HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSJOM - Object management messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be generated by the routines that handle object management.

The message component code is JOM.

AWSJOM001E   A null value was specified for field "field_name". Only not-null values are allowed.


See message.

field_name identifies the field that must not have null values.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a not-null value for each required field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM002E   Null values were specified for field "field_name_1" and field "field_name_2". At least one of these values must be not-null.


See message.

field_name_1 and field_name_2 identify two fields, one of which must not have null values.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated fields is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a not-null value for each required field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM003E   Null values were specified for the following fields: "field_name_1", "field_name_2" and "field_name_3". At least one of these values must be not null.


See message.

field_name_1, field_name_2, and field_name_3 identify three fields, one of which must not have null values.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated fields is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a not-null value for each required field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM004E   Null values were specified for the following fields: "field_name_1", "field_name_2", "field_name_3" and "field_name_4". At least one of these values must be not null.


See message.

field_name_1, field_name_2, field_name_3, and field_name_4 identify four fields, one of which must not have null values.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated fields is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a not-null value for each required field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM011E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" is outside the allowed range. Values must be between "range_start" and "range_end".


See message.

field_name and field_value identify the value that is out-of-range.

range_start and range_end are the minimum and maximum values for this field.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for the indicated field that is within the permitted range.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM012E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" exceeds the maximum length, which is "max_length".


See message.

field_name and field_value identify the value that is too long.

max_length is the maximum length of the field.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for the indicated field that is within the maximum length.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM013E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" contains the following character "non-valid_char", which is not allowed.


See message.

field_name and field_value identify the value that includes a non-valid character.

non-valid_char is the non-valid character.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for the indicated field that does not contain non-valid characters.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM014E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" does not start as expected. Values cannot start with the following character: "non-valid_start".


See message.

field_name and field_value identify the value that starts with a non-valid character.

non-valid_start is the character that cannot be used in the first character of the field.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for the indicated field that does not contain a non-valid character in the first position.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM015E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" is not allowed or reserved for future use.


The field in question can only take one of a pre-determined set of values, or a specific data type. For example, the field might require a positive number and you have supplied a negative number, or it might require either yes or no and you have supplied a different value.

field_name and field_value identify the value that is not allowed.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a valid value for the indicated field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM016E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" does not contain a valid internet address.


The field in question requires an internet address, but the value supplied is not a valid internet address.

field_name and field_value identify the value that does not contain a valid internet address.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a valid internet address for the indicated field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM017E   The value "field_value_too_low" specified for field "field_name_too_low" cannot be lower than the value "reference_field_value" specified for field "reference_field_name".


See message.

field_name_too_low and field_value_too_low identify the value that must not be lower than the value of the other field referenced.

reference_field_name and reference_field_value identify the reference value.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a valid internet address for the indicated field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM018E   The object specified for field "field_name" is an instance of the object class "wrong_class_name". Only instances of the object class "correct_class_name" are allowed.


See message.

field_name identifies the field that contains a list of objects, among which is an object of an incorrect class.

wrong_class_name identifies the object class which has been incorrectly used for this field.

correct_class_name identifies the object class which is correct for this field.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying only objects of the correct object class in the object list for the indicated field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM019E   The instance of object class "wrong_class_name" is not allowed for filter "filter_name". Only instances of object class "correct_class_name" are allowed.


See message.

filter_name identifies the filter that contains an instance of an object of an incorrect class.

wrong_class_name identifies the object class which has been incorrectly used for this filter.

correct_class_name identifies the object class which is correct for this filter.

System action

The query that includes the indicated filter is not run.

Operator response

Retry the query, specifying only objects of the correct object class in the indicated filter.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM020E   A null value is not allowed for filter "filter_name". Only instances of object class "correct_class_name" are allowed.


A null value was specified for a query filter that does not allow null values.

filter_name identifies the filter that contains a null value.

correct_class_name identifies the object class which is correct for this filter.

System action

The query that includes the indicated filter is not run.

Operator response

Retry the query, specifying only objects of the correct object class in the indicated filter.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM021E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" contains the following character "non-valid_char", which is not allowed before and after the character "validation_char".


See message.

field_name and field_value identify the value that includes a non-valid character.

non-valid_char is the non-valid character.

validation_char is the character used to check the non-valid character.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for the indicated field that does not contain non-valid characters.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM051E   The value "incorrect_field_value" specified for field "incorrect_field_name" is not allowed, because field "reference_field_name" has the value "reference_field_value" and these values for these fields are incompatible.


See message.

incorrect_field_name and incorrect_field_value identify the value that is not correct given the value of the referenced field.

reference_field_name and reference_field_value identify the reference value.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for incorrect_field_name that is compatible with the value of reference_field_name.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM052E   The value "incorrect_field_value" specified for field "incorrect_field_name" is not allowed, because field "reference_field_name_1" has the value "reference_field_value_1" and field "reference_field_name_2" has the value "reference_field_value_2", and these values for these fields are incompatible.


See message.

incorrect_field_name and incorrect_field_value identify the value that is not correct given the value of the referenced fields.

reference_field_name_1 and reference_field_value_1, and reference_field_name_2 and reference_field_value_2 identify two reference values with which the incorrect field value is not compatible.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for incorrect_field_name that is compatible with the value of reference_field_name_1 and reference_field_name_2.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM053E   The value "incorrect_field_value" specified for field "incorrect_field_name" is not allowed, because field "reference_field_name_1" has the value "reference_field_value_1", field "reference_field_name_2" has the value "reference_field_value_2", and field "reference_field_name_3" has the value "reference_field_value_3". These values for these fields are incompatible.


See message.

incorrect_field_name and incorrect_field_value identify the value that is not correct given the value of the referenced fields.

reference_field_name_1 and reference_field_value_1, reference_field_name_2 and reference_field_value_2, and reference_field_name_3 and reference_field_value_3 identify three reference values with which the incorrect field value is not compatible.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for incorrect_field_name that is compatible with the value of reference_field_name_1, reference_field_name_2, and reference_field_name_3.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM101E   The required job stream has not been supplied for job "job_name".


See message.

job_name identifies the job for which you have not supplied a job stream.

System action

The indicated job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a job stream.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM102E   The required job definition has not been supplied for job "job_name".


See message.

job_name identifies the job for which you have not supplied a job definition.

System action

The indicated job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a job definition.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM103E   The required calendar has not been supplied for run cycle "run_cycle_name" of type calendar.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle for which you have not supplied a calendar.

System action

The job stream that includes the indicated run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a calendar for the indicated run cycle. Alternatively, change the run cycle type to simple or rule.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM104E   A calendar has been incorrectly supplied for run cycle "run_cycle_name" of type simple or rule.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle which references a calendar incorrectly.

System action

The job stream that includes the indicated run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the calendar specification for the run cycle. Alternatively, change the type to simple or rule.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM105E   The required host workstation has not been supplied for a workstation that has a workstation type of extended agent, agent, pool, dynamic pool or remote engine.


See message.

System action

The workstation object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a host workstation. Alternatively, change the workstation type to standard agent, domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, or broker.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM106E   A host workstation has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of a workstation of type fault-tolerant agent or domain manager.


See message.

System action

The workstation object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the reference to the host workstation. Alternatively, change the workstation type to be extended agent, standard agent, or broker.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM107E   A host workstation has been incorrectly supplied for a workstation definition, where the workstation is hosted by the master domain manager.


See message.

System action

The workstation object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the reference to the host workstation. Alternatively, change the workstation definition so that is not hosted by the master domain manager.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM108E   A domain has been incorrectly supplied for the definition of a workstation of type extended agent, agent, pool, dynamic pool or remote engine.


See message.

System action

The workstation is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the reference to the domain. Alternatively, change the workstation type to be standard agent, domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, or broker.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM109E   A parent domain has been incorrectly supplied for the definition of a domain because the domain is the master domain, which cannot have a parent.


See message.

System action

The domain is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the reference to the parent domain.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM110E   The required workstation or workstation class has not been supplied in this object definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a workstation or workstation class.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM111E   The required workstation has not been supplied for a workstation link definition.


See message.

System action

The workstation link is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a workstation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM112E   The required valid network agent has not been supplied for the inter-network dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which an inter-network dependency is missing its network agent.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an existing network agent for the dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM113E   The required resource has not been supplied for the resource dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which a resource dependency is missing its resource reference.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an existing resource for the dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM114E   The required prompt has not been supplied for the prompt dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which a prompt dependency is missing its prompt reference.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an existing prompt for the dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM115E   The required workstation or workstation class has not been supplied for the file dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which a file dependency is missing its workstation or workstation class.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an existing workstation or workstation class for the dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM116E   The required job has not been supplied for the internal dependency defined for job "job_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which an internal dependency is missing its job reference.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an existing job for the dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM117E   The required job or job stream has not been supplied for the external dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which an external dependency is missing its job or job stream reference.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an existing job or job stream for the dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM118E   The job "target_job_key" supplied as an internal dependency for job "job_name" does not exist in the job stream "job_stream_key".


See message.

job_stream_key identifies the job stream being validated.

job_name identifies the job for which an internal dependency refers to a job that is not defined in the same job stream.

target_job_key is the job that is not defined in the job stream of job_name.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying as an internal dependency a job that is already defined in the job stream.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM119E   The external dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name" cannot be on both a job and a job stream.


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which an external dependency has both a job and a job stream defined, which is not allowed.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying either a job or a job stream, but not both, for the external dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM120E   The value specified for the parent domain "parent_domain_name" is not allowed. A domain and its parent cannot have the same name.


See message.

domain_name identifies the domain which has been supplied with its own name as parent domain.

System action

The domain is not created or modified.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a different domain as the parent domain.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM121E   A list of workstations cannot be specified for a workstation class if the class already includes all workstations.


See message.

System action

The workstation class is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, either removing the list of workstations. Alternatively, do not specify all workstations.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM122E   The required valid time interval has not been supplied in the definition of dependency resolution "resolution".


See message.

resolution is the rule that is missing a time interval.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a time interval for the dependency resolution. Alternatively, change the dependency resolution to a type that does not require a time interval.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM123E   A time interval has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of dependency resolution "resolution".


See message. For example, if the dependency resolution is closest preceding, a time interval is not appropriate.

resolution identifies the dependency resolution that has a superfluous time interval.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the time interval for the dependency resolution. Alternatively, change the dependency resolution to a type that does not require a time interval.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM124E   A variable table has been incorrectly supplied for run cycle "run_cycle_name", which is exclusive.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle which references a variable table incorrectly.

System action

The job stream that includes the indicated run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the variable table specification for the run cycle. Alternatively, change the run cycle definition from exclusive to inclusive.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM125E   An action has not been supplied with the latest start time definition for the following job stream, job or run cycle: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job stream, job or run cycle that has a latest start time defined without an action.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an action with the latest start time for the indicated object. Alternatively, do not supply the latest start time.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM126E   A latest start time has not been supplied with the action definition for the following job stream, job or run cycle: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job stream, job or run cycle that has an action defined without a latest start time.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a latest start time with the action for the indicated object. Alternatively, do not supply the action.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM127E   The required calendar offset type has not been supplied in the definition of run cycle "run_cycle_name" of type calendar.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle of type calendar that does not have an offset type (days, workdays, or weekdays).

System action

The run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a calendar offset type for the indicated run cycle. Alternatively, remove the calendar offset.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM128E   A calendar offset has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of run cycle "run_cycle_name" of type simple or rule.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle with a type other than calendar that has an offset specified.

System action

The run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the calendar offset for the indicated run cycle. Alternatively, change the run cycle type to calendar.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM129E   The required iCalendar definition has not been supplied in the definition of run cycle "run_cycle_name" of type simple or rule.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle of type simple or rule that has not been supplied with an iCalendar definition.

System action

The run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying an iCalendar definition for the indicated run cycle. Alternatively, change the run cycle type to calendar.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM130E   An iCalendar definition has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of run cycle "run_cycle_name" of type calendar.


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle of type calendar that has been supplied with an iCalendar definition.

System action

The run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the iCalendar definition for the indicated run cycle. Alternatively, change the run cycle type to simple or rule.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM131E   The required access method has not been supplied in the definition of a workstation of type extended agent.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying an access method. Alternatively, change the workstation type to domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, standard agent, or broker.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM132E   An access method has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of a workstation of type domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, standard agent, or workload broker.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the specification of an access method. Alternatively, change the workstation type to extended agent.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM133E   The required security level has not been supplied in the definition of a workstation of type domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, standard agent, or workload broker.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying the security level. Alternatively, change the workstation type to extended agent.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM134E   A security level has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of a workstation of type extended agent, pool, or dynamic pool.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the security level. Alternatively, change the workstation type to domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, or extended agent.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM135E   The required field "field_name" has not been supplied with the definition of Windows user name "full_name".


See message.

field_name is the name of the field (user or domain name) that has not been supplied.

full_name identifies the Windows user for which this field was not supplied.

System action

The Windows user is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying the missing field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM136E   The field "field_name" in the definition of Windows user name "full_name" exceeds the maximum length of "max_length" bytes.


See message.

field_name is the filed that is too long.

max_length is the maximum length of that field.

full_name identifies the Windows user with the field too long.

System action

The Windows user is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, reducing the length of the indicated field.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM137E   The job stream "job_stream_key" contains a job with a dependency that would create the following looped dependency chain of jobs: "looped_job_dependency_chain".


See message.

job_stream_key identifies the job stream being validated.

looped_job_dependency_chain is the list of job dependencies which loops.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, changing the job dependencies so that they do not loop.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM138E   The dependencies defined for job or job stream "object_name" are incorrect because they would give a total number of dependencies generated in the plan "total_dependencies" that exceeds the maximum of 40.


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which the total number of dependencies that would be generated in the plan exceeds the maximum of 40.

total_dependencies is the total number of dependencies that would be generated in the plan.

System action

The job stream is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing some of the dependencies, or decrease the quantity assigned to resource dependencies (multiple resource dependencies are created automatically by planner if the assigned quantity on the original dependency is greater than 32).

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM139E   A resource dependency has been incorrectly defined for both the job stream and for job "job_name".


Resource dependencies can be defined for a job stream or for one of its jobs, but not both.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying resource dependencies for the job stream or for its jobs, but not both.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM140E   The file dependency defined for job or job stream "object_name" is incorrect, because the concatenation of the file path "file_path" and the file qualifier "file_qualifier" is longer than the maximum length of "max_length" bytes.


See message.

file_path identifies the file used in the dependency.

file_qualifier is the supplied qualifier that determines how the file is to be tested to determine the dependency.

max_length is the maximum number of bytes that can be used for the concatenated file path and qualifier.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which the dependency is defined.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated dependency is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, defining a file path that, when concatenated with the qualifier, is less than the maximum length. Do not forget to change the physical path of the file being used for the dependency to match what you have defined

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM141E   The identified job definition is incorrect because it is an instance of a z/OS job definition (ZOSJobDefinition). Only instances of distributed job definitions (DistJobDefinition) are allowed.


A zOS job definition is being used for an operation that expects a distributed job definition.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a distributed job definition instead of a zOS job definition, using the appropriate class.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM142E   The identified job definition is incorrect, because the concatenation of the task string "task_string" and the return code mapping "return_code_mapping" is longer than the maximum length of "max_length" bytes.


See message.

task_string identifies the task string supplied in the job definition.

return_code_mapping is the return code mapping supplied in the job definition.

max_length is the maximum number of bytes that can be used for the concatenated task string and return code mapping.

System action

The job definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, defining a task string that, when concatenated with the return code mapping, is less than the maximum length.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM143E   One or more lines in the comment entered for job or job stream "object_name" exceeds the maximum length, which is "max_length".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream whose comment has one or more lines that exceed the maximum length.

max_length is the maximum length of the lines allowed for the comment field.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated comment is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, breaking the comment text into shorter lines, so that each of them is within the maximum length.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM144E   Event rule "object_name" does not define any event condition. At least one event condition must be defined.


See message.

object_name identifies the event rule without any event condition defined.

System action

The event rule is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying at least one event condition in the event rule definition.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM145E   Event rule "object_name" of type "event_rule_type" defines multiple event conditions. No more than one event condition must be defined.


See message.

object_name identifies the event rule having multiple event conditions defined.

event_rule_type identifies the type of the event rule.

System action

The event rule is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying no more than one event condition in the event rule definition.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM146E   Event rule "object_name" of type "event_rule_type" defines only one event condition. At least two event conditions must be defined.


See message.

object_name identifies the event rule having only one event condition defined.

event_rule_type identifies the type of the event rule.

System action

The event rule is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying at least two event conditions in the event rule definition.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM147E   Event rule "object_name" of type "event_rule_type" cannot contain actions with response type "rule_response_type".


See message.

object_name identifies the event rule that has actions with a non-valid response type.

event_rule_type identifies the event rule type.

rule_response_type identifies the response type of the non-valid actions.

System action

The event rule is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing invalid actions from the event rule definition.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM148E   The timezone "timezone_name" specified for the workstation "workstation_name" is not valid.


See message.

timezone_name identifies the time zone.

workstation_name identifies the workstation.

System action

The workstation is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, modifying the non-valid time zone.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM149E   The timezone "timezone_name" specified for the job or job stream "job_or_job_stream_name" is not valid.


See message.

timezone_name identifies the time zone.

job_or_job_stream_name identifies the job or job stream.

System action

The job or job stream is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, modifying the non-valid time zone.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM150E   Timezone "timezone_name" specified for the event rule "erule_name" is not valid.


See message.

timezone_name identifies the time zone id specified.

erule_name identifies the event rule name.

System action

The event rule is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, modifying the invalid time zone.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM151E   The job stream "job_stream_key" contains the following critical jobs that have neither specific deadline definitions nor inherited deadline definitions from the job stream or the job stream run cycles: "critical_jobs_without_deadlines"


See message.

job_stream_key identifies the job stream that is being validated.

critical_jobs_without_deadlines is the list of critical jobs with missing deadlines.

System action

The job stream is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, after changing the job, job stream or run cycle deadlines so that the job can be defined as critical.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM152E   The job stream "job_stream_key" contains a duplicate run cycle name: "run_cycle_name".


See message.

job_stream_keyidentifies the job stream that is being validated.

run_cycle_name is the run cycle name that is duplicated in the job stream.

System action

The job stream is not created or updated.

Operator response

Check the job stream specification. Ensure that the run cycle information does not contain duplicate run cycle names and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM153E   The job stream "job_stream_key" contains a duplicate job name: "job_name".


See message.

job_stream_key identifies the job stream that is being validated.

job_name is the job name that is duplicated in the job stream.

System action

The job stream is not created or updated.

Operator response

Check the job stream specification. Ensure that the job information does not contain duplicate job names and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM154E   The variable table "variable_table_key" contains a duplicate variable name: "variable_name".


See message.

variable_table_key identifies the variable table that is being validated.

variable_name is the variable name that is duplicated in the variable table.

System action

The variable table is not created or updated.

Operator response

Check the variable table specification. Ensure that the variable information does not contain duplicate variable names and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM155E   The availability calendar "calendar_key" contains a duplicate run cycle name: "run_cycle_name".


See message.

calendar_keyidentifies the availability calendar that is being validated.

run_cycle_name is the run cycle name that is duplicated in the availability calendar.

System action

The availability calendar is not created or updated.

Operator response

Check the availability calendar specification. Ensure that the run cycle information does not contain duplicate run cycle names and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM156E   Too many availability calendar intervals.


See message.

AWSJOM157E   Malformed availability calendar interval.


See message.

AWSJOM158E   Missing run cycle type.


See message.

AWSJOM159E   Unexpected exception type definition.


See message.

AWSJOM160E   Negative availability run cycle priority.


See message.

AWSJOM161E   Unexpected job strem related field definition.


See message.

AWSJOM162E   Availability calendar validation failed.


See message.

AWSJOM163E   Availability calendar iCalendar validation failed.


See message.

AWSJOM164E   Availability calendar timezone error.


See message.

AWSJOM165W   Warning: property has a time part. This part will be ignored.


See message.

AWSJOM166E   The required protocol has not been supplied in the definition of a workstation of type agent.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying the protocol.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM167E   A protocol has been incorrectly supplied, it is supported only for the definition of a workstation of type agent.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the security level. Alternatively, change the workstation type to domain manager, fault-tolerant agent, or extended agent.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM168E   The property "property" of the workstation "workstation" cannot be modified.


The operation you are trying to perform is not supported on the selected workstation type. If you are trying to change the workstation type, consider the following rules:
  • You can change fault-tolerant agent, standard agent, extended agent, domain manager and dynamic workload broker workstations to any workstation type, with the exception of dynamic agent, pool, dynamic pool, and remote engine.
  • You cannot change the type of dynamic agent, pool, dynamic pool, and remote engine.

property identifies the property that cannot be modified.

workstation is the workstation to be validated.

System action

The workstation is not updated.

Operator response

Select a supported property and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM169E   The dependency resolution "resolution" has been incorrectly supplied in the remote job request "request".


See message.

resolution identifies the resolution rule defined in the remote job request incorrectly.

request identifies the alias of job that submitted the request.

System action

The remote job request that includes the indicated dependency resolution is not created or updated.

Operator response

AWSJOM170E   The type of the application "application" has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of the job "job".


See message.

application identifies the application name defined in the job incorrectly.

job identifies the job that defines the application name.

System action

The remote job request related to the job definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

AWSJOM171E   The workstation "workstation" of type "workstation_type" is not supported by the selected job definition type. The supported workstation types are: "supported_workstation_type".


You are trying to save a application job plug-in to an unsupported workstation type.workstation is the workstation identifier.

workstation_type is the workstation type.

supported_workstation_type is a list of supported workstation types.

System action

The job definition cannot be saved.

Operator response

Check the job definition. Choose a supported workstation type and retry the operation.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSJOM172E   The operating system "os_type" of workstation "workstation" is not supported by the selected job definition type. The supported operating systems are: "supported_os".


You are trying to save a application job plug-in to a workstation with an unsupported operating system..os_type is the operating system.

workstation is the workstation identifier.

supported_os is a list of supported operating systems.

System action

The job definition cannot be saved.

Operator response

Check the job definition. Choose a workstation with a supported operating system and retry the operation.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSJOM173E   Unable to find the application job plug-in with ID "plug-inID".


The application job plug-in you are trying to validate is not present. plug-inID is the application job plug-in's ID.

System action

The job definition cannot be saved.

Operator response

Verify that you entered the application job plug-in name correctly and retry the operation.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSJOM174E   The COMPLETE_IF_BIND_FAILS return code mapping string is allowed for shadow jobs only.


You are trying to save a job definition with a COMPLETE_IF_BIND_FAILS return code mapping condition. This condition is allowed for shadow jobs only

System action

The job definition cannot be saved.

Operator response

Check the job definition and replace the RCCONDSUCC condition.

If the problem persists, search the HCL Support database for a solution at https://hclpnpsupport.hcltech.com/csm.

AWSJOM175E   An incorrect security level has been supplied in the definition of a workstation of type workload broker. Only NONE value is allowed.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying the right security level..

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM176E   An error occurred defining the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation is not created.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM177E   An error occurred getting the definition of the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created, updated or deleted.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM178E   An error occurred getting the definition of the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not created, updated or deleted.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM179E   An error occurred deleting definition of the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation definition is not deleted.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM180E   An error occurred defining the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation is not created.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM181E   An error occurred updating the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation is not updated.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM182E   An error occurred updating the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation is not updated.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM183E   An error occurred updating the workstation "workstation". The workload broker server is currently unreachable.


See message.

System action

The workstation is not updated.

Operator response

Start the workload broker server and retry the operation.

AWSJOM184E   The value "incorrect_field_value" specified for field "incorrect_field_name" in job "job_key" is not allowed. The pattern "invalid_pattern" is allowed only in password fields.


See message.

job_key identifies the job that is being validated.

incorrect_field_name and incorrect_field_value identify the field that contain the given pattern.

invalid_pattern identify the pattern that is not allowed in the field.

System action

The job definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for incorrect_field_name that does not contain the pattern invalid_pattern.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM185E   The value you specified for the field "field_name" exceeds the maximum length, which is "max_length".


See message.

field_name identifies the field whose value is too long.

max_length is the maximum length of the field.

System action

The product does not create or update the object definition that includes the indicated field.

Operator response

Specify a value within the maximum length and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details on the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM186E   The action to be performed when the maximum duration is exceeded has not been specified for the following job: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Specify the action to be performed when the maximum duration is exceeded for the job indicated, and then retry the operation. Alternatively, do not specify a maximum duration.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM187E   The action "action_name" to be performed when the maximum duration of the job: "object_name" is exceeded is not a valid action.


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

action_name identifies the action definition.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation specifying one of the following actions: KILL or CONTINUE.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM188E   The action to be performed when the minimum duration is reached has not been specified for the following job: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Specify the action to be performed when the minimum duration is reached for the job indicated, and then retry the operation. Alternatively, do not specify a minimum duration.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM189E   The action "action_name" to be performed when the minimum duration of the job: "object_name" is reached is not a valid action.


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

action_name identifies the action definition.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation specifying one of the following actions: CONFIRM, ABEND or CONTINUE.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM190E   The workstation class specified in the start condition and the workstation class specified in the job stream "job_stream" do not match.


See message.

job_stream identifies the job stream containing the file start condition being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the start condition is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying the same workstation class specified in the job stream being modified.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM191E   The maximum duration was specified using an expression that is not valid "type_name" for the job: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

type_name identifies the way to express the maximum duration.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation specifying one of the following ways to express the maximum duration: PERCENTAGE or MINUTES.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM192E   You must specify how to express the minimum duration for the job: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation specifying one of the following ways to express the minimum duration: PERCENTAGE, MINUTES.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM193E   The minimum duration was specified using an expression that is not valid: "type_name" for the job: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job definition.

type_name identifies the way to express the minimum duration.

System action

The job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation specifying one of the following ways to express the minimum duration: PERCENTAGE or MINUTES.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM194E   An error occurred while parsing the mapping file at line: "incorrect_line".


An error occurred while importing or replacing a workload application.

The mapping file contains the incorrect line incorrect_line.

System action

The import or replace of the workload application fails.

Operator response

Modify the incorrect line in the mapping file and retry the operation.

AWSJOM195E   The workload application "batch_application_key" contains a duplicate job stream name: "job_stream_name".


See message.

batch_application_key identifies the workload application that is being validated.

job_stream_name is the job stream name that is duplicated in the workload application.

System action

The workload application is neither created nor updated.

Operator response

Check the workload application specification. Ensure that the workload application information does not contain duplicate job stream names and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM196E   The required run cycle group has not been supplied for run cycle "run_cycle_name".


See message.

run_cycle_name identifies the run cycle for which you have not supplied a calendar.

System action

The job stream that includes the indicated run cycle is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a calendar for the indicated run cycle. Alternatively, change the run cycle type to simple or rule.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM197E   The run cycle group "runcycle_group_key" must contain at least one run cycle.


See message.

runcycle_group_key identifies the run cycle group that is being validated.

System action

The run cycle group is neither created nor updated.

Operator response

Check the run cycle group specification. Ensure that the run cycle group information contains at least one run cycle and retry the operation.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM198E   A repeat end time has not been supplied with the repeat interval definition for the following job stream, job or run cycle: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job stream, job or run cycle that has a repeat interval defined without a repeat end time.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an repeat end time with the repeat intervalfor the indicated object. Alternatively, do not supply the repeat interval.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM199E   A repeat interval has not been supplied with the repeat end time definition for the following job stream, job or run cycle: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job stream, job or run cycle that has a repeat end time defined without a repeat interval.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a repeat interval with the repeat end time for the indicated object. Alternatively, do not supply the repeat end time.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM200E   The supplied sched time is later than the supplied repeat end time definition for the following job stream, job or run cycle: "object_name".


See message.

object_name identifies the job stream, job or run cycle that has a sched time that is greater than the supplied repeat end time.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a repeat end time that is greater then the provied sched time. Alternatively, do not supply the repeat end time.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM201E   The value "incorrect_field_value" specified for field "incorrect_field_name" in job "job_key" is not allowed. The error is: "error_msg".


See message.

job_key identifies the job that is being validated.

incorrect_field_name and incorrect_field_value identify the field that contain the given pattern.

error_msg identifies the cause of the failure.

System action

The job definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a valid value for incorrect_field_name.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM202E   A repeat interval has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of run cycle group "rcg".


See message.

rcg identifies the run cycle group that has a repeat interval.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the repeat interval.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM203E   A repeat end time has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of run cycle group "rcg".


See message.

rcg identifies the run cycle group that has a repeat end time.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the repeat end time.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM204E   A repeat interval has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of run cycle "rc".


See message.

rc identifies the run cycle that has a repeat interval.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the repeat interval.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM205E   A repeat end time has been incorrectly supplied in the definition of run cycle "rc".


See message.

rcg identifies the run cycle that has a repeat end time.

System action

The object is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the repeat end time.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM206E   A conditional dependency for job stream "js" refers to an output condition that is not defined in the database.


See message.

js identifies the job stream that contains a conditional dependency.

System action

The object is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the conditional dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM207E   The set of joined conditional dependencies defined for job or job stream "object_name" is incorrect because the resulting number of joined conditional dependencies in the plan "total_dependencies" exceeds the maximum supported value of "supported_dependencies".


See message.

object_name identifies the job or job stream for which the total number of joined conditional dependencies generated in the plan exceeds the maximum supported value of 8.

total_dependencies is the total number of joined conditional dependencies that would be generated in the plan.

supported_dependencies is the maximum supported number of joined conditional dependencies that can be generated in the plan.

System action

The job stream is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing some of the joined conditional dependencies.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM208E   The name of a set of joined conditional dependencies must be unique. The specified name "object_name" already exists.


See message.

object_name identifies the duplicated name of the set of joined conditional dependencies.

System action

The job stream is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the duplicated conditional join or renaming it.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM209E   Conditional dependency predecessors must be unique. The conditional dependency predecessor "predecessor_key" specified for "object_name" already exists.


See message.

predecessor_key identifies the duplicated conditional dependency predecessor.

object_name identifies the object where the conditional dependency is specified.

System action

The job stream is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the duplicated conditional dependency predecessor or renaming it.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM210E   A conditional dependency for job stream "js" refers to an output condition "out_cond" that is not defined in the job "job".


See message.

js identifies the job stream that contains a conditional dependency.

out_cond identifies the undefined output condition name.

job identifies the job where the output condition should be defined.

System action

The object is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, omitting the conditional dependency.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM211E   The access control list "acl" cannot be empty.


See message.

System action

The access control list is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a user and a role

AWSJOM212E   The following success condition comparison expression is missing one of a pair of parentheses: "expression".


You have issued a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

expression is the comparison expression with the unmatched parenthesis.

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the expression using the Reference Manual, and match the pairs of opening and closing parentheses.

An example of a correctly-formed definition is as follows:rccondsucc (RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

Resubmit the job definition.

The Reference Manual for details of the success condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSJOM213E   The success condition comparison expression either contains an unsupported operator or an operator used incorrectly: "operator".Note that = < > != <> >= <= are comparison operators and they can be used for comparison expressions. AND OR NOT are logical operators and they can be used for boolean expressions, however, NOT is a unary operator.


You have submitted a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

Operator is the unsupported operator.

Valid operators are:
  • = (equal to)
  • < (less than)
  • > (greater than)
  • != (not equal to)
  • <> (not equal to)
  • >= (not less than)
  • <= (not greater than)
  • AND (boolean)
  • OR (boolean)
  • NOT (boolean)

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Correct the expression to contain only valid operators and resubmit the job definition.

An example of a correctly-formed definition is as follows:rccondsucc (RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

The Reference Manual for details of the success condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSJOM214E   The following output condition comparison expression is incorrect: "expression".


You have issued a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

expression is the comparison expression that is incorrect.

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Check the syntax of the expression using the Reference Manual, and correct it.

An example of a correctly-formed expression is as follows:(RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

Resubmit the job definition.

The Reference Manual for details of the output condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSJOM215E   The success condition comparison expression contains the following non-valid operand: "operand". The operand must be an integer between -2147483647 and 2147483647.


You have issued a job definition with an incorrect comparison expression for defining the return code or codes that indicate a successful completion of a job.

Operand is the incorrect operand.

System action

The job definition that contains the incorrect expression cannot be used.

Operator response

Change the operand in the job definition to an integer.

An example of a correctly-formed definition is as follows:rccondsucc (RC=3) OR ((RC>=5) AND (RC<10))

Resubmit the job definition.

The User's Guide and Reference for details of the success condition comparison expression syntax.

AWSJOM216E   Syntax error in job key "job key".


The job key format is invalid.

System action

The operation is not performed.

Operator response

Change the job key.

AWSJOM217E   The string specified for the object definition to be created does not contain a properly formed object definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM218E   The string specified for the object definition to be created does not contain a properly formed workload application template definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM219E   The following error occurred: "parser error message"


The string specified for the object definition to be created contains a syntax error.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM220E   The value "field_value" specified for field "field_name" is outside the allowed range. Values must be between "range_start" and "range_end".


See message.

field_name and field_value identify the value that is out-of-range.

range_start and range_end are the minimum and maximum values for this field.

System action

The object definition that includes the indicated field is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a value for the indicated field that is within the permitted range.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM221E   The string specified for the object definition to be created does not contain a properly formed job stream definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM222E   The string specified for the object definition to be created does not contain a properly formed job definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM223E   The string specified for the object definition to be created does not contain a properly formed runcycle group definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM224E   The string specified for the object definition to be created does not contain a properly formed one.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM225E   Conditional dependency output conditions must be unique. The output condition "outcond_name" specified for "object_name" already exists.


See message.

outcond_name identifies the duplicated conditional dependency output condition.

object_name identifies the object where the conditional dependency is specified.

System action

The job stream is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, removing the duplicated conditional dependency output condition or renaming it.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM226E   The string specified for the object definition to be created contains an incorrect folder definition.


See message.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Verify the string that you specified for the object definition.

AWSJOM227E   The value specified for the parent folder identifier "parent_folder_id" is incorrect. A folder and its parent cannot have the same identifier.


See message.

parent_folder_id identifies the parent folder identifier which has been supplied in error.

System action

The folder is not created or modified.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a different folder identifier as the parent folder.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM228E   The access control list item "acl_item" is incorrect: you must specify a user or group followed by a list of one or more rules.


See message.

System action

The access control list is not created or modified.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a valid access control list item.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM900E   The workstation "workstation" provided for the start condition of type file does not exist.


See message.

workstation_name identifies the workstation being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the workstation_name is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a workstation that is already defined.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM901E   Login information is mandatory for the selected workstation "workstation_name".


See message.

workstation_name identifies the worktation where the file start condition is scheduled to run.

System action

The job stream that includes the specified user is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying the required login information.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM902E   Workstation information is mandatory in the definition of file start condition in job stream "job_stream".


See message.

job_stream identifies the job stream containing the file start condition being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the file start condition is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying the required workstation information.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM903E   The interval specified in the definition of job start condition in job stream "job_stream" must be greater than 0.


See message.

job_stream identifies the job stream of the start condition being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the start condition is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an interval greater than 0.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM905E   The interval specified in the definition of job "job" in job stream "job_stream" must be greater than 0.


See message.

job identifies the job being validated.

job_stream identifies the job stream of the job being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the job is not created or updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying an interval greater than 0.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM906E   The job "target_job_key" specified in the start condition of type job in "job_stream" does not exist.


See message.

job_stream identifies the job stream containing the job start condition being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the job start condition is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, providing a valid job name.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM907E   The job start condition "job_start_condition" does not contain a value for the mapping condition.


You must specify a value for the mapping condition.

job_start_condition identifies the job start condition being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the job start condition is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, providing a valid value for the mapping condition.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM908E   The job start condition "job_start_condition" contains mapping condition longer than 256 character.


See message.

job_start_condition identifies the job start condition being validated.

System action

The job stream that includes the job start condition is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, providing a mapping condition shorter than 256 characters.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM911E   You have specified a deadline action for job "job_name" but the related deadline offset is empty.


See message.

job_name identifies the job name in error.

System action

The job stream containing the job is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, supplying a dead line offset not null for the indicated object.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM912E   You have specified a deadline offset for job "job_name" but the related deadline action is different from SUPPRESS.


The only supported action for the deadline action is SUPPRESS.

job_name identifies the job name in error.

System action

The job stream containing the job is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, providing a valid deadline action.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM913E   The job "job_name" contains polling condition longer than "max_length" character.


See message.

job_name identifies the job being validated.

max_length maximum length.

System action

The job stream that includes the job is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, providing a polling condition shorter than 256 characters.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM914E   The value "number_value" exceeds the maximum allowed size.


See message.

number_value identifies the incorrect value.

System action

The object is not created nor updated.

Operator response

Retry the operation, specifying a size of lesser value.

The API documentation for details of the syntax for object definitions.

AWSJOM915E   Syntax error at line "line_number", starting from position "start_position" to "end_position": "error_msg"unexpected token "unexpected_token" found.


See message.

line_number identifies the line number where the error occurs.

start_position identifies the start position where the error occurs.

end_position identifies the end position where the error occurs.

error_msg identifies the line in error.

unexpected_token identifies the incorrect value.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Correct the string specified for the object definition and retry the operation.

AWSJOM916E   Syntax error at line "line_number", starting from position "start_position" to "end_position": "error_msg"unexpected token found.


See message.

line_number identifies the line number where the error occurs.

start_position identifies the start position where the error occurs.

end_position identifies the end position where the error occurs.

error_msg identifies the line in error.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Correct the string specified for the object definition and retry the operation.

AWSJOM917E   Syntax error at line "line_number", starting from position "start_position": "error_msg"missing token.


See message.

line_number identifies the line number where the error occurs.

start_position identifies the start position where the error occurs.

error_msg identifies the line in error.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Correct the string specified for the object definition and retry the operation.

AWSJOM918E   Syntax error at line "line_number", starting from position "start_position": "error_msg"missing token, found "missing_token".


See message.

line_number identifies the line number where the error occurs.

start_position identifies the start position where the error occurs.

error_msg identifies the line in error.

missing_token identifies the missing value.

System action

The object is not created or updated in the database.

Operator response

Correct the string specified for the object definition and retry the operation.

AWSJOM919E   The "first_time_zone_definition" differs from "second_time_zone_definition" for "job_or_job_stream". A time zone need be specified just once, or all instances of it must be equal.


A time zone need only be specified once in a job or job stream definition. If you choose to specify it more than once, all instances of the time zone definition must be equal.

Note: a job can have a different time zone definition than that of its job stream.

first_time_definition is one of the time definitions.

second_time_definition is another time definition that has a different time zone specification.

job_or_job_stream identifies the job or job stream that cannot be scheduled.

System action

The job or job stream cannot be scheduled.

Operator response

Correct the job or job stream definition so that either the time zone specification occurs only once, or so that each time definition has exactly the same time zone specification. Note that a job can have a different time zone definition than that of its job stream.

Use composer to reschedule the job or job stream.