HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

AWSRST - Distributed REST messages

This section lists error and warning messages that might be generated by the routines that handle the distributed REST process.

The message component code is RST.

AWSRST001E   A fault was generated processing a shadow job request. The error message returned by the fault is "error_message".


There was an error processing a shadow job request.

System action

The job is not tracked on this system and the shadow job on the remote system goes in the failed submission status.

Operator response


AWSRST002E   There was an error while binding the remote job to the local job instance. The error message returned by the fault is "error_message".


There was an error while binding the remote job to the local job instance.

System action

The job is not tracked on this system and the shadow job on the remote system goes in the failed submission status.

Operator response


AWSRST003I   The monitoring of the remote job was stopped by a user request

AWSRST004E   An internal error occurred while canceling monitoring of the job "alias". The error returned by the exception is "error_message"


An IOexception was caught while canceling the monitoring of the remote jov.

System action

The monitoring of the remote job is not stopped.

Operator response


AWSRST005E   An internal error occurred while canceling the job "alias". The error returned by the exception is "error_message"


A DAOTransportException was caught while canceling the monitoring of the remote jov.

System action

The monitoring of the remote job is not stopped.

Operator response


AWSRST006E   An internal error occurred while canceling the job "alias". The error returned by the exception is "error_message"


A DAOIntegrityException was caught while canceling the monitoring of the remote jov.

System action

The monitoring of the remote job is not stopped.

Operator response


AWSRST007E   An internal error occurred while canceling the job "alias". The error returned by the exception is "error_message"


A DAOLockingException was caught while canceling the monitoring of the remote jov.

System action

The monitoring of the remote job is not stopped.

Operator response


AWSRST008E   There was an error while binding the remote job to the local job instance.


There was an error while binding the remote job to the local job instance.

System action

The job is not tracked on this system and the shadow job on the remote system goes in the failed submission status.

Operator response


AWSRST009E   A fault was generated adding the workstation "wks_name" to the plan. The error message returned by the fault is "error_message".


There was an error processing an add workstation to plan request.

wks_name is the name of the workstation that cannot be added to the plan.

error_message is the error message retrieved adding the workstation to the plan.

System action

The workstation will not be added to the plan.

Operator response


AWSRST010E   There was an error while adding the workstation "wks_name" to the plan. The error message returned by the fault is "error_message"


There was an error while adding the workstation to the plan.

wks_name is the name of the workstation that cannot be added to the plan.

error_message is the error message retrieved adding the workstation to the plan.

System action

The workstation will not be added to the plan.

Operator response


AWSRST011E   There was an error while loading the definition of the workstation "wks_name" from the database. The error message returned is "error_message"


There was an error while loading the workstation definition from the database.

wks_name is the name of the workstation that cannot be loaded from the database.

error_message is the error message retrieved loading the workstation definition from the database.

System action

The workstation will not be added to the plan.

Operator response


AWSRST012E   A fault was generated adding the user "user_name" to the plan. The error message returned by the fault is "error_message".


There was an error processing an add user to plan request.

user_name is the name of the user that cannot be added to the plan.

error_message is the error message retrieved adding the user to the plan.

System action

The user will not be added to the plan.

Operator response


AWSRST013E   There was an error while adding the user "user_name" to the plan. The error message returned by the fault is "error_message"


There was an error while adding the user to the plan.

user_name is the name of the user that cannot be added to the plan.

error_message is the error message retrieved adding the user to the plan.

System action

The user will not be added to the plan.

Operator response


AWSRST014E   There was an error while loading the definition of the user "user_name" from the database. The error message returned is "error_message"


There was an error while loading the user definition from the database.

user_name is the name of the user that cannot be loaded from the database.

error_message is the error message retrieved loading the workstation definition from the database.

System action

The user will not be added to the plan.

Operator response
