Configuring access to the Dynamic Workload Console
As soon as you finish installing the Dynamic Workload Console, you can launch it by using the link provided in the final installation panel.
However, after the installation, the administrator is the only user who can log into the console, using the credentials specified during the installation.
This is the user defined in the WebSphere Application Server file registry (WIM).
If WebSphere Application Server is configured to use the file registry (WIM) user registry (the default value), users and groups must be created in the file registry using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console:
- From the navigation toolbar, click the search glass icon, on top of the toolbar. In the search field, enter WebSphere Administrative Console to open the administrative console.
- Click Launch WebSphere administrative console.
- From the administrative console navigation tree, click to create a new user on the file registry (do not create it on the operative system).
If WebSphere Application Server is configured to use the local operating system user registry, users and groups must be created in the local operating system. However, you can replace the local operating system user registry with LDAP or a file registry and vice versa, or configure the use of more than one of these.
Users defined in the user registry can log in to the Dynamic Workload Console; then they need to be associated to a role to be able access the Dynamic Workload Console features (see “Configuring roles to access the Dynamic Workload Console.)
By default, the Dynamic Workload Console uses file registry (WIM) for authentication purposes. If you want to switch to local OS or PAM authentication, perform the steps described in Configuring the Dynamic Workload Console to use the local OS or PAM authentication method
If the Dynamic Workload Console on UNIX operating systems uses PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) for authentication purposes and you want to switch to local OS authentication, perform the steps defined in Configuring the Dynamic Workload Console to use the local OS or PAM authentication method.