HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Packaging Installation Manager log files via wizard

About this task

By using the Installation Manager wizard, you can create a .zip file that contains the following log files:
  • Native log files in the <INSTALLATION_MANAGER_LOGS_DIR>\native directory.
  • xml log files in the <INSTALLATION_MANAGER_LOGS_DIR> directory.
Where <INSTALLATION_MANAGER_LOGS_DIR> is the directory where Installation Manager creates the log files.
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX and Linux operating systems
To create a .zip file of the native log directory, perform the following steps:
  1. Open the Installation Manager Start page.
  2. Select Help>Export Data for Problem Analysis.
  3. Enter the name of the directory where you want to create the .zip file and the .zip file name.
  4. Press Ok. A .zip file that contains all log files is created in the directory you specified.