HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Start up and shut down HCL Workload Automation

About this task

The following methods can no longer be used to stop HCL Workload Automation because they will cause a failure of the HCL Workload Automation cluster resource:
  • Conman shut
  • Shutdown.cmd
  • StartUp.cmd
  • Conman start if the ITWSWorkstation resource is offline.
  • StartupLwa.cmd
Use the following scripts to stop and start HCL Workload Automation (you can rename then if required):
  • ShutDown_clu.cmd
  • StartUp_clu.cmd
  • ShutDownLwa.cmd

The above scripts will be automatically created under the HCL Workload Automation installation directory by the twsClusterAdm.exe program.

If you do not use these scripts, you must run the following commands to stop and start HCL Workload Automation services.