HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Object type - job

The following table gives the additional access keywords required to work with jobs, other than those described in Table 1:

Table 1. Jobs - additional access keywords
Activity Access keywords required

Dynamic Workload Console

Use jobs in job streams.

Also, if a job is used as a recovery job in a job definition, the user must have "use" access to the definition of the job identified as the recovery job.


Dynamic Workload Console

adddep Add dependencies to jobs in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. adddep
altpri Alter the priority of jobs in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. altpri
cancel job Cancel jobs in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. cancel
confirm Confirm completion of jobs in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. confirm
deldep job Delete dependencies from jobs in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. deldep
display Display jobs in the plan. display
Hold Hold a job to prevent it from running adddep
kill Kill running jobs. kill
release job Release jobs from dependencies in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. release
reply Reply to job prompts in the production plan. reply
rerun Rerun jobs in the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment.

Start of changeTo use the from argument, you must have submitdb access to the job.End of change

showjobs Display information about jobs in the production plan. list

Dynamic Workload Console

submit docommand Submit commands as jobs or recovery jobs into the production plan.

If the submit also identifies a second job with the "ALIAS" or "RECOVERYJOB" arguments, the user must have "submit" access to that other job, as well

Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment.

submit file Submit files as jobs or recovery jobs into the production plan.

If the submit also identifies a second job with the "ALIAS" or "RECOVERYJOB" arguments, the user must have "submit" access to that other job, as well

Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment.

submit job Submit jobs or recovery jobs into the production plan.

If the submit also identifies a second job with the "ALIAS" or "RECOVERYJOB" arguments, the user must have "submit" access to that other job, as well

Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment.

Restricts the submission action to jobs defined in the database. With this authorization level a user cannot submit ad hoc jobs. Use this keyword to allow a user to submit only jobs defined in the database. Use the submit keyword to allow a user to submit both defined and ad hoc jobs.
Users granted only submitdb rights:
  • Cannot run submit docommand and submit file successfully
  • Are displayed tasks related to ad hoc job submission on the graphical user interfaces, but if they run them, are returned error messages for lacking the submit access right.
submit sched Submit job streams into the production plan. Not valid for workstations in end-to-end environment. submit
Hold Hold a job to prevent it from running adddep
Dynamic Workload Console For critical jobs on which you run any of the following actions:
  • Display hot list
  • Display critical path
  • Display incompleted predecessors
  • Display completed predecessors
The predecessors are listed regardless of the fact that this authorization might not be extended to them. However, if you want to run any further action on any of the listed predecessors, this will require that you have the proper authorization. list
Using the workload service assurance feature All activities For any user to perform any workload service assurance activities, the TWS_user must have the following access keywords: display, modify, list