HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Using the changePassword script

About this task

Use the changePassword script from the <TWA_home>/wastools directory to change the passwords of any of the following users:
  • HCL Workload Automation instance owner (<TWS_user>)
  • WebSphere Application Server user
  • Database (J2C) user for either Oracle or DB2
  • Streamlogon user (Windows only)
Before changing any passwords, you must first change the password at the operating system level using native commands, as follows:
On UNIX operating systems
use the passwd command.
On Windows operating systems
use the net user command.
If you use special characters in the password, ensure you use a "\" (backslash) before the special character. The following rules apply:Start of change
On Windows operating systems:
Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=^*/~[]$_+;:.,@`-#.
On UNIX and LINUX systems:
Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=*~_+.-.
End of change

If required, the script performs the necessary changes to the useropts file and stops and restarts the WebSphere Application Server. You can run this script from your master domain manager or HCL Workload Automation agent. The script determines the role of the users for which the password must be changed and performs the checks and actions of the manual procedure described in actions 1 through 8. Run the script as follows:

changePassword.sh  (-credentialfile <FILEPATH> | 
                       -user <USERID>
                       -password <PASSWORD>
                      [-wasuser <WASUSER>]
                      [-waspassword <WASPASSWORD>])
                      [-usroptshome <HOMEDIR>]

Where the arguments are as follows:

-credentialfile <FILEPATH
This argument is optional. You can provide the new credentials in a file represented by <filepath>. The script parses the file and detects the new credentials for the HCL Workload Automation administrator user, and the WebSphere Application Server user. It then updates the soap.client.props file located in the properties directory of the WebSphere Application Server profile with the new credentials. The format for the credentials file is as follows:
–user <USERID>
This argument is optional. Specify the user whose password you are changing.
–password <PASSWORD>
This argument is optional. Specify the new password for the user.
–wasuser <WASUSER>
This argument is optional. Specify the WebSphere Application Server user. By default, the <USERID> value is used.
–waspassword <WASPASSWORD>
This argument is optional. Specify the WebSphere Application Server user password. By default, the <PASSWORD> value is used. The <WASUSER> and <WASPASSWORD> values are ignored if the WebSphere Application Server is not present on this instance or if the script is running for a HCL Workload Automation instance.
This argument is optional. The script searches for the USEROPTS file in the TWA_home/.TWSWebSphere Application Server directory. This argument is ignored if the script is not running for a HCL Workload Automation instance.
changePassword.bat  (-credentialfile <FILEPATH> |
                      -user <USERID>
                      -password <PASSWORD> 
                      [-srvuser <SRVUSERID>]
                      [-srvpassword <SRVPASSWORD>]
                      [-wasuser <WASUSERID>]
                      [-waspassword <WASPASSWORD>])
                      [-usroptshome <HOMEDIR>]
                      [-streamlogonws <WS>]
                      [-streamlogondm <DOMAIN>]
Where the arguments are as follows:
-credentialfile <FILEPATH>
This argument is optional. You can provide the new credentials in a file represented by <filepath>. The script parses the file and detects the new credentials for the HCL Workload Automation administrator user, the Windows service user, and the WebSphere Application Server user. It then updates the soap.client.props file located in the properties directory of the WebSphere Application Server profile with the new credentials. The format for the credentials file is as follows:
A sample file named, cred_TEMPLATE.properties, can be found in the wastools folder.
–user <USERID>
This argument is optional. Specify the user whose password you are changing.
–password <PASSWORD>
This argument is optional. Specify the new password for the user.
–srvuser <SRVUSERID>
This argument is optional. Specify the Windows service user. If you are running the script for a HCL Workload Automation instance, the value specified here is the same as the HCL Workload Automation user. By default, the <USERID> value is used.
–srvpassword <SRVPASSWORD>
This argument is optional. The password of the Windows service user. By default, the <PASSWORD> value is used.
–wasuser <WASUSER>
This argument is optional. Specify the WebSphere Application Server user. By default, the <USERID> value is used.
–waspassword <WASPASSWORD>
This argument is optional. Specify the WebSphere Application Server user password. By default, the <PASSWORD> value is used. The <WASUSER> and <WASPASSWORD> values are ignored if the WebSphere Application Server is not present on this instance or if the script is running for a HCL Workload Automation instance.
This argument is optional. The script searches for the USEROPTS file in the TWA_home/.TWSWebSphere Application Server directory. By default, the home directory of the user running the script is used.
This argument is optional (Windows only). The script updates the user definition for the <WS>#<DOMAIN>/<USER> user in the HCL Workload Automation database. By default, the user definition for the <USER> is updated. The update is performed only if the tool is running on the master domain manager in a Windows environment.
This argument is optional. Specify the domain of the user specified for the <USER>.