Job status
When HCL Workload Automation submits a job to run, the job's HCL Workload Automation state changes from READY to WAIT. A state of WAIT indicates that the job has been queued into the appropriate JOBQ, but that the job is not currently ACTIVE. Even if the job immediately becomes ACTIVE, the HCL Workload Automation job state remains in WAIT for one full “Check Interval.” The “Check Interval” is a configured parameter that defines the number of seconds between job status checks. The default value for “Check Interval” is 60 seconds. Once a job is ACTIVE, the HCL Workload Automation state of the job changes from WAIT to EXEC. The IBM i agent then waits for a normal or abnormal completion message from the job. If a normal completion message is received, the job state changes from EXEC to SUCC; if an abnormal completion message is received, the state changes from EXEC to ABEND.