HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSJMR - Job management for REST services messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be generated by the routines that handle job management for REST services.

The message component code is JMR.

AWSJMR001E   The following fault message was received from the agent as a result of a scheduling request: "fault_message".


AWSJMR002E   The requested service has ended with a fault. The internal error message is: "error_message".


AWSJMR003E   A transport problem was found while running a REST service. The internal error message is: "error_message".


AWSJMR004E   There was an error retrieving the job id from the alias. The internal error message is: "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not executed

Operator response

See message text.

AWSJMR005E   There was an error retrieving the job id from the alias because of problems accessing the database. The internal error message is: "error_message".


See message text.

System action

The operation is not executed

Operator response

See message text.

AWSJMR006E   The notification address list is empty.


When submitting a job, specify the recipients of the notifications about job status changes.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Specify the recipients of the notifications about job status changes and retry the operation.

AWSJMR007E   An error occurred while getting the requirement description of the dynamic pool with id "pool_id". The error message is: "error_message"


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR008E   An unexpected error occurred while getting the requirement description of the dynamic pool with id "pool_id". The error message is: "error_message"


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR009E   An error occurred while getting the computer systems belonging to the dynamic pool with id "pool_id". The error message is: "error_message"


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR010E   An unexpected error occurred while getting the computer systems belonging to the dynamic pool with id "pool_id". The error message is: "error_message"


See message text.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR011E   You are not authorized to perform the requested operation.


See message text.

The specified certificate is not authorized to perform the operation. Your certificate must be authorized on the Broker server.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify the certificate configuration and the list of authorized CN on the Broker server. For more information, see the Administration Guide.

AWSJMR012E   The user "username" is not registered on the gateway.


Error retrieving from the Gateway properties file the prefix value associated with the user.

username identifies the user that is missing from the gateway properties file.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify that the user is correctly registered on the gateway.

AWSJMR013E   Basic authentication is required to access this servlet.


The serlvet was invoked without basic authentication.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

See message text.

AWSJMR014E   The gateway ID "gwID" does not start with the prefix "prefix".


Incorrect gateway id. Its value does not start with the same prefix as the computer system display name.

gwID identifies the gateway ID.

prefix identifies one of the prefix associated with the user name and used as the prefix of the computer system display name.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify that the gateway ID is correctly set with the same prefix as the computer system display name.

AWSJMR015E   The display name "displayName" does not start with a valid prefix for the user "username".


The computer system display name does not start with a valid prefix for the authenticated user.

displayName identifies the computer system display name that does not start with a valid prefix listed in the gateway properties file.

username identifies the user that does not match the prefix in the gateway properties file.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify that the computer system display name is correctly set with a valid prefix.

AWSJMR016E   The gateway ID "gateway id" does not start with a valid prefix for the user "username".


The gateway ID does not start with a valid prefix for the authenticated user.

gateway id identifies the gateway ID.

username identifies the user that does not match the prefix in the gateway properties file.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Verify that gateway id and the prefix defined in the JobManagerGW.ini file are correct.

AWSJMR017W   The plugin "plugin" has version "plugin version" that is newer than "plugin version".


The plugin on the agent is already at the current level.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR018W   The plugin "plugin" cannot be updated because the new version requires the agent version "required agent version" while the current version is "agent version".


The plugin on the requires a higher agent level.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR019E   The plugin "plugin" was not found on the server. The error is "error"


An error occurred accessing the plugin jar file.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response


AWSJMR020E   The plugin "plugin" was not found on the server. The error is "error"


An error occurred accessing the plugin jar file.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response
