HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Installing for a Microsoft SQL Server database

About this task

Attention: This procedure is documented here for consistency with the other RDBMS configuration tasks, but you will have to complete the installation steps (namely WebSphere® configuration and Disk space check) and finish the installation process, before you can run the Microsoft SQL Server configuration script described next.

Also, make sure you created or upgraded the HCL Workload Automation schema, as described in Creating or upgrading the database schema if you are using Microsoft SQL Server, before you run the configuration script.

With the following command, you are about to configure HCL Workload Automation to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database.

Note: If in the following command you have fields whose value contains the character '\', insert the escape character '\\' before the '\' character in the field value.
To start the configuration script, from the installation_path\TWS\tws_tools directory, run:
configureMSSQL.bat -twsUser twsUser -twsPassword twsPassword -dbJDBCPath dbJDBCPath 
                   [-authType (WINDOWS|SQLSERVER) -dbUser dbUser -dbPassword dbPassword] 
                   -dbName dbName -dbServer dbServer -dbPort dbPort  
The HCL Workload Automation user name. This user is the owner of the HCL Workload Automation instance. If you are using Windows Authentication, this user is also the database user. You must specify the user name without the domain name.
The password of the HCL Workload Automation user.
The name of the directory where the JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server is located.
Note: Be sure that the directory contains the following libraries and class library files :
  • sqljdbc_auth.dll
  • sqljdbc4.jar
  • sqljdbc.jar
The type of authentication you use to connect to the database. WINDOWS is used by default. If you need to configure SQL Server Authentication, enter SQLSERVER as value and specify also the database user name and password using the -dbUser and -dbPassword options.
The user name that has access to the database. Specify it only if you are using SQL Server Authentication.
The password of the user that has access to the database. Specify it only if you are using SQL Server Authentication.
The name of the database. The default is TWS.
The IP address or host name of the workstation where Microsoft SQL Server is installed.
The TCP/IP port number that the Microsoft SQL Server instance uses to communicate. The default is port 1433.
This information is available also if you run:
configureMSSQL.bat -usage


In this example HCL Workload Automation is configured to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database authenticating as a Windows user.
configureMSSQL.bat -twsUser twsAdmin -twsPassword AdminTWS -dbJDBCPath c:\mssql 
-dbName TWS -dbServer localhost -dbPort 1533
In this example HCL Workload Automation is configured to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database authenticating as an SQL Server user.
configureMSSQL.bat -twsUser twsAdmin -twsPassword AdminTWS -dbJDBCPath c:\mssql 
-authType SQLSERVER -dbUser sa -dbPassword sapwd -dbName TWS -dbServer localhost 
-dbPort 1533