HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Configuring user and password for running conman stopappserver

When you run conman stopappserver, the appserverman process first checks if WebSphere Application Server can retrieve the user's credentials (username and password) from the soap.client.props file located in the WebSphere Application Server profile. If the check is negative, appserverman reads them from the useropts file of the user and runs the stopServer.sh (bat) script to pass them to WebSphere Application Server.

To be able to run conman stopappserver, you must therefore complete one of the following two customization procedures to provide the user credentials to WebSphere Application Server:
  • Customize the user name (com.ibm.SOAP.loginUserid) and password (com.ibm.SOAP.loginPassword) properties in the soap.client.props file located in:
    WAS_profile_path/properties                     (Version 9.1 and later master and agents)
    where WAS_profile_path corresponds to the WebSphere Application Server profile path you specified at installation time. The default value for this path is: TWA_home/WAS/TWSprofile.
    You must also:
    1. Set property com.ibm.SOAP.securityEnabled to true in the same file to enable the SOAP client security
    2. Run the encryptProfileProperties.sh script to encrypt the password. See the HCL Workload Automation Administration Guide for more information on this application server tool.
  • Customize the Attributes for conman (CLI in version 8.4) connections section in the localopts file by specifying the details of the connector or of the master domain manager.
    You must also:
    1. Create (or customize if already present) the useropts file manually, adding the USERNAME and PASSWORD attributes for the user who will run stopappserver. Make sure the useropts file name is entered in the USEROPTS key in the Attributes for conman (CLI) connections section. See the Administration Guide for further details.
    2. Encrypt the password in the useropts file simply by running conman.