Configuring SSL using the predefined certificate
About this task
To customize the SSL connection for the command-line
client using the predefined certificate, perform the following steps:
- Stop the WebSphere Application Server using the conman stopappserver command.
- Extract the certificate from the TWA_home/WAS/TWSprofile/etc/TWSServerKeyFile.jks keystore:
TWA_home/WAS//java/jre/bin/keytool -export -alias server -rfc -file server.crt -keystore TWA_home/WAS/TWSprofile/etc/TWSServerKeyFile.jks -storepass default
- Copy the .crt certificate (server.crt in the previous example) to each workstation that has a command-line client installed, copying it to the path set in the cli ssl server certificate command-line client option (see next step).
- Set the cli ssl server auth and cli ssl server certificate command-line client options in the localopts file. See Setting local options for details about how to set these options.
- Start the WebSphere Application Server using the conman startappserver command.