HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Scenario 9 part 1: Using variable tables to run different commands using the same job definition

This part shows how you use variable tables to create two job streams containing the same job definition to launch two different commands. The scenario performs the following steps:
  • Creates two variable tables and defines variables inside them.
  • Uses variables inside jobs.
  • Defines two job streams
  • Associates a different variable table to each job stream.
Commands used in the scenario in their run sequences:
  1. "composer disp vartable=SMPL_VAR_TABLE_9_0_?" (display)
  2. "composer disp job=SMPL_JOB_9_0_1" (display)
  3. "composer disp sched=SMPL_SCHED_9_0_?" (display)
  4. "conman sj SMPL_SCHED_9_0_1.SMPL_JOB_9_0_1;info" (showjobs)
  5. "conman sj SMPL_SCHED_9_0_2.SMPL_JOB_9_0_1;info" (showjobs)
Because the production plan has already been generated, you can see the following results:
  • The job added with the SMPL_SCHED_9_0_1 job stream contains the command to list the content of the TWSTutorial directory.
  • The job added with the SMPL_SCHED_9_0_2 job stream contains the command to list the content of the TWS directory.