submitted a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

Operator is the unsupported operator.

Valid operators are:
  • = (equal to)
  • < (less than)
  • > (greater than)
  • != (not equal to)
  • <> (not equal to)
  • >= (not less than)
  • <= (not greater than)
  • AND (boolean)
  • OR (boolean)
  • NOT (boolean)

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Correct the expression to contain only valid operators and resubmit the job definition.

An example of a correctly-formed definition is as follows:rccondsucc (RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

The Reference Manual for details of the success condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSDFH003E   The following output condition comparison expression is incorrect: "expression".


You have issued a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

expression is the comparison expression that is incorrect.

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the expression using the Reference Manual, and correct it.

An example of a correctly-formed expression is as follows:(RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

Resubmit the job definition.

The Reference Manual for details of the output condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSDFH004E   The success condition comparison expression contains the following non-valid operand: "operand". The operand must be an integer between -2147483647 and 2147483647.


You have issued a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

Operand is the incorrect operand.

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Change the operand in the job definition to an integer.

An example of a correctly-formed definition is as follows:rccondsucc (RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

Resubmit the job definition.

The Reference Manual for details of the success condition comparison expression syntax.