HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

ChangeSecurityProperties - output

The output of the ChangeSecurityProperties script contains messages that help you to understand if the configuration changes you made have been accepted.

The following example shows a sample output of the script:
I: Using Property File: C:/TWS/wastools/FRESHI~1.TXT

I: Configuring Global Security ...
I: The LTPA LTPA has been found.
I: The LTPA timeout has been set to 720 minutes
I: Setting the authentication mechanism to (cells/DefaultNode|security.xml#LTPA_1)
I: Configuring SSL ...
I: Configuring LocalOS registry ...
I: twaLocalOS user registry bridge already exists
I: Configuring Advanced J2C Auth
I: twaLDAP LDAP user registry already exists
I: Configuring LDAP ...
I: Configuring Advanced LDAP ...
I: Enabling "LocalOS" user registry bridge
I: Enabling "LDAP" user registry bridge
I: The Active Authentication Mechanism is (cells/DefaultNode|security.xml#LTPA_1)
I: The Active User Registry is (cells/DefaultNode|security.xml#WIMUserRegistry_1)
   with base entries:
I: The VMM useRegistryServerId property is "true"
I: The VMM ignoreCase property is "true"
I: The VMM realm is "TWSREALM"
I: Current LDAPServerType for user registry with id "twaLDAP" is "IDS"
I: The activeAuthmechanism is LTPA

I: Validation success. Configuration saved

Each message begins with a letter indicating whether it is Informational (I), a Warning (W), or an Error (E).

  1. If an error occurs, the configuration is not changed.
  2. If a property is not supplied in the input file, the corresponding field in the embedded WebSphere Application Server is not updated.
  3. If a password field is blank or “*****”, the corresponding password in the embedded WebSphere Application Server is not updated.