HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Installing for an Informix Dynamic Server

About this task

Attention: This procedure is documented here for consistency with the other RDBMS configuration tasks, but you will have to complete the installation steps (namely WebSphere configuration and Disk space check) and finish the installation process, before you can run the Informix Dynamic Server configuration script described next.

Also, make sure you created or upgraded the HCL Workload Automation schema, as described in Creating or upgrading the database schema if you are using Informix Dynamic Server, before you run the configuration script.

With the following command, you are about to configure HCL Workload Automation to connect to the Informix Dynamic Server database. To start the configuration script, from the <install_dir>/TWS/tws_tools directory, run:
configureIDS.sh -twsUser twsUser -twsPassword twsPwd -dbServer dbServer 
                -dbPort dbPort -dbName dbName -dbUser dbUser -dbPassword dbPwd
The HCL Workload Automation user name.
The password of the HCL Workload Automation user.
The IP address or host name of the workstation where Informix Dynamic Server is installed.
The TCP/IP port number that the Informix Dynamic Server instance uses to communicate.
The name of the database. The default is TWS.
The user name that has access to the database.
The password of the user that has access to the database.
This information is available also if you run:
configureIDS.sh -usage