HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Installing and upgrading for a DB2 database client

About this task

The following list describes the fields that you might need to complete during the installation. Many of these fields are in common with the upgrade installation.

During the installation of the master domain manager configured as backup, you install a DB2® client to connect to the DB2 server that contains the HCL Workload Automation database. This database was created by the master domain manager installation. If it is a DB2 database server, the database is on the workstation of the master domain manager. If it is a DB2 database client, the database is on another workstation.

During the installation of the dynamic domain manager configured as backup, you install a DB2 client to connect to the DB2 server that contains the HCL Workload Automation database. This database was created by the dynamic domain manager installation. If it is a DB2 database server, the database is on the workstation of the dynamic domain manager. If it is a DB2 database client, the database is on another workstation.

The following list describes the fields that you might need to complete during the installation.
Database path
Type, or Browse for the directory on which the existing DB2 instance is installed.
On Windows operating systems:
This path must be an absolute path up to the sqllib directory. If you have more than one DB2 instance installed, make sure that you provide the fully qualified path to the DB2 instance you want. The default is %ProgramFiles%\IBM\sqllib.
On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

This path must be an absolute path up to the sqllib directory. If you have more than one DB2 instance installed, make sure that you provide the fully qualified path to the DB2 instance you want.

The default is /home/<db2_instance_admin>/sqllib where <db2_instance_admin> is the administrator of the DB2 instance. For example, if the db2inst1 user is the DB2 instance administrator, the path is /home/db2inst1/sqllib.

Remote database server
The IP address or host name of the workstation where the DB2 server is installed.
Remote database port
The TCP/IP port number that the remote DB2 server instance uses to communicate.
Identify the user on the remote DB2 server to be used by the installation for DB2 administration tasks
Provide the following data:
DB2 server administrator user
The user name of the administrator of the DB2 server instance. This user can also be any user having SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority on the DB2 server. On UNIX systems, verify that you can switch to this user and that it can load the DB2 environment.
If the DB2 administrator already created the database tables using the procedure Creating or upgrading the database schema if you are using DB2, the user name is the one that the DB2 administrator specified in the DB_USER property in the customizeDB2SQL.properties file.
On Windows operating systems
The default value is db2admin.
On UNIX and Linux operating systems
The default value is db2inst1.
DB2 server administrator password
The password of the DB2 server administrator user or of the user with SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority.
Identify the user on the DB2 client to be used by the installation for DB2 administration tasks
Specify the user on the DB2 client to be used by the installation for DB2 administration tasks. Provide the following data:
DB2 local administrator user
The user name of the DB2 administrator of the DB2 client instance. The user ID must contain the following login properties:
Identify the user on the DB2 server to be used by HCL Workload Automation to access the database, if different from the DB2 Server Administration User
Select this option when the DB2 server user used to access HCL Workload Automation is different from the DB2 Server Administration User. Provide the following data:
HCL Workload Automation DB2 user
The user name of the HCL Workload Automation DB2 user.
HCL Workload Automation DB2 password
The password of the HCL Workload Automation DB2 user.
Database name
The name of the DB2 database. The maximum length is five characters. This happens because HCL Workload Automation adds the _DB suffix to the database name, thereby reaching the maximum supported length for DB2, that is eight characters. You can use an existing DB2 database instance if its name does not exceed five characters. When you are installing a:
Master domain manager
Provide the name of a database that is not used by a dynamic domain manager.
Master domain manager configured as backup
Provide the name of the master domain manager database.
Dynamic domain manager
Provide the name of a database that is not used by a master domain manager.
Dynamic domain manager configured as backup
Provide the name of the dynamic domain manager database.
For information about DB2 database names, see the DB2 documentation.
Test connection
Click to check that the configuration was successful.
Tablespace used to store scheduling objects and event rules
Provide the following advanced parameters:
Tablespace name
The name of the DB2 instance table space. For information about DB2 table spaces, see the DB2 documentation.
Tablespace path
The relative path of the DB2 table space. The path can be a relative or a fully qualified path. When the table space path is a fully qualified path, the DB2 administrator user must have complete access rights to the directory where the table space is installed. For more information, see DB2 tablespace relative paths.
The default table space path name is TWS_DATA. The default table space temporary directory is TWS_TEMP. For UNIX and Linux operating systems, make sure that the DB2 Administrator has write access to the directory above the table space directory.
Tablespace used to store the plan
Specify the name and path of the DB2 table space where HCL Workload Automation event logs are to be stored. These logs include data about event rule instances, triggered actions, and operator messages displayed by the Dynamic Workload Console. Data from the logs can be used to create reports. You can view report data using the Dynamic Workload Console.
Plan tablespace name
The name of the table space for storing planning data. The default name is TWS_PLAN.
Plan tablespace path
The path of the table space for storing planning data. The default path is TWS_PLAN. The path can be a relative or a fully qualified path. When the table space path is a fully qualified path the DB2 administrator user must have complete access rights to the directory where the table space is installed. For more information, see DB2 tablespace relative paths. Note that the report tablespace path cannot be the same as the tablespace path.
Tablespace used to store event logs
Specify the name and path of the DB2 table space where HCL Workload Automation event logs are to be stored. These logs are used to create reports. You can view report data using the Dynamic Workload Console.
Report tablespace name
The name of the table space for storing report data. The default name is TWS_LOG.
Report tablespace path
The path of the table space for storing report data. The default path is TWS_LOG. The path can be a relative or a fully qualified path. When the table space path is a fully qualified path, the DB2 administrator user must have complete access rights to the directory where the table space is installed. For more information, see DB2 tablespace relative paths.