HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Importing stand-alone instance data to a High Availability configuration

If you exported custom data from a node before joining the node to a High Availability configuration, you can then import the data to any node in the High Availability configuration for it to be replicated across the configuration.

About this task

Import the previously exported data file to any node in the High Availability configuration.


  1. At the command line, change to the following directory:


  2. On one of the nodes in the High Availability configuration, run the following command to import the data file:
    • consolecli.sh import -username console_admin_user_ID -password console_admin_password -source destination
    • .\consolecli.bat Import -username user_name -password password -importFile destination


    Specifies the administrator user ID.
    Specifies the password associated with the administrator user ID.
    Specifies the path and file name to the data file that is to be imported, for example, c:/tmp/data.zip.


The data from the initial Jazz™ for Service Management application server is imported to the node and replicated across the other nodes in the High Availability configuration.