HCL Workload Automation user information
About this task
Complete the following HCL Workload Automation data
- User name
- Specify
the HCL Workload Automation user
name. User name can contain alphanumeric, dash (-), and underscore
(_) characters; it cannot contain national characters. The first character
of the user name must be a letter. The default value is twsuser.
- On Windows operating systems:
- If this user account does not already exist, it is automatically created by the installation wizard.
- If installing on a Windows server in a domain, do not define a domain and local ID with the same user name.
- If you specify a domain user, define the name as domain_name\user_name.
- If you specify a local user, define the name as system_name\user_name. Type and confirm the password.
- On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
- This user account must be created manually before running the installation. Create a user with a home directory and group. For more information, see HCL Workload Automation user.
Note: The HCL Workload Automation user name and password are also used as the WebSphere Application Server administrator user name and password. - Password
- Specify
the HCL Workload Automation password.
The password must comply with the password policy in your Local Security
Settings. Spaces are not permitted.
- On Windows operating systems:
- Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=^*/~[]$_+;:.,@`-#.
- On UNIX and LINUX systems:
- Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=*~_+.-.
- Confirm password
- Confirm the HCL Workload Automation password that you entered.
- Validate user
- Click to validate that the user was defined successfully and with the correct permissions.