Modify the Windows registry entries that determine the heap size
About this task
To modify the Windows registry entries that determine the heap size, run regedit.exe and modify the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
The default data for this registry
value will look something like the following (all on one line): %SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=
1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,
1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:
ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
The numeric values following SharedSection= control
how the desktop heap is allocated. These SharedSection values are specified in kilobytes. See Problem description for a description
of the values.The third SharedSection value (512 in the above example) is the size of the desktop heap for each non-interactive desktop. Decrease the value to 256 kilobyte.
Note: Decreasing any of the SharedSection values will
increase the number of desktops that can be created in the corresponding
window stations. Smaller values will limit the number of hooks, menus,
strings, and windows that can be created within a desktop. On the
other hand, increasing the SharedSection values will
decrease the number of desktops that can be created, but will increase
the number of hooks, menus, strings, and windows that can be created
within a desktop. This change will only take effect after you reboot
the cluster nodes.