HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Monitoring the disk space used by HCL Workload Automation

You can use event-driven workload automation (EDWA) to monitor the disk space used by HCL Workload Automation and to start a predefined set of actions when one or more specific events take place. You can use EDWA to monitor the used disk space, to verify that there is enough space to generate the Symphony and log files, and to allow the product to work correctly. For more information about event-driven workload automation, see User's Guide and Reference.

The following .XML file contains the definition of a sample event rule to monitor the disk filling percentage. This event rule calls the MessageLogger action provider to write a message in a log file in an internal auditing database. If the condition described in the rule is already existing when you deploy the rule, the related event is not generated. For more information about the MessageLogger action provider, see User's Guide and Reference :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<eventRuleSet 	xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	<eventRule name="FILESYSTEMFULL" ruleType="filter" isDraft="yes">
		<eventCondition name="twsDiskMonEvt1" eventProvider="TWSApplicationMonitor" eventType="TWSDiskMonitor">
				* Disk is filling up
				<attributeFilter name="FillingPercentage" operator="ge">
				<attributeFilter name="Workstation" operator="eq">
				<attributeFilter name="SampleInterval" operator="eq">
				<attributeFilter name="MountPoint" operator="eq">

		<action actionProvider="MessageLogger" actionType="MSGLOG" responseType="onDetection">
				OBJECT=ADWDAD MESSAGE=Disk is filling up
			<parameter name="ObjectKey">
			<parameter name="Severity">
			<parameter name="Message">
Is the filling percentage. Supported operators are as follows:
causes the event generation when the disk filling percentage increases over the threshold value. The event is generated only the first time the specified disk filling percentage is reached. If you restart the SSM agent and the filling percentage is higher than the threshold value, the event is generated again. Table 1 provides an example in which the ge operator is set to 70%.
Table 1. Example for the ge operator
Mailbox name Filling percentage Action
Sample (0) >= 70% event not generated
Sample (0) < 70% event not generated
Sample (n-1) < 70% event not generated
Sample (n) >= 70% event generated
Sample (n+1) >= 70% event not generated
causes the event generation when the disk filling percentage decreases under the threshold value. The event is generated only the first time the specified disk filling percentage is reached. If you restart the SSM agent and the filling percentage is lower than the threshold value, the event is not generated until the filling percentage increases over the threshold value and then decreases under it again. Table 2 provides an example in which the le operator is set to 50%:
Table 2. Example for the le operator
Mailbox name Filling percentage Action
Sample (0) <= 50% event not generated
Sample (0) > 50% event not generated
Sample (n-1) > 50% event not generated
Sample (n) <= 50% event generated
Sample (n+1) <= 50% event not generated
Is the workstation on which the event is generated.
Is the interval, expressed in seconds, for monitoring the disk filling percentage.
Is the mount point of the file system where HCL Workload Automation is installed, for example: "C:" on Windows systems or "/" on UNIX systems.
Is a key identifying the object to which the message pertains.
Is the severity of the message.
Is the message to be logged.