HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Creating the database tables if you are using DB2

To create the HCL Workload Automation and the dynamic workload broker database tables if you are using DB2®.

To create the HCL Workload Automation and the dynamic workload broker database tables if you are using DB2, run the following procedures:
  1. Customize the properties file. See Customizing the properties file for DB2.
  2. Generate the SQL files. See Generating the SQL files for DB2.
  3. Create the SQL tables. See Running scripts to create or upgrade the SQL tables for DB2.
  • Run the procedure only if the database administrator manages all the confidential information that is related to the database, such as the database administrator user ID and password and the IT administrator who upgrades the product does not know them.
  • After upgrading, to grant permissions to users on the updated database views, you must run the script:
    On Windows operating systems
    <user_ID_to_be_granted> <database_name> 
    [<database_admin_user> <password>]
    On UNIX and Linux operating systems
    <user_ID_to_be_granted> <database_name> 
    [<database_admin_user> <password>]