HCL Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Upgrading the database tables if you are using Oracle

To upgrade the HCL Workload Automation and the dynamic workload broker database tables if you are using Oracle.

Before you begin

This manual procedure requires an installation of Java™ Runtime Environment version 1.7 or later. If you already have a supported version installed, refer to the JAVA_HOME installation directory where required in this procedure. This manual procedure can also be run from a remote computer where the Java Runtime Environment is installed.

About this task

A new method for upgrading the HCL Workload Automation and the dynamic workload broker database schema is provided for Oracle. The update or upgrade can be performed manually before you install the product component or, using the Installation Manager wizard or silent installation, the schema is updated during the installation procedure. For information about the benefits of upgrading the database schema using this method, see Creating or upgrading the database tables if you are using Oracle.

To upgrade the HCL Workload Automation and the dynamic workload broker database tables, run the following procedure:


  1. From the HCL Workload Automation eImage, locate the dblighttool directory and copy it to a path on the database server computer or on a remote computer.
  2. Modify the upgradeOracleIWSDB.properties properties file located in the IWSDBUpgrade folder assigning values to the parameters as follows:
    Table 1. Properties for Oracle upgrade procedure
    Property Oracle
    COMPONENT_TYPE The HCL Workload Automation component to be upgraded: MDM, BKM, DDM or BDM. The default value is MDM.
    DB_NAME The Oracle Service Name of the HCL Workload Automation database. The default value is orcl.
    DB_HOST_NAME The host name or IP address of the Oracle server.
    DB_PORT The port number of the Oracle server. The default value is 1521.
    DB_USER The database user that accesses the HCL Workload Automation tables on the Oracle server.
    DB_USER_PWD The password of the database user that will access to HCL Workload Automation tables on the Oracle server.
    IWS_TS_NAME The name of the tablespace for HCL Workload Automation data. The default value is USERS.
    IWS_LOG_TS_NAME The name of the tablespace for the HCL Workload Automation log. The default value is USERS.
    IWS_PLAN_TS_NAME The name of the tablespace for HCL Workload Automation plan. The default value is USERS.
    HOST_NAME The host name of the HCL Workload Automation broker (no default).
    WAS_SEC_PORT The HTTPS port of the HCL Workload Automation broker. The default value is 31116.
    UPGRADE_DB Set to TRUE to automatically apply the generated SQL statements to upgrade the HCL Workload Automation database schema. Set to FALSE to manually apply the generated statements in the customSQL.sql file. The default value is TRUE.
  3. Run the upgrade script located in the IWSDBUpgrade folder specifying the usage and all of the required parameters as follows:
    On Windows operating systems
    For example,
    launchUpgradeIWSDB.bat D:\TWS\JavaExt\jre\jre D:\oracle12\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1 D:\IWSDBUpgrade\upgradeOracleIWSDB.properties
    On UNIX and Linux operating systems
    For example,
    ./launchUpgradeIWSDB.sh /opt/TWS/JavaExt/jre/jre /app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 /IWSDBUpgrade/upgradeOracleIWSDB.properties
    Table 2. Upgrade script parameters
    Parameter Description
    JAVA_HOME_PATH The Java home directory, where the bin directory is present.
    DB_PATH The ORACLE_HOME directory.
    PROPERTY_FILE The fully qualified name of the file that contains a number of properties, one on each line with an assigned value, that are required for the database upgrade: upgradeOracleIWSDB.properties
    The script creates an SQL file with all the statements needed to upgrade the HCL Workload Automation database schema to the latest version. The SQL file is named: IWSDBUpgrade/customSQL.sql.

    If the UPGRADE_DB parameter is set to TRUE, then the generated SQL statements are applied to the database automatically when the script is run.

    If UPGRADE_DB parameter is set to FALSE, then the SQL statements are generated but not applied to the database. You can inspect the generated customSQL.sql and when you are ready to apply them to the database, set the value of the UPGRADE_DB parameter to TRUE in the upgradeDB2IWSDB.properties/upgradeOracleIWSDB.properties file and then rerun the launchUpgradeIWSDB.bat/launchUpgradeIWSDB.sh script to regenerate the SQL statements and apply the SQL statements .

What to do next

You can now proceed with upgrading the product component.