HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Creating a Windows service for Jazz for Service Management

Optionally create a service for Jazz for Service Management on Windows systems

About this task

The Dynamic Workload Console requires Jazz for Service Management as a prerequisite. On Windows systems, you can optionally create a service for Jazz for Service Management, using the smsetApplicationServer command, as follows:


  1. Open a command prompt and browse to the <JazzSM_install_directory>\bin directory.
  2. Type the following command:
    smsetApplicationServer.bat --property autostart=true --property admin.name=
    <JazzSM_username> --property admin.password=
    When the property is set to true, the command can complete some or all of the following actions:
    • Creates the service if it does not exist.
    • Starts the service if it is not started.
    When the property is set to false, the command can complete some or all of the following actions:
    • Checks the status of the service.
    • Stops the service if it is not stopped.
    • Deletes the service if it exists.
    Is the user name with administrative privileges who can change the configuration settings of the Jazz for Service Management application server
    Is the password that is associated with the administrator user name as set by the admin.name property