Configuring common launchers properties [Launchers]
About this task
In the JobManager.ini file, the section
containing the properties common to the different launchers (or executors)
is named:
You can change
the following properties:
- BaseDir
- The installation path of the HCL Workload Automation agent.
- CommandHandlerMinThreads
- The default is 20.
- CommandHandlerMaxThreads
- The default is 100.
- CpaHeartBeatTimeSeconds
- The polling interval in seconds used to verify if the agent process is still up and running. If the agent process is inactive the product stops also the JobManager process. The default is 30.
- DirectoryPermissions
- The access rights assigned to the agent for creating directories when running jobs. The default is 0755. Supported values are UNIX-format entries in hexadecimal notation.
- DownloadDir
- The name of the directory where the fix pack installation package
or upgrade eImage for fault-tolerant agents or dynamic agents is
downloaded during the centralized agent update process. If not specified,
the following default directory is used:
- On Windows operating systems:
- <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM\download
- On UNIX operating systems:
- <TWA_home>/TWS/stdlist/JM/download
- ExecutorsMaxThreads
- The default is 400.
- ExecutorsMinThreads
- The default is 38.
- FilePermissions
- The access rights assigned to the agent for creating files when running jobs. The default is 0755. Supported values are UNIX-format entries in hexadecimal notation.
- MaxAge
- The number of days that job logs are kept (in path TWA_home/TWS/stdlidst/JM) before being deleted. The default is 30. Possible values range from a minimum of 1 day.
- NotifierMaxThreads
- The default is 5.
- NotifierMinThreads
- The default is 3.
- SpoolDir
- The path to the folder containing the jobstore and outputs. The
default is:
value of BaseDir/stdlidst/JM
- StackSizeBytes
- The size of the operating system stack in bytes. The default is DEFAULT, meaning that the agent uses the default value for the operating system.